developmental milestones Flashcards
2mo milestone
can look 2 ways (180 degrees following mom), can lift head, coo
4 mo milestone
scratches/grabs clothes, clutch and hold rattle, place objects in their mouths intentionally
6 mo milestone
sit up. pass cube from one hand to another. crawl on belly.
9 mo milestone
separation anxiety, crawls, pulls up to stand , says mama
12 mo milestone
walk with one hand held. point with ONE finger, say ONE word besides mom and dad
18 month old- gross motor and fine motor
gross: walks fast, falls sometimes, upstairs with hand held, climbs into and sits in chair. fine motor- feed themselves. 4 cube tower.
24 mo mielstone- fine and gross
single line train of cubes. copies circle. gross- throws overhand, walk down stairs with rail and with both feet on each step
3 year old milestone
walk up stairs alternating feet, ride tricycle (3 wheels), hope 3 times, speak in 3 word sentences, answer. 3 questions (name, sex, age)
4 year old milestone
identify opposites, draw 4 body parts, count to 4, recite a 4 word sentence, ID 4 colors, draw a 4 part person, copy a swore, build a gate out of blocks, balance on 1 foot for 4 seconds, and should be completely understandable by a stranger
5 year old milestones gross and fine
tie a knot, grab a pencil, print letters (needed for school). draw a square. backwards heel to toe
what age can throw a ball while standing but not overhand
18 month old
moro goes away by
3 months
babinski goes away by
12 months
pincer grasp
10 months
social smile
2 months