Antenatal care Flashcards
how many routine antenatal appointments do women have
Nulliparous: 10
Parous: 7
What are the indications for consultant-led care
Existing medical problems
High (>30) or low BMI (<18.5)
>40yo at booking
Multiple pregnancy
Complex social factors
Complications in previous pregnancies
Complications develop during current pregnancy
When is the booking visit
8-12 weeks
When is the dating scan
10-13+6 weeks
When is Down’s syndrome testing done
11-13+6 weeks
When is the anomaly scan
When is anti-D prophylaxis given
28 weeks
Second dose at 34 weeks
When are the routine antenatal appointments
28, 34, 36, 38, 41, 42 weeks gestation
Nulliparous: + 25, 31, 40
What is done at the booking appointment
- Clinical history + establish gestation
- Risk assessment
- Examination and investigations
- Medication review
- Screening for conditions
- Lifestyle advice
- Information about pregnancy
- Scans
- Safeguarding screen
What is done at routine antenatal visits
BP measurement
Urine dipstick
Discuss concerns and birth plan
Serial growth scans
>25 weeks: SFH
<28 weeks: handheld doppler heart monitoring
>28 weeks: CTG
What does the risk assessment at the booking visit look for
Gestational diabetes risk
Foetal growth restriction
Venous thromboembolism
What examinations and investigations should be done at booking visit
BMI (weight and height)
Urine dipstick and culture
- Haemoglobinopathies e.g. SCD, thal
- Blood group and rhesus status
- Red cell alloantibodies
- Serology: HIV, hep B, syphillis, rubella
- Chromosome abnormality screening
Give examples of medications contraindicated in pregnancy
Sodium valproate
Vitamin A supplementation
When is folic acid given and why
Pre-conception if possible → 12 weeks of pregnancy
normal: 400micrograms
Given to prevent neural tube defects
What is the higher dose of folic acid and when is it indicated
BMI >30
Sickle cell disease
Coeliac disease
Previous pregnancy with NTD
When is aspirin given in pregnancy
For those at high risk of pre-eclampsia (aged >40, BMI >35, HTN, previous pre-eclampsia)
Daily aspirin from 12 weeks to birth
When is vitamin D supplementation recommended in pregnancy
Generally recommended to all, particularly darker-skin patients
10 micrograms per day
What dietary advice should be given to pregnant women at booking visit
Eat a variety of foods, including fruit and veg, carbohydrates, proteins, fibre-rich foods, dairy foods
Eat folic acid-rich foods: green leady vegetables, fortified breakfast cereals
Vit D: oily fish, eggs, fortified cereals
* Unpasteurised diary products or mould-ripened cheeses (camembert, brie)
* Raw/uncooked meats
* Liver and liver products (vitamin A)
* All types of pate
* Swordfish/raw shellfish
* Duck/quail eggs
What is the effects of smoking during pregnancy
Ectopic pregnancy
Congenital abnormalities
Growth restriction
Preterm birth <37 weeks
At what point do you advise pregnant women to not sleep on their back
28 weeks: sleep in left lateral position
Consider using a pillow to maintain position
How is gestational age determined
<14 weeks: crown-rump length (CRL)
>14 weeks: abdominal circumference
How is screening for Down’s, Edward’s and Patau’s syndrome carried out
At 11-14 weeks: nuchal translucency + combined test
Down’s syndrome: ↑ HCG, ↓ PAPP-A, thickened nuchal translucency
Edward’s: ↑ HCG (lower than Down’s), ↓ PAPP-A, thickened nuchal translucency
Patau’s: ↑ HCG (lower than Down’s), ↓ PAPP-A, thickened nuchal translucency
When is the quadruple test offered
Instead of the combined test OR the woman books later in pregnancy
offered between 15-20 weeks
What is the quadruple test
Unconjugated oestriol
Human chorionic gonadotrophin
Inhibin A
What are the possible outcomes from a combined/quadruple test
‘lower chance’: 1 in 150 chance or more e.g. 1 in 300
‘higher chance’: 1 in 150 chance or less e.g. 1 in 100
What are the next steps after there is a ‘higher chance’ result from either combined or quadruple test
Either non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPT) or diagnostic (amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling/CVS)
What is noninvasive prenatal screening
analyses small DNA fragments that circulate in the blood of a pregnant woman (cell free fetal DNA, cffDNA)
cffDNA derives from placental cells and is usually identical to fetal DNA
sensitivity and specificity are very high for trisomy 21 (>99%) and similarly high for other chromosomal abnormalities
private companies (e.g. Harmony) offer NIPT screening from 10 weeks gestation
How is gestational diabetes screened for
Oral glucose tolerance test at 24-28 weeks if there are any risk factors:
- BMI >30
- Prvious macrosomic baby
- GDM in previous pregnancy (should have OGTT earlier)
- FHx diabetes
- South Asian, Black, African-Caribbean, Middle Eastern origin
Urine results of:
- Glycosuria of 2+ or above on 1 occasion.
- Glycosuria of 1+ or above on 2 or more occasions.
What vaccinations are offered during antenatal care
Whooping cough: 16-32 weeks
Influenza vaccine: at any gestation
Covid-19 vaccine
What occurs at the 28 week appointment
Routine care: BP, urine dipstick, SFH
Second screen for anaemia and atypical red cell alloantibodies. If Hb < 10.5 g/dl consider iron
First dose of anti-D prophylaxis to rhesus negative women