Developmental Psycopathology & Behavioral Disorders Flashcards
What is developmental psychopathology?
Interdisciplinary approach to understanding processes and pathways to typical & atypical development
Integrates developmental science and psychopathology
Focus on complex interplay of factors affecting dynamic processes of development
Why should we use a developmental approach?
Disorders have different ages of onset
Is behaviour normal for stage of development/ environmental setting
What are the causal factors in developmental psychopathology?
Biological, psychological, socio-environmental - multiple levels of analysis
What is equifinality?
Variety of developmental pathways may lead to a particular outcome
What is multifinality?
Particular adverse event may not lead to the same outcome in every individual - can act as a protective factor
What is the function of developmental trajectories?
Help understand outcomes, risk factors, reaction to interventions
Change as function of age/ other factors
What is homotypic continuity?
Same symptom continue following developmental transition (anxiety -> anxiety)
What is heterotypic continuity?
Symptoms at 1 developmental period predict different set of symptoms following developmental transition (anxiety -> depression)
What is the difference between a risk and protective factor?
Risk - variable/ condition associated with an increased risk/ chance of disorder
Protective - variable/ condition associated with lower risk/ chance of disorder
What is the 3rd variable effect?
2 variables are caused by a 3rd variable
What is cause and effect?
Cause is an agent that modifies health
What is a mechanism?
Sequence of events, conditions or processes that lead from X to Y
What is a developmental cascade?
Cumulative consequences on development
Within/ across domains
Can be direct, indirect, unidirectional, bidirectional, interaction effects
What is antisocial behaviour?
Multidisciplinary construct
Public view is anatisocial behaviour is socially unacceptable
Any aggressive/ intimidating/ destructive activity damaging/ destroying another’s QoL
What is the psychological perspective on antisocial behaviour?
Heterogeneous disorder - range of behaviours, persistence over time, severity of symptoms