Diagnosis and Evaluation of Voice Disorders (Ch. 4) Flashcards
Primary aims of voice eval
-determine existence of problem
-discover cause of problem
(respiratory, laryngeal, digestive, social, emotional)
-describe symptoms
-assess severity
-investigate effects on pt’s life
-determine most effective way to treat
Quality of Life Measures
- impact on pt’s life
- helps provide best treatment
- serves as good outcomes measure
Voice Handicap Index
-most widely used; translations available
-30 item questionnaire
- scale of 1 for never to 4 for always
-120 points total
-0-30 low
-31-60 moderate
>60 severe
-proven validity
Voice-Related Quality of Life (V-RQOL)
- assesses impact on
- social/emotional
- physical
- perception-2 wks prior
- partner also completes
- 10 questions
- 5-pt scale (poor to excellent)
- developed for effect of VF paralysis
Voice Disability and Coping Questionnaire (VDCQ)
- assesses how pt copes w/effects of disorder
- is pt problem-focused or emotion-focused? Do they try to change enviro or change the stress?
- 15 items
- 6-pt rating (never to always)
- 4 coping strategies:
1. social support
2. info seeking
3. passive coping
4. avoidance - can ID maladaptive strategies
Auditory-Perceptual Eval
- requires clinical expertise
- “professional listening”
- gold standard because it’s real life: pt’s perceptions are important
A-P Eval: Vocal Activities
- Pitch Range
- Loudness Range
- S/Z Ratio
- Vocal endurance
- Reflexive glottal valving
Maximum Phonation Time (MPT)
-deep breath as possible
-sustain “ah” for as long as possible 3x:
comfortable pitch
high pitch
low pitch
-health = >20 sec
-measures glottal efficiency
S/Z Ratio
-deep breath as possible
-sustain /s/ as long as possible
-deep breath
-sustain /z/ as long as possible
-divide /s/ time by /z/ time
-normal = 1-1.4
->1.4 indicates inability to sustain voicing due to glottal inefficiency
BUT wide variability and overlap b/w normal and impaired
Pitch range
- sing scales, comfortable to lowest (excl pulse) & comfortable to highest (incl falsetto)
- normal = 2 1/2 octaves
Loudness range
count from soft as possible (not whisper) to loud as possible
Vocal endurance
- count vigorously to 100
- listen to hard glottal attacks in 80s-90s
- listen to phonation breaks in 60s-70s
- look for increased tension
- listen for loss of voice
Reflexive glottal valving
- cough forcefully/clear throat
- say “uh-huh”
- laugh
- Pt can have normal reflexive valving but impaired phonation
- weak cough may be VF paralysis
A-P Eval: Rating Scales
- Equal-appearing interval scales
- Semantic differential scales
- Visual analog scale
- GRBAS Voice Rating Scale
- Patinent self-perception scales
Interval Scales
- numbers rep level of severity
- can be used for variety of vocal aspects
- pitch, loudness, quality
Semantic differential scales
polar opposites on ends of scale: normal/abnormal pleasant/unpleasant strong/weak high/low