Diagnosis Flashcards
The concentrations of gases, specifically oxygen and carbon dioxide, in arterial blood. Reported as the partial pressure (P) of the gas in arterial (a) blood, such as PaO2 or PaCO2. These measurements are important in measuring acid–base balance
arterial blood gases
An endoscope used to examine the tracheobronchial passageways. Also allows access for tissue biopsy or removal of a foreign object
Study based on the accumulation of radioactive isotopes in lung tissue. A ventilation
scan measures ventilation after inhalation of radioactive material. A perfusion scan
measures blood supply to the lungs after injection of radioactive material. Also called
a pulmonary scintiscan
lung scan
Determination of the oxygen saturation of arterial blood by means of a photoelectric
apparatus (oximeter), usually placed on the finger or the ear; reported as SpO2
in percent
pulse oximetry
Tests done to assess breathing, usually by spirometry
pulmonary function tests
An apparatus used to measure breathing volumes and capacities; record of test is a
Surgical puncture of the chest for removal of air or fluids, such as may accumulate
after surgery or as a result of injury, infection, or cardiovascular problems. Also called
A skin test for tuberculosis. Tuberculin (PPD), the test material made from products
of the tuberculosis organism, is injected below the skin. A hard, raised lump appearing within 48 to 72 hours indicates an active or inactive TB infection. Also called the
Mantoux (man-TOO) test
tuberculin test