Developmental - Freud Flashcards
Research method used in this study?
Longitudinal case study with observations and dream analysis
Describe the sample of this study and how it was selected
A young boy called Little Hans. He was involved between the ages of 3 - 5 years old. Self selected sample, by Hans’ father
IV and DV of this study?
Controls in this study?
No controls
How was data gathered in this study?
By Hans’ father, who recorded events and dreams from Hans as well as conversations, he sent these to Freud after
Describe the procedure and anxieties in Hans’ early years
Procedure -
- At 3 years old Hans showed interest in his widdler. His mother told him that if he didn’t stop playing with it, it would be cut off.
- Hans enjoyed his mothers company when father was away. He showed conflicting love and aggression to his father.
- At 3.5 years old Hans sister was born. He wished she would drown in the bath.
Anxieties -
- Mother - Had sexual fantasies about her, but resulted in anxiety
- Father - Saw him as a rival, wishes him dead - but also loved him
- Sister - Loved her, but wished her to drown so he could have all of mothers attention
Describe Hans’ fears and phobias
- White Horse - witnesses a man tell his daughter a horse will bite her finger off if she gets too close. Links to Hans being told about his widdler being cut off, as father told mother had no widdler he felt this was possible.
- Baths - Hans wanted his sister to drown in the bath. However he felt guilt about this and therefore didn’t want baths as he felt he would drown himself for being bad.
- Horse and Cart - Hans witnessed a horse falling over in the street, kicking its legs. This terrified Hans as he thought the horse was dead. Represented repressed anxieties as Hans wanted his father to drop dead, and this increased anxiety of the death wish.
- Lumf - Became interested in bowel movements. Reminded Hans of his sister, interested as Hans was at the age of control of toileting
- Giraffe Dream - Hans dreamt about a big and small giraffe. The big one calls out so Hans takes the small one. It eventually stops and he sits on the small one. Freud said this was the manifestation of Oedipus complex, Hans taking the small one (mother) for himself
Describe how Hans phobias were resolved
- The plumber fantasy - Hans had a dream where a plumber replaced his widdler and behind with pincers. Freud said this was Hans identifying with his father as he has similar body parts now.
- Where Babies Come From - Hans was finally told where babies come from. Now he no longer feared the cart or other children (sister)
- Becoming Daddy - Hans played games where he was the father and father himself was grandpa. This shows he overcame the Oedipus complex as he was joint father to kids and married to mother
What were Freud’s conclusions with this study?
1) Provides evidence for his theory of psychosexual psychology.
2) Provides evidence for Oedipus complex.
3) Helped understanding of phobias.
4) Felt psychoanalysis could be used for treatment on all children.
Practical applications of this study?
- awareness of body and mind in behaviour
- helps combat problems of you talk about them
- cured phobia
Ethical issues?
+ Hans said he was happy with the study.
+ Confidentially used
- No direct consent
- Couldn’t withdraw
Ecological validity?
+ Happened in his home, natural environment
- Reflecting on dreams is bro normal behaviour
Data types collected?
Only qualitative, through his interviews and conversations
Two strengths of this study
+ Case study
+ Longitudinal
Two weaknesses a of this study
- Sample size
- Experimenter bias
Two improvements of this study
- Increase sample size
- Avoid leading questions
What were the two aims of this study?
Therapeutic - to cure Hans of his phobia
Theoretical - provide evidence for Freud’s theory of psychosexual stages