Diagnostic Technique - Aniogram & Cardiac Ultrasound Flashcards
What is an angiogram?
It is a test that uses an injection of a liquid dye to make the arteries easily visible on X - Rays.
An angiogram is commonly used to check the condition of blood vessels but is used for CT scans now
What are the positives?
Heart Diagnostics
When do you use an angiography?
Angiography may be used if the doctor is considering surgery because it shows a clear picture of the blood vessels.
It can also be used to give a good view of the carotid artery and it’s branches in the neck and head. This is used to investigate a bleed in the brain or identify the blood supply to a tumour.
What are the risks?
A person may be allergic to the dye dye to the iodine content of the dye.
There is a small risk the catheter can cause damage to the blood vessels that it’s inserted to.