Ageing And Language Flashcards
How did Rabaglia & Salthouse (2011) look at spoken language comprehension?
858 ppts between 18-90 years old
Cookie theft task or admire task measuring lexical sophistication & diversity, & grammatical complexity
Word usage increases with age (increased lower frequency words), grammatical complexity decreases
How did Verhaegen & Poncelet (2012) measure accuracy & speed of language?
Picture naming task - older took longer & less accurate
What are tip-of-the-tongue effects & how did Heine et al (1999) investigate it?
Older have greater effects
3 age categories (18-24, 60-74, 80-92)
Experimentally induced tip of tongues (provide word for definition)
Naturally occurring tips of tongues (keep diary)
Number increased with age
How does language comprehension increase with age & how does Sommers (1996) investigate it?
Correctly understanding speech becomes harder with age
Sommers found difficulties with identification in louder environments
Hard vs easy words - correct identification lower for older
How did Dubno et al (1984) look at language comprehension?
Compared under 44 to over 65 with understanding with background talking speech to babble ratio needed to be larger for older
How does reading speed change with age and what are studies that looked at this?
Slows with age
Zhang et al (2022) - meta analysis of eye movements during reading - younger = faster
Lott et al (2001) - mean reading speed declines with age, proportion of slower readers increases
What did Rayner et al (2006) find about eye movements during reading?
Young vs old using word frequency manipulation & word predictability manipulation
Older = slower, more fixations, more regressions, moved eyes further forward in text & more likely to skip words
Generally older had higher frequency effects than younger
What did Zhang et al (2022) find when looking at eye movements during reading?
Meta analysis of older vs younger
Consistent pattern of age difference in alphabetic languages
Older show larger word frequency effects in some measures, limited evidence for word predictability
What did Rayner et al (2006) find when looking at risky reading strategy?
Maintaining reading speeds leads to older adults guessing words
Produce longer forward saccades & more skips
Also more regressions
How did Zhang et al (2022) measure cross linguistic differences in reading?
Compared alphabetic & Chinese
Older Chinese showed greater slow down
Unlike older alphabetic, older Chinese made shorter progressive saccades & fewer skips than young Chinese
What is prebycusis?
Age related hearing loss caused by environmental exposures (lifetime continuous mild noise exposure, medication side effects, repeated high decibel trauma etc)
Animals under controlled conditions still suffer from hearing loss
What did Cruickshanks et al (2010) find when looking at hearing loss?
Hearing impairment rate increases with age
What is the process of hearing?
Sound waves enter via outer ear & travel through ear canal
Eardrum vibrates, sending vibrations to middle ear bones, which amplify vibrations
Send to cochlea , causing hair cells to move up & down
Stereocilia ontop of hair bump against structures, causing channels to open, creating electric signal
Auditory nerve carries signal to nerve
What are biological changes in prebycusis?
Loss of hair cells
Loss of spiral ganglion cells in rosenthals canal (cochlea)
Changes in blood supply to ear
What is the speech recognition threshold model?
Signal to noise ratio
Relative strength of signal compared to background noise
Plomp (1978;86) - older need higher signal to noise - reflect additional distortion beyond hearing loss