Diagnosis Flashcards
Traumatic Arthritis
Capsular pattern,
Decrease in activity tolerance
Patient history,
Physical examination, Severe pain,
Rapid swelling (3-4 hrs), Associated with hemophilia and OA flap tear of meniscus
Monoarticular Steroid-Sensitive Arthritis
Capsular pattern,
Patient history
Septic Arthritis
Spread of infection into joint capsule,
Leukocyte count of synovial fluid
Discoid Meniscus
Congenital defect-more prone to injury, Meniscus half-moon or full circle shaped rather than crescent shaped
Medial Coronary Ligament Injury
History of rotation trauma,
Painful lateral rotation, Local tenderness
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Injury
History of trauma→ Acute cases: capsular pattern and local tenderness;
Chronic cases: limitation in a non-capsular pattern
Painful valgus and lateral rotation
Intra-articular Adhesions
Typically seen s/p surgery or after sprain, Knee stiffens progressively and painlessly in flexion but normal with extension, Pathology is palpable and clicking is present
Subsynovial Hematoma
History of local blow, Marked limitation of flexion,
Normal extension
Medial Collateral Bursitis
Nocturnal pain,
Non-capsular pattern, Painful valgus and external rotation, Hardish swelling
Medial Meniscus Injury
Locking/manipulative unlocking,
Symptoms of sprained coronary ligament
Patellar Bursitis
Pain with activity,
Warmth in the anterior knee
Popliteal (Baker’s) Cyst
Can result from trauma, Must rule out DVT
Adherent Vastus Intermedius
Limited knee flexion, Normal extension, Follows femur fracture
Chronic Non-adherent Ligamentous Lesion
Plica Mediopatellaris
Vague medial pain, Sometimes twinges, Painful arc,
Local thickening and tenderness
Loose Body
Middle-aged individual,
Twinges-usually on walking downstairs,
Non-capsular pattern, Typical end-feel,
“Sprain without a sprain”
Plica Synovialis Syndrome
Aggravation of pain with loading activities (stairs)
Patellar Bursitis
Pain with activity,
Warmth of anterior knee
Patellofemoral Pain Disorders
Dull pain,
Pain during sitting, Increased Q angle, Hypertrophied lateral bands,
Crepitus during squatting
Patellofemoral Arthrosis
Anterior pain while walking upstairs, Crepitus,
Sometimes pain during sitting
Sprain of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament–
Anterior Insertion
Acute stages: capsular pattern;
Chronic stage: Exclusively a positive anterior drawer test
Sprain of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament–
Anterior Insertion
Acute stages: capsular pattern;
Chronic stage: Exclusively a positive posterior drawer test
Suprapatellar Tendinitis
Painful resisted extension,
Tenderness at the upper border
Infrapatellar Tendinitis
Painful resisted extension,
Tenderness at the lower pole
Infrapatellar Tenosynovitis
Painful resisted extension,
Local tenderness
Quadriceps Expansion Tendinitis
Painful resisted extension,
Lateral or medial tenderness
Medial Quadriceps Expansion Tendinitis
Pain during exertion,
Resisted extension painful,
Local tenderness
Pes Anserine Tendinitis
Resisted flexion and internal rotation painful
Lateral Coronary Ligament Injury
Often mistaken for meniscal lesion,
Pain with twisting,
Joint line tenderness
Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Injury
Patient history of varus forces at the knee,
Tenderness with palpation (knee at 20 degrees)
Lateral Meniscus Tear
Locking and manipulative unlocking, Symptoms of sprained lateral coronary ligament
Squatting and twisting concordant sign
Lateral Meniscus Cyst
Secondary to meniscal tear or degenerative changes,
Quadriceps Lesion
High-impact, landing MOI
Strained Iliotibial Band
Palpation of distal end of IT band is concordant
Ruptured Quadriceps
Heavy load applied to partially flexed knee – poor jumping/landing mechanism,
Inability to completely extend knee,
Indentation superior to patella,
Difficulty walking, Bruising may be present
Patellar Fracture
MOI of trauma (fall, MVA) or forceful quad contraction
Patellar Tendon Rupture
Inability to extend knee, Weak tendon, Trauma to tendon, Pain, Swelling, Indentation at inferior patella, Patella may move superiorly
L3 Nerve Root Lesions
Pain and numbness radiating into gluteal region and anterior thigh (Possibly in the posterior thigh)
Femoral Nerve Lesions
Patient history of hip fractures, thigh lacerations, psoas abscess, DM, tumor, surgical history
Hamstring Lesions
MOI of sudden sharp pain,
Possible bruising
Biceps Femoris Tendinitis
Pain with resisted knee flexion,
Tenderness at insertion point
Lateral location rules out other hamstring muscles
Lesions of Pes Anersinus
Patient history of acute trauma to medial knee, Physical exam indicated pain in proximal-medial tibia
Strained Popliteus Muscle
Pain w/ resisted knee flexion & lateral rotation, Hamstrings may be tight - difficult extension;
Acute: hyperextension mechanism,
Chronic: runners most common
Gastrocnemius Lesions
Must be able to rule out DVT, Posterior-medial calf pain,
MOI of forceful plantarflexion accompanied by audible pop after feeling as if something was thrown at patient (Achilles rupture),
Absence of tendon upon palpation of achilles tendon (Achilles rupture)
Boys from 10-15 y.o.,
Local pain and tenderness
Recurrent Dislocation
Attacks of collapsing, swelling, and anteromedial pain, Positive apprehension test,
Decreased Q angle
Crystal Synovitis
Associated with metabolic disorders,
Over 60 y.o.,
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Physical exam reveals a capsular pattern, pain, swelling, warmth, and stiffness;
Rheumatoid factor lab work-up
Early Arthrosis
Capsular pattern,
Review patient history
Bucket-Handle Meniscal Lesion
Joint line tenderness
Posterior Lesion
Joint line tenderness
Loose Bodies In Adolescents
Twinges- usually while walking downstairs,
Non-capsular pattern, Typical end-feel,
“Sprain without a sprain”
Loose Bodies Complicating Arthrosis
Twinges- usually while walking downstairs,
Non-capsular pattern, Typical end-feel,
“Sprain without a sprain”
Advanced Arthrosis
Capsular pattern,
Review patient history
Posterior Capsular Strain
MOI includes hyper-extension and external rotation
Iliotibial tract Bursitis
Tenderness upon palpation;
Occurs as a result of repetitive motion,
Over 40 y.o.
Lesions at tibial tuberosity
Osgood-Schlatter’s or Avulsion injuries
Osgood-schlatter’s (OS) occurs as a result of repetitive quadriceps contraction with running or jumping, usually occurs in adolescents, males more prevalent
Avulsion injuries have similar qualities to OS, but generally patients have difficulty ambulating and occurs suddenly
Lesion of Upper Tibiofibular Joint
Painful resisted flexion, disappearing with knee in extension
S1 Nerve Root Lesion
Spinal involvement MOI,
EMG testing,
Reflex testing,
Dermatome/Myotome examination
S2 Nerve Root Lesion
Spinal involvement MOI,
EMG testing,
Dermatome testing in the popliteal fossa
Rotatory Instability
Standing posture can include genu varum or hyperextension, possible neurological symptoms (30% of cases)