Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Gross Motor 6-8 weeks
briefly hold head up when prone
Fine motor and vision 6-8 weeks
fixes and follows through 90
Speech and hearing 6-8 weeks
Social 6-9 weeks
social smile
when should you refer if not social smiling?
10 weeks
gross motor 3 months
holds head up
loss palmar grasp
Fine motor and vision 3 months
reaches and holds rattle
fixes and follows through 180
puts hands together
speech and hearing 3 months
turns to sound at ear level
social 3 months
recognises family
gross motor 4-5 months
reaches for toy
rolls over
fine motor and vision 4-5 months
plays reaches out for object with both hands
speech and hearing 4-5 months
social 4-5 months
excited by food
Gross motor 6-9m
lifts head spon from supine
sits with support
7-8 months sits without support
When should you refer a child if not sitting?
12 months
fine motor and vision 6-9 months
transfers objects hand to hand
reach out for object with 1 hand
speech and hearing 6-9 months
turns to voice
social 6-9 months
stranger awareness ~9 months
gross motor 10-12 months
fine motor 10-12 months
immature pincer (can start at 9) waves bye bye 9 months
speech and hearing 10-12 months
double syllable babble
social 10-12 months
plays peek a-boo
empties cupboard
12 months- knows name
gross motor 13 months
fine motor 13 months
neat pincer grip
speech and hearing 13 months
single words
social 13 months
understands no
gives up toy
15 months gross motor
walks alone
when to refer for not walking
18 months
fine motor 15 months
to and fro scribble
2 block tower
speech 15 months
gross motor 18 months
walks well
fine motor 18 months
3 block tower
hand dominance
speech 18 months
points to 1 body part
8-10 words
social 18 months
drinks from cup
can ask for food and drink
domestic mimicry
gross motor 2 years
jumps with 2 feet together
throw overarm
fine motor 2 years
circular scribble
tower 6-7 blocks
2 years speech
2 word sentences
knows ~50 words
points to 2 body parts
2 years social
difficulty sharing
feeds self with spoon
asks for things they need
3 years gross motor
manage stairs
fine motor 3 years
blocks 9-10
makes train or bridge or blocks
copies circle
speech 3 years
name, age, sex on request
knows ~1000 words
asks questions
social 3 years
mostly dry by day
undresses self
understands turn taking
knows gender
gross motor 4 years
stands on 1 leg 4 secs
fine motor 4 years
copies square and cross
10 block tower
speech 4 years
tells stories
past tense
understands adverbs
counts 1-20
social 4 years
dresses with help
parallel play with other kids
gross motor 5 years
fine motor 5 years
draws a man with 3 parts
copies triangle
speech 5 years
knows colours, age, address
social 5 years
names a friend
knows what to do if lost, cold, hungry
comforts in distress