Diagnostic Records Flashcards
Diagnostic records (4)
- lateral x ray
- panoramic
- Intra extra oral pictures
- Dental casts
“To diagnose all cases of malocclusion correctly it is necessary to know the ____ occlusion or the ideal position of the dental organs and normal facial lines. This knowledge is the basis of science and the most important thing for the Orthodontist”
Edward angle
Ortho diagnosis must be done based on…
a thorough study of the patient and the problems they present, both bone and dental.
The time dedicated to the diagnosis will be the best spent, since a correct diagnosis represents ___ of the success of an orthodontic treatment.
Ortho take care of:
- dx
- prevention
- interception
- tx of all malocclusion
- design, application and control of functional and corrective devices
- guide the eruption n supporting structures 4 optimal occlusion
The orthodontic diagnosis deals with recognition of the various characteristics of the malocclusion .
Based on:
• Patient interview.
• Clinical examination.
• Evaluation of the diagnostic records
“Steps” befour getting to the dx
Recognition of the problem
Problem formulation
Carry out the necessary exploration
Interpretation and presentation of the results
Diseases that contraindicate orthodontics
Rheumatic fever
Why is osteoporosis contraindicate?
Because the bifosfonato
Porque no hay esa remodelación ósea
Why is cancer contraindicate?
Cause the radioterapia
Altera el nivel de hueso
Why is diabetes contraindicate?
Limitation cause the periodontal disease
Why is rheumatic fever contraindicate?
Because of the antiinflamatorios - hace que no se inflame el ligamento periodontal, por lo que se ve limitado el movimiento dental
In the dental history is important to ask the age of __ n ___ and if there’s have been any ____
age at which the deciduous teeth erupted
age at which permanent teeth erupted
dental trauma
To make an adequate diagnosis in orthodontics it’s necessary to carry out a correct clinical ___ and a correct clinical ____ of the patient:
On the first visit you should…
listen to the patient/parents to find out what things worry them or what they don’t like and would like to change.