Cardiology Flashcards
List three red flags in cardiovascular system
Breathing Difficulty
After what age does finger clubbing become apparent?
> 1 year
Which organ aside from the heart can become enlarged in heart failure?
List two features of an innocent murmur
- Asymptomatic
- No thrill/no heave
- Soft systolic murmur
- Varies with position
- Localised to one area
List three acyanotic congenital heart conditions
- Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
- Pulmonary stenosis
- Atrial septal defect (ASD)
- Coarctation of the aorta
- Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
State three cyanotic congenital conditions
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Transposition of the great arteries
- Tricuspid atresia
- Pulmonary atresia
List three differentials for cyanosis
- Respiratory disease
- Cardiac
- During a seizure
- Stress: infection, hypoglycaemia, adrenal crises
- CNS depression: drugs, trauma, asphyxia
List three common causes of cardiac failure in children
- Anaemia
- Fluid overload
- Stress- infection, hypoxia, acidosis
- Cardiac- VSD, AVSD, cardiomyopathy
List three cardiac causes of cardiac failure in children
VSD, AVSD, cardiomyopathy, coarctation of the aorta
Name two chromosomal abnormalities associated with cardiac conditions
di george
How does atrial septal defect present?
breathlessness and arrhythmia
What is the outlook of atrial septal defect?
good long term outlook
How many asymptomatic/small VSD close spontaneously?
Name a physiological complication of a large VSD?
left ventricular overload and increase pulmonary blood flow, leading to cardiac failure
What are the clinical findings in patent ductus arteriosus?
bounding femoral pulses and continuous left subclavicular murmur
Two complications of patent ductus arteriosus?
heart failure and failure to thrive
How does coarctation of aorta present in neonates?
collapse, cardiac failure or weak/absent femoral pulses
How does coarctation of aorta present in older children/adults?
raised blood pressure/absent femoral pulses or radio-femoral delay
Which is the most common neonatal cyanotic condition?
transposition of the great arteries
Where does mixing of blood occur in transposition of the great arteries?
atrial level and arterial duct
What are the four features of tetralogy of fallot?
Right ventric hypertrophy
Aorta displacement/overriding aorta
Pulmonary stenosis
Septal defect (ventricular)
Two risk factors for patent ductus arteriosus?
premature birth
maternal rubella
Which is the most likely organism to cause infective endocarditis in children?
strep viridans
Name three symptoms of infective endocarditis
fever, malaise, weight loss, haematuria, splenmogealy, arthralgia
Does a negative echo exclude infective endocarditis?
What is a Tet spell?
rapid drop in amount of oxygen in the blood, obstruction of right ventricular outflow
What is the management of a Tet spell?
lift knee to chest or squat (increases systemic vascular resistance)
Why do toddler squat during a tet spell?
increases blood flow to lungs as afterload is increased, increasing pressure in aorta, less shunting
Which class of drug is administered in tetralogy of fallot to keep ductus arteriosus open?
Why is tetralogy of fallot a misnomer?
it’s due to a single pathological cause, where the septum shifts to the right, which results in four complications
Which shunt occurs in tetralogy of fallot?
right to left (due to pulmonary stenosis, RV hypertrophy, high pressure), therefore mixing of deoxygenated blood- cyanosis
Baby with single palmar crease, upslanting palpebral fissures, flattened facial features. 3/6 pansytolic murmur at left sternal edge. What is the likely congenital defect?
What percentage of down’s syndrome babies will have AVSD?
3 year old with two day history of coryza, sore throat, intermittent fevers. She is pyrexial and tachy on exam. She has a systolic murmur in left lower sternal edge which disappears when the patient sits forward. What is the likely cause of the murmur?
Innocent heart murmur= functional heart murmur, classically change with position, don’t worry about this at all.
Name one trigger for innocent murmur?
Baby girl with 2/6 soft systolic murmur radiating to back. Femoral pulses are weak. She appears pink and well perfused. What is the underlying cardiac issue in this baby?
