Counterfactual Thinking Flashcards
What is counterfactual thinking (CT)?
Thinking about how things could have turned out differently when something unexpected happens
What counts as counterfactual thinking?
Future hypotheticals - alternative future realities
Counterfactual curiosity - curious about what could have been
Counterfactual thoughts - create plausible alternatives
What are 3 key developments of CT?
Representing falsity as if it were true
Holding multiple possibilities in mind
Making comparisons between possible worlds
How can we test if children represent falsity as if it were true?
Ask question based off story about something that could have happened
Correct from 3 (Harris, 96) but suggested difficult from 3, easy for 4 by Beck (2010)
Child needs inhibitory control to ignore facts
How can we test multiple possibilities in adults?
Given unexpected memory test after reading counterfactual conditional., people mistakenly recall A & not B (fact) (Fillenbaum, 74)
Do children hold multiple possibilities in mind?
When asked open question about where mouse could go, younger children place cotton wool in one place, older place 2
When asked which horse almost fell off table, under 5s pick horse at table edge (Harris, 97)
How did Pliz (2005) look at basic conditional reasoning?
Test of location change to either boy or girls room depending on location at beginning (top/ bottom shelf)
Ask where are sweets now
Future hypothetical asking what will happen if boy comes for sweets & counterfactual asking what would happen in girl came looking
Where would they be
What is the importance of basic conditional reasoning ?
Crucial to use in tasks in which counterfactual & hypothetical reasoning give different answers to counterfactual question
Easily successful result of basic conditional reasoning
What were Beck & RIggs view of counterfactual thinking?
Not until adolsecence
Earlier successes seen as representing steps along the way to adult-like counterfactual thinking
Some earlier successes can’t be explained by conditional reasoning
What are th flaws of conditional reasoning?
Doesn’t explain why future hypotheticals are easier than counterfactual
Why inhibitory control predicts performance
How can we investigate spontaneous counterfactual thinking?
Guarjardo et al (2016)
Children (8-11) asked what they thought about what happened in 4 stories
Had favourable/ unfavourable & expected/ unexpected outcomes
Cognitive flexibility test
Response coded for frequency of counterfactual - 43% spontaneous CFs, 21% with implicit prompts, all with explicit prompts
What are compassions between possible worlds?
Adults more likely to generate counterfactual about negative events - upward counterfactuals about how it could’ve tuned out better
Results in counterfactual emotions - regret, relief, shame & guilt
How do children compare possible worlds?
5yr olds more likely to engage in counterfactual thinking after bad outcome than good
No systemic explanation of counterfactual types
What did Guttentag & Ferrel et al (2004) find when examining if children understood counterfactuals?
7yr+ responded like adults identifying (mutable) targets as experiencing more regret
7yrs didn’t exhibit relief
Different ages experience different emotions
What are criticisms of early studies?
Somewhat leading questions
Task makes demands on WM & language
Compare 2 people
Theory of mind demands