Developmental milestones Flashcards
Talking 0-3 months
Makes cooing sounds
Cries change for different needs
Smiles at people
Hearing and understanding 0-3 months
Startles at loud sounds
Quiets or smiles when you talk
Seems to recognize your voice
Talking 4-6 months
Coos and babbles when playing alone or with you
Makes speech-like babbling sounds (pa, ba, mi)
Giggles and laughs
Makes sounds when happy or upset
Hearing and understanding 4-6 months
Moves eyes in direction of sounds
Responds to changes in your tone of voice
Notices toys that make sounds
Pays attention to music
Talking 7 months - 1 year
Babbles long strings of sounds (mimi, upup, bababa)
Uses sounds and gestures to get and keep attention
Points to objects and shows them to others
Uses gestures like waving bye, reaching for “up” and shaking head “no”
Imitates different speech sounds
Says 1or 2 words (hi, dog, mama, uh-oh) - closer to 12 months
Hearing and understanding 7 months - 1 year
Turns and looks in direction of sounds
Looks when you point
Turns when name called
Understands words for common items and people (cup, truck, juice, daddy)
Starts to respond to simple words and phrases (“no” “come here” and “want more?”)
Plays games with you
Listens to songs and stories for a short time
Talking 1-2 years
Uses a lot of new words
Uses p, b, m, h, and w in words
Starts to name pictures in books
Asks questions like “what’s that?” and “who’s that” and “where’s kitty?”
Puts two words together like “more apple,” “no bed,” and “mommy book”
Hearing and understanding 1-2 years
Points to a few body parts when you ask
Follows 1-part directions (“roll the ball” or “kiss the baby”)
Responds to simple questions like “who’s that?” or “where’s your shoe”
Listens to simple stories, songs and rhymes
Points to pictures in a book when you name them
Talking 2-3 years
Has a word for almost everything
Talks about things that are not in the room
Uses k, g, f, t, d, and n in words
Uses words like in, on and under
Uses two or three words to talk about and ask for things
People who know your child can understand them
Asks “why?”
Puts 3 words together to talk about things, may repeat some words and sounds
Hearing and understanding 2-3 years
Understands differences in meaning go-stop, big-little, and up-down
Follows 2-part directions “get the spoon and put it on the table”
Understands new words quickly
Talking 3-4 years
Answers simple who, what and where questions
Says rhyming words, like hat-cat
Uses pronouns
Uses some plural words
Most people understand what your child says
Asks when and how questions
Puts 4 words together; may make some mistakes
Talks about what happened during the day
Uses about 4 sentences at a time
Hearing and understanding 3-4 years
Responds when you call from another room
Understands words for some colors
Understands words for some shapes
Understands words for family (brother, grandmother, aunt)
Talking 4-5 years
Says all speech sounds in words (may make mistakes on l, s, r, v, z, ch, sh, th)
Responds to “what did you say”
Talks without repeating sounds or words most of the time
Names letters and numbers
Uses sentences that have more than 1 action word
Tells a short story
Keeps a conversation going
Talks in different ways, depending on the listener and place