Developmental Milestones Flashcards
What are the four functional areas of developmental milestones?
Gross motor, vision and fine motor, hearing, speech and language, and social, emotional and behavioural.
At what median age do children typically sit without support?
Around 6 months.
By what age should a child be able to sit without support (limit age)?
By 9 months.
When do children usually start walking independently?
Median age is 12 months.
What is the limit age for a child to start walking independently?
18 months.
At what age do children typically develop a mature pincer grip?
Around 10 months.
When do children usually start transferring objects from one hand to the other?
Around 6 months.
By what age should a child be able to fix and follow a moving object?
By 3 months.
At what age do children typically start babbling?
Around 6 months.
When do children usually start saying single words with meaning?
Around 12 months.
By what age should a child be able to use two to three word sentences?
By 2 years.
At what age do children typically start smiling responsively?
Around 6 weeks.
When do children usually develop stranger anxiety?
Around 9 months.
By what age should a child be able to play simple games like peek-a-boo?
By 12 months.
At what age do children typically start showing hand preference?
Around 2 years.
When do children usually begin to run?
Around 18 months.
By what age should a child be able to build a tower of three to four blocks?
By 18 months.
At what age do children typically start using a spoon independently?
Around 2 years.
When do children usually begin to draw circles?
Around 3 years.
By what age should a child be able to ride a tricycle?
By 3 years.
At what age do children typically start engaging in imaginative play?
Around 3 years.
When do children usually begin to understand the concept of sharing?
Around 3 to 4 years.
By what age should a child be able to dress and undress with minimal assistance?
By 4 years.
At what age do children typically start asking “why” questions?
Around 3 years.
When do children usually begin to recognise colours?
Around 3 years.