Diabetes in pregnancy Flashcards
What causes gestational diabetes
Increased energy requirements → mobilisation of glucose
Placenta releases human placental lactogen (HPL) and cortisol → physiological resistant state with relative glucose intolerance
Usually there is a compensatory double in insulin production, GDM = poor beta cell response
What are the risk factors of GDM
Obesity (BMI >30kg/m2)
Prior GDM
Previous macrosomic baby (>4.5kg)
Ethnicity with high risk (Afro-Caribbean, South-Asian)
Family history of T2DM
What is the prevalence of gestational diabetes
5% have pre-existing diabetes or gestational diabetes in pregnancy (4-5 in 100)
What are the symptoms and signs of gestational diabetes
Weight gain/loss
Calculate BMI
SFH and assessment for foetal size
What investigations should be done for gestational diabetes
Bedside: Urine dipstick (glucose +) - glycosuria of 2+ on one occasion or 1+ on two or more
- Random blood glucose >11.1 (If >7.8 → OGTT at 16w)
- OGTT: Fasting >5.6, 2-hour >7.8
- HbA1c: >48 (T2)
- Renal screen
Other: ± CTG, US to assess size
Describe the screening programme for GDM
1 or more risk factors -> will need screening for GDM:
- BMI > 30
- Previous Macrosomic Baby (Baby weight >4.5kg)
- GDM in previous pregnancy
- 1 of your parents of siblings has diabetes
- South Asian, Black, African-Carribbean or Middle Eastern origin
OGTT at 28 weeks
Anyone with previous GDM → asap after booking OGTT, then repeat 24-28w
Describe the OGTT
- Fast overnight (8-10 hours)
- Blood test in clinic following fasting
- Glucose drink
- After 2 hours, repeat the blood test
Body’s response to glucose analysed
What is the overall management for Gestational diabetes
Seen in a joint diabetes and antenatal clinic within a week
Consultant-led care
MDT approach: diabetic specialist midwives/nurses/dietician/obs/physician
Antepartum/intrapartum/postpartum management
What is the management of gestational diabetes antenatally
Increase folic acid to 5mg (until 12w)
Aspirin 75mg/day from 12 weeks → delivery
Self-monitor blood glucose 7x a day
Diet and exercise advice (low glycaemic index, Mediterranean diet, moderate intensity exercise)
Detailed anomaly USS scan with foetal cardiac examination- 20 weeks
Serial USS EVERY 4 weeks from 28-36 weeks- monitor foetal growth and amniotic fluid volume
Fasting glucose <7 → trial of exercise + diet
Targets not met in 1-2 weeks → metformin
Fasting glucose >7/FG 6-7 + complications:
- Insulin (basal bolus)
- Glibenclamide if metformin not tolerated and insulin declined
Explain how self monitoring of glucose levels should be carried out in those with GDM and what are the targets
Monitor capillary blood glucose (7x a day):
- Fasting
- Before meals
- 1 hour post-meals
- Before bed time
Fasting: 5.3
1h: 7.8
2h: 6.4
Describe the intrapartum care for gestational diabetes
Advise women to give birth no later than 40+6, offer IOL or ELCS if they have not given birth by this time
Large baby or maternal/foetal complications → consider LSCS
Monitor CBG every hour during labour and birth (GA used: every 30 minutes)
Glucose not maintained 4-7mmol/L → IV dextrose and insulin infusion
Steroids given → give insulin concurrently
Describe the postpartum care for gestational diabetes
Immediately cease medical treatment for diabetes
Feed baby as soon as possible (within 30 minutes), then at frequent intervals (every 2-3 hours)
Blood glucose testing routinely 2-4 hours after birth
Follow up at a diabetic clinic
Offer Fasting plasma glucose test at 6-13 weeks post-delivery
What are the complications of gestational diabetes
- Pre-eclampsia if have microvascular complications
- Renal impairment
- polyhydramnios
- Increased risk of PPH
- Increased risk of development T2DM later in life (if not pre-existing) - 50% of women with GDM develop T2DM
- Retinopathy
- neonatal hypoglycaemia (hyperinsulinaemia)
- macrosomia or FGR
- Foetal injury at delivery e.g. shoulder dystocia
- Stillbirth
- HypoCa, HypoMg
- Congenital abnormalities e.g. tetFal, TGA, VSD, neural tube defects
What is the prognosis for gestational diabetes
Very likely to have GDM is future pregnancies, can reduce risk with health weight, balanced diet and exercise before pregnancy
Majority will develop T2DM - test every year
Tight glycaemic control reduces complication rates
What is the antenatal management for pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy
Pre-conception: advice, good diabetic control
joint diabetes and antenatal clinic every 1-2 weeks
Intense capillary blood glucose (CBG) monitoring - 4x a day fasting (aim <5.4) + 1 hour post meals BM (aim <7.8)
Retinal (digital imaging) and renal (albumin, Cr, GFR) screen at booking and repeated 2nd trimester
Regular growth scans every 4 weeks from 28 weeks
Aspirin 75mg from 12w
Folic acid 5mg
Detailed 20 week anomaly scan + doppler
T1DM: rtCGM, blood ketone testing strips, glucagon, keep fast-acting glucose available
T2DM: increase metformin dose, add insulin, STOP all other hypoglycaemics
What is the intrapartum management for pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy
IOLD at 37-38w (prevent macrosomia and stillbirth)
Large baby → Consider LSCS
Monitor CBG every hour during labour and birth (GA used: every 30 minutes) - maintain 4-7
What is the postpartum management for pre-existing diabetes in pregnancy
Revert back to pre-pregnancy dose of medications, immediately
Feed baby as soon as possible (within 30 minutes), then at frequent intervals (every 2-3 hours)
Blood glucose testing routinely 2-4 hours after birth
Follow up at a diabetic clinic
Can continue metformin and insulin during breastfeeding