Developmental Milestones Flashcards
Hops - what age?
4 years
Up and down stairs two feet per step - what age?
2 years
Language & hearing at 2 years?
Joints 2 words together / 50+ words
Understands simple instructions
Stands holding furniture - what age?
9 months
Social skills and play at 9 months?
Anxious around strangers
Finds hidden objects
What domain is drinking and eating?
Social skills & play
Run up and down stairs with alternating feet - what age?
4 years
Understands taking turns - what age?
4 years
Puts on hat and shoes - what age?
2 years (play & social skills)
Apparent early development of hand preference could be a sign of what?
Cerebral palsy
Friendly with strangers & plays with feet - what age?
6 months
Peddle a tricycle - what age?
3 years
Copies a circle & cuts with scissors - what age?
3 years
Social skills & play at 3 months?
Reacts pleasurably to familiar situations
Regards hands held in midline - what age?
3 months
Polysyllable babble & imitates adults sounds - what age?
9 months
Social skills & play at 12 months?
Waves bye-bye
Drinks from a cup
Language & hearing skills at 18 months?
5-20 words
Points to body parts
Builds a tower of 2-3 bricks - what age?
18 months
Gross motor skills at 18 months?
Runs & climbs onto adult chair
Understands sharing - what age?
3 years
What age should a child start to develop head control?
6 weeks
Laughs and coos - what age?
3 months
Climbs onto adult chair - what age?
18 months
Fine motor skills at 9 months?
Picks up raisin between thumb and finger / pincer grip
Uses index finger to point
Points to body parts - what age?
18 months
What age do kids develop symbolic play?
feeding baby etc.
2 years
Threads beads & draws a person with head, legs & trunk - what age?
4 years
Waves bye - what age?
12 months
Anxious around strangers - what age?
9 months
Gross motor at 2 years?
Can throw a ball overhead
Up and down stairs two feet per step
Pushes up to arms in prone, can roll from stomach to back & sits with a round back without support - what age?
6 months
Climbs stairs with alternating feet - what age?
3 years
Drinks from a cup - what age?
12 months
Reacts pleasurably to familiar situations - what age?
3 months
Bangs toys together - what age?
12 months
What age does a child develop social smile?
6 weeks
Gross motor skills at 9 months?
Stands holding furniture
May crawl
Sits with a straight back without support - what age?
8 months
Circular scribble - what age?
2 years (fine motor)
Understands simple instructions - what age?
2 years
Fine motor at 2 years?
Circular scribble
Builds a tower of 6-7 blocks
Responds immediately to name - what age?
12 months
Transfers objects hand to hand with palmar grasp - what age?
6 months
Babbles tunefully & screams when annoyed - what age?
6 months
Uses index finger to point - what age?
9 months
can also pick up raisin with pincer grip
Cruises around furniture - what age?
12 months
May also take first independent steps
Gross motor at 3 years?
Climbs stairs with alternating feet
Social skills & play at 6 months?
Friendly with strangers
Plays with feet
Social skills & play at 18 months?
Feeds with a spoon
imitates adult activities e.g. sweeping
Gross motor skills at 6 months?
Sits unsupported with a round back
Rolls from stomach to back
Pushes up to arms in prone
Gross motor skills at 12 months?
May take first independent steps
Cruises around furniture
Social & play at 4 years?
Understands taking turns
Dresses and undresses
Language & hearing at 12 months?
Responds to name
Joints 2 words together / 50+ words - what age?
2 years
Language & hearing skills at 9 months?
Polysyllable babble
Imitates adults sounds
Play and social skills at 2 years?
Developing symbolic play
Puts on hat and shoes
Language & hearing at 4 years?
Recounts stories of recent experiences
Sentences of 5+ words
What are the four domains of child development?
- Gross motor skills
- Fine motor
- Language & hearing
- Social skills & play
Known own name & sex - what age?
3 years
language & hearing
Fine motor skills at vision at 6 months?
Explores objects by mouthing
Transfers objects hand to hand with palmar grasp
Feeds with a spoon - what age & which domain?
Social skills & play at 18 months
Finds hidden objects - what age?
9 months
5-20 words - what age?
18 months
Builds a tower of 6-7 blocks - what age?
2 years (fine motor)
Fine motor & vision at 6 weeks?
Follows torch with eyes
No head lag on pulling to sit - what age?
3 months
Develops hand preference - what age?
18 months
Language & hearing at 6 weeks?
Stills to voice
Fine motor skills at 3 months?
Regards hands held in midline
Runs - what age?
18 months
Social skills & play at 3 years?
Vivid pretend play
Understands sharing
Language & hearing at 3 years?
Known own name & sex
Asks lots of questions
Language & hearing at 3 months?
Laughs & coos
Fine motor skills at 18 months?
Builds a tower of 2-3 bricks
Develops hand preference