Development/ Pregnancy Flashcards
What is the embryonic period and its duration?
Weeks 0-8
This period is crucial for early development.
What occurs during fertilization?
Fusion of haploid sperm and oocyte to form a diploid zygote
Sperm must penetrate the corona radiata and zona pellucida.
What is the fast block to polyspermy?
Oocyte membrane depolarizes to prevent other sperm from fusing
What is the slow block to polyspermy?
Molecules released in exocytosis harden the zona pellucida
What are the two main cell types formed from the trophoblast?
- Embryoblast
- Trophoblast
What is the role of the trophoblast?
Forms the wall of the blastocyst and becomes part of the placenta
What is the decidua?
Modified portion of endometrium after implantation
It will help form part of the placenta.
What structures develop from the embryoblast during the second week?
- Amnion
- Yolk sac
- Chorion
What is the function of the yolk sac?
Supplies early nutrients, source of blood cells, and some embryonic tissues
What is gastrulation?
Transformation of the bilaminar embryonic disc into a trilaminar embryonic disc
What are the three germ layers formed during gastrulation?
- Ectoderm
- Mesoderm
- Endoderm
What is the function of the allantois?
Early formation of blood vessels and urinary bladder
What develops from the neural tube?
Brain and spinal cord
What are chorionic villi?
Finger-like projections that facilitate gas and nutrient exchange between mother and fetus
What occurs during organogenesis?
All major organs develop between weeks 4-8