Diabetes Flashcards
Name four types of diabetes
Monogenic, steroid-induced, cystic fibrosis-related, syndrome-related, gestational diabetes
Name two autoantibodies involved in type 1 diabetes
GAD65, islet cell, insulin, IA2A
List the three mechanisms of type 1 diabetes development?
1 autoimmunity
2 genetics
3 environmental
Name a gene that increases risk of T1D
Name two ketones
beta hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate
State three osmotic symptoms of T1D in children
thirst polydipsia polyuria nocturia nocturnal enuresis (bed wetting)
List three other symptoms of T1D in children aside from osmotic symptoms
weight loss
behaviour change
infection (balantis, candidiasis)
What is ‘walking wounded’ in relation to diabetes?
initial presentation of T1D without DKA and minimal/absent dehydration
State two symptoms in DKA associated with cerebral oedema
State two symptoms in DKA that are not associated with cerebral oedema
ketotic breath
laboured breathing
abdo pain
List three signs of DKA on examination
sunken eyes skin turgor reduced CRT >2 sec cool peripheries tachy hypotension abdo tenderness
Four differentials for diabetes presentation
Exocrine pancreatic disease
Name one syndromal cause of diabetes
Down’s, Prader Willi
Name two examples of exocrine pancreatic causes of diabetes
cystic fibrosis, haemochromatosis
What happens to sodium in diabetes/hyperglycaemia?
List two abnormal findings on U+E’s in diabetic patient
Hyperureaemia (dehydration)
List investigations for complications of long term high HbA1c
1 Urinalysis- microalbuminaemia 2 Autoantibodies 3 TPO- hypothyroidism 4 Adrenal antibody- adrenal insufficiency 5 EMA and tTG- coeliac disease 6 Thyroid function 7 Synacthen test- adrenal insufficiency
List three regimens for insulin
Twice daily (before breakfast and evening meal) Split evening- mix at breakfast, rapid before tea, long acting before bed (no need to top up whilst at school) Basal bolus- Rapid acting before meals, long acting before tea or bed Correction dose (if BM too high)
What is the target range for blood glucose in diabetics?
4 to 8 mmol/L
When is ketosis likely to occur?
> 14 mmol/L
List three complications of DKA
cerebral oedema
electrolyte abnormalities
renal failure
List two autonomic symptoms of hypoglycaemia
pallor, sweating, nausea, tachy
List neuroglycopenia symptoms of hypoglycaemia
slurred speech, seizure, coma, death
What is the management of T1D when ill?
maintain CHO and fluid intake
BG and ketone testing frequently