Development theories Flashcards
Rostow (1960)
Economic development model
5 stages of modernisation
Traditional society, pre conditions for take-off, take-off, drive to maturity and age of mass consumption
Need people in lower stage to have people in stage 5
capitalism fuels wealth gap
Ferguson (1999)
Copperbelt theory
critiques modernisation as solution to underdevelopment
using the case study of Zambia
Thomas Mann
3 generations
suggests that aspirations have changed as generations evolve, lower value placed on things taken for granted and seek new forms of satisfaction
Neoliberalism theory
importance in 1970s
market = main actor in economy, can regulate itself and produce greater social prosperity than mercantilism
underpins SAPs
Wallerstein (1979)
explains uneven development through a world system
economic growth of rich is at the exploitation of the poor
critiqued for being simplistic, dated and deterministic
Frank (1967)
outcome of global capitalism is underdevelopment
capitalism creates core-periphery relationships
core exploit periphery
dependency relationships form
socialist revolution = solutuon
economic theory of comparative advantage
differences in places, and territories/individuals strive for greatest cost/efficiency as expansion of capitalism/globalisation
‘race to the bottom’ for exploitation
Chang (2007)
Use globalisation to your own advantage, don’t let it control the economy
all developed countries at some point have used protectionist economic measures
China used competition within their own country-regionalism to make their industries competitive
The west tells countries to ‘do that they want, not what they did’
Dark side to development in S. Korea
Lack of democracy
Capital punishment (China)
Poor working conditions
Forced labour
Escobar (1995)
post-war development thinker
critiqued western idea supported development
cultural imperialism
development = failure
challenges Said (1978), western orient = dangerous and a way for west to control poor countries to their advantage
solution = local communities address own problems
Friere (1970) and Chambers (1997)
Grass-root thinkers
participatory action research = way forward
with use of knowledge from indigenous/local people
Hettne (1995)
Development from below
Critiqued previous development efforts for fuelling economic growth without development, subsequently accelerating poverty in many developing c’s
Said (1978)
Binary division - West and orient
West dominates authority over orient and depicts them as inferior
emphasises spread of knowledge and impacts of colonialism
manipulation of knowledge that west inflicted
Sidaway (2007)
post-development thinker
development = ever-changing concept
critiques past development as flawed due to western ‘orient’
relationship between development and post-colonial and neo-colonial = complex
solution = sustained attention to interactions of enclosure boundaries and subjectivities
Sen (1999)
Expansion of freedom = critical to development
State of poverty characterised by at least 1 ‘unfreedom’
Need to freedom of opportunity, not just thoretical rights
Contrasts neo-liberal views where market is key to reducing poverty
Need to enable growing range of freedoms instead of just economic growth
Seers (1969)
Development based on economic growth isn’t a good measure of development
Social problems and political upheaval occur at all stages of development
Per capita income can be associated with growing unemployment
Income distribution needs to be taken into account
Sidaway (2012)
Identifies U.S with third world qualities
Vulnerability since financial crisis in 2008
Highlights geopolitical and geoeconomic shifts of power
Emerging BRICS
‘Third world’ used to generally, what about NICs? its a complex concept
Flint (2001)
critiques Wallersteins WST
Potter et al. (1999)
Argues encouraging developing countries to become self-sufficient poses a huge threat on global superpowers
List (1841)
‘kicking away the ladder’
Brookes (2015)
Crises of capitalism - we depend on system of production that’s principal is profit seeking
Eventually profit increase will slow down
Free trade leads to uneven development and patterns of production and consumption
Power isn’t just something the rich have over the poor but something that is produced
Communities should be able to produce their own power through bottom-up approaches as opposed to it being forced upon them
Castel Branco (2014)
Case study: Mozambique
social losses and private gains
Form of neo-colonialism
Private companies have control over the Mozambican economy and account for 20% of their GDP
Instead of using surplus for domestic development and to alleviate poverty, goes to TNCs