Developmental Milestones Flashcards
What is the “rule of 3’s” for colic?
Age 3 weeks - 3 months old
Crying >3 hours a day for at least 3 days a week for at least 3 weeks.
Usually resolves by 3-4 months.
Bears weight on feet while being held by hands. Head lag disappears with pull-to-sit. Age?
4 months old.
Social smile, laughs and squeals at what age?
4 months old.
Shakes a rattle.
4 months old.
Anticipates being lifted, lifts head and stops crying at what age?
6 months old.
Bounces when held standing and starts to low crawl at what age?
6 months old.
Babbling, banging objects on furniture and transferring between the hands.
6 months old.
Rolls both ways.
6 months old.
Development of parachute reflex.
6 months old.
Plays peek-a-boo (actually participates and tries to peek-a-boo themselves).
9 months old.
Sits without support
9 months old.
“Mama, dada, non-specifically responds to name”
9 months old.
Bangs two blocks together, claps hands.
9 months old.
“Mama, dada said specifically” and starts pointing.
12 months old.
Removes blocks from a container.
12 months old.
Pincer-grasp, feeds self finger foods.
12 months old.
Drinks from a cup held by others.
12 months old.
Object permanence.
12 months old.
Follows one-step commands. Raises arms to be picked up (anticipates and participates).
12 months old.
Cries when you cry, shows affection.
12 months old.
Speaks about 4-6 words.
15 months old.
Stoops and recovers objects.
15 months old.
Crawls upstairs.
15 months old.
Drinks from cup by self.
15 months old.
Stacks two cubes.
15 months old.
Asks by pointing or vocalizing.
12 months old.
Scribbles a vertical line. Knows at least ONE body part.
15 months old.
Feeds self with a spoon.
18 months old.
Stacks 4 cubes.
18 months old.
Object permanence (seeks out hidden objects).
9 months old.
10-15 word vocabulary, says “hi, bye, please”
18 months old.
Runs stiffly and walks upstairs with help.
15 months old.
Turns pages 3-4 at a time.
18 months old.
Tosses a ball underhand.
18 months old.
Tosses a ball overhand.
2 years old.
Able to walk up and down stairs with 2 feet per step.
2 years old.
Using pronouns such as “me” or “mine.” Now 50-100 word vocabulary.
2 years old.
Takes off all clothes.
2 years old.
Rolls a ball.
2 years old.
Parallel play, takes turns to play.
2 years old.
Drinks from a straw
2 years old.
Puts cube into a performance block. Stacks 6 cubes.
2 years old.
Washes hands and dries them up. Open drawers, cabinets, boxes.
2 years old.
Points to five body parts, can follow 2-step commands, able to start expressing feelings and toileting needs.
2 years old.
Able to point to objects named and sort objects by color.
2 years old.
Bringing hands to mid-line and grasping, swiping at objects
2 months old
Able to go up and downstairs with two feet each step.
24 months old (2 years old)
Able to go up and downstairs with alternating feet each step.
5 years old.
Can identify 1 or more body parts
18 months of age
Tower of 4 cubes vs tower of 6 cubes?
18 months vs 24 months
Putting 2 words vs 3 words together?
2 years old vs 3 years old
Responds to name
6 months old
Uses a spoon well vs starting to use a spoon.
2 years old vs 15 months old.
Feeds self independently.
3 years old.
How do you calculate age based on ability to draw a stick figure?
Add 1/4 of a point for every part they draw and add it to a base value to 3 years to get their age. Count 2 eyes as one part. By 3 years old, can draw a circle– need a circle to draw a stick person.
Social smile at what age?
2 months old
Voluntary grasp starts at what age?
4-5 months
Type of grasp evolving throughout the first year of life?
Involuntary grasp reflex (usually starts disappearing by 3-4 mo); voluntary palmar grasp of a rattle (4-5 months); rake objects (thumb adducted and using tips of fingers as a rake; by 6 mo); scissor grasp (the web between thumb and lateral index finger; by 6-8mo); development of mature pincer grasp ending with fine finger-tip pincer grasp (9-12mo).
Head lag disappears by what age?
4 months of age
Waves bye bye
9 months of age
Object permanence
9 months of age
Sotos syndrome?
Rapid growth up until 4-5 years of age and then normal; large hands, large feet, prominent head with frontal bossing up; intellectual delay and clumsiness
Mode of inheritance of Sotos Syndrome
Autosomal dominant
When does the upward Babinski reflex disappear by?
9-10 months
When does a Moro reflex disappear by?
3-6 months of age
Average head circumference of a term newborn?
Crouzon syndrome
Brachycephaly due to premature fusion of coronal sutures, proptosis, normal intelligence, normal hands and feet
At what age does an infant recognize themselves in the mirror?
18 months
Starting to walk backwards?
15 months
Parachute reflex develops by what age?
6-9 months (6 month old trying to balance themselves by putting their hands forward).
Social smile starts developing at?
2 months
Enjoys peek-a-boo and uncovers objects underneath a cloth?
9 months old
Pointing to object to attain shared attention at what age?
12 months old
Turns pages in a book?
15 months old
Creeps upstairs?
15 months old
Creeps downstairs?
18 months old
Walks up and down stairs with both feet on each step?
2 years old
Walks upstairs with alternating feet without need for a rail?
3 years old
Walks downstairs with alternating feet without need for a rail?
5 years old
Stoops down to recover objects?
15 months old
Walking backwards?
15 months old
Starting to drink from a cup vs drinking confidently?
12 months old vs 15 months old
15 months old
Takes off clothes without buttons?
2 years old
Able to unbutton clothes?
3 years old
Able to button clothes?
4 years old
Able to independently dress self?
5 years old
Hops on one foot?
4 years old (makes a four using legs)
5 years old
Ties shoelace?
6 years old
Knows phone number?
5 years old
Writes first and last name?
6 years old
Able to draw a circle?
3 years old
Able to draw a square/cross?
4 years old
Able to draw a triangle?
5 years old
Able to draw a diamond?
6 years old
Knows days of the week/how to tell a story in order?
6 years old
Tandem gait (walking heel-to-toe)?
6 years old