Cognitive - Savage-Rumbaugh Flashcards
What was the main aim of this study?
The main aim was to describe the language acquisition of two Pygmy chimps in the first instance without training
What was the main focus of this study?
Language acquisition
What was the secondary aim?
To compare language capabilities of the Pygmy chimps with some common chimps
Research method of the first aim?
Longitudinal Case study
Research method of the secondary aim?
Quasi experiment
What is the sample technique?
Describe the sample used in this study
Two Pygmy chimps, one Kanzi (make) and the other Mulika (female). Both were born in captivity and had contact with their mother Matata.
Also, two common chimps names Sherman and Austin
Main research aim IV and DV?
Had none
Secondary research aim IV and DV?
IV- sources of the chimp
DV- the amount of language acquired
Controls of this study
- Video tapes and a computer recordings all data.
- Along with the fact the observer didn’t know the data would be used for reliability - meaning no fraud of it.
- Then there had to be 100% agreement on all decisions and on the trips the independent clarifier was unaware of where to go
Describe the procedure
- the use of a electrical, synthesised lexigram which lit up when touched, and a board when outside
- showed interest since 1 and a half years old due to Matata
- compared to the common chimps who had no outside lexigram or synthesiser
- food places at 17 locations. Could pick what food they wanted and walk there
- complete record of kanzi’s utterances for 17 months
- each word had to be spontaneous or in a correct context to count
- Kanzi and Mulika were tested on their words with a visual and aural test
Outline the results of this study
- Kanzi and Mulika used gestures to communicate
- had no trouble using the lexigram of moves or altered
- Kanzi acquired 46 words, Mulika acquired 37
- Kanzi produced 2,540 combinations with only 10 being wrong
- 80% of utterances were spontaneous
Outline some conclusions of the study
- the Pygmy chimps learned to use utterances spontaneously
- the acquisition of language is easier in Pygmy than common chimp
Outline practical applications of this study
Helps us understand our closest living relative in more detail
Evaluate the ethics of this study
On one hand the conditions they lived in represented their natural environment, on the other hand they were born in captivity - and had lots of human contact, not with their own kind
Evaluate the ecological validity of this study
On one hand they did natural things which monkeys do in the wild - like play and eat. In the other they were studied in a humanised environment, which isn’t natural for them
What data types were used in this study?
Quantitative - the lexigram utterances, words learnt
Qualitative - combos and gestures
Two strengths of the study
- longitudinal case study
- both data types collected
Two disadvantages of the study
- environments were not identical
- small sample size
Outline two changes to this study
- increase the sample size
- rear chimps in identical environments