Coarctation of the aorta
Which syndrome is associated with coarctation of the aorta?
Name three features of Turner’s syndrome
webbed neck, widely space nipples, short stature
What is the definitive treatment of transposition of the great arteries?
arterial switch surgery (prostaglandins are given initially but is only temporary, keeps the ductus arteriosus patent).
Which is the most common cyanotic congenital heart defect?
transposition of the great arteries
CXR shows egg shaped heart. What is the likely diagnosis?
transposition of great arteries
Boot shaped heart on CXR. what is the likely condition?
Tetralogy of fallot. What causes the boot shape? Normal sized heart with upturned apex. Echo confirms diagnosis. Second most common cyanotic condition.
Two causes of splitting of S1?
=differential contraction of left and right ventricles (mitral and tricuspid valves)
atrial septal defect
tricuspid stenosis
What causes splitting of S2?
can be normal variant- inspiration= normal
mechanical or conduction causes
Barbara is a term baby, who was borderline small for dates during pregnancy. Mum was otherwise well and didn’t take any medications. At her baby check the following is noted: hands/feet appear swollen, excess skin around the neck, 3/6 ejection systolic murmur (loudest at the top of the sternum).What is the most likely cardiac abnormality?
A GP has noted a new cardiac murmur in a baby’s 6 week check. Which single feature is most suggestive of a pathological murmur
is accompanied by hepatomegaly (3cm below costal margin)
What are the 6 S’s of innocent murmurs?
Soft (not >3/6)
Sensitive (changes with position)
Short (i.e. not pansystolic)
Single (no other added sounds, usually one location, no other symptoms and signs)
Sweet (i.e. not harsh sounding)
Name one example of an innocent murmur
Still’s murmur
Venous hum
Which innocent murmur is louder lyind down and which louder when standing up?
lying down- still’s
standing up- venous hum
A baby boy born prematurely at 29+3 is on the NICU and is now 2 weeks old. The doctors are struggling to wean him off of the ventilator. Antenatal scans were normal. The chest is clear, but a continuous ‘machine like’ murmur is noted at the left upper sternal edge, which radiates to the back.Which is the most likely lesion found on echocardiogram?
patent ductus arteriosus
How is murmu in VSD described?
pansytolic, harsh sounding, LLSE
How is murmur in tetralogy of fallot described?
ejection systolic
6 Cyanotic congenital heart disease?
5 T’s and an H
Truncus arteriosus
Tricuspid atresia
The CXR appearance ‘egg on a string’ is indicative of what?
transposition of great arteries
Matilda is 6 weeks old. She is referred to general paediatrics for falling off of her weight centiles. Mum says she is a poor feeder, and is now only managing a few minutes at a time. On examination there is hepatomegaly and a harsh systolic murmur. What is the most likely cardiac lesion?
List four cause of heart failure in child
Congenital Heart Disease
-Left to Right Shunt (VSD/AVSD)
-Obstruction (Co-Arctation of the Aorta)
Ischaemic Heart Disease: Kawasaki Disease
Hypertension: Renal Disease
High Output: Anaemia / Thyrotoxicosis
Annie is a 2 day old who is brought into A&E by ambulance blue and floppy. She is still breathing but looks very unwell. She has good brachial pulses but no femoral pulses on examination. She has a normal blood pressure when taken from her upper limbs. What is the most appropriate initial management plan?
Prostaglandin E2
You see T wave inversion in ECG of child in V1-V3. Are you worried?
no as this is typical in younger children. If you saw this in adult you would be concerned for ischaemia (V1 T wave inversion is normal)
When does coarctation of the aorta present?
25% detectable from birth birth due to severity of narrowing of aorta
the majority will present later on in childhood
How does coarctation of the aorta present?
respiratory distress
weak or absent femoral pulses
Which medication must be given to child awaiting surgery for transposition of the great arteries?
Prostaglandin E1 should be given to maintain a patent ductus arteriosus in cyanotic congenital heart diseases