consists of the body and back
anterior 2/3 = body
posterior 1/3
anterior and posterior of the tongue are separated by
v-shaped terminal sulcus
the body of the tongue is formed by
formed from 3 dilatations derived from 1ts P arch, 2 lateral lingual swellings, and 1 median tuberculum impar
the tuberculum impar do not grow much as lateral lingual swelling thus they fuse anteriorly to it
the body is innervated by
mandibular branch of trigeminal neve
posterior of the tongue
it is formed by copula which is a fusion of P arch 2,3,4 but the contribution of 2 arches is submerged by mesenchyme of 3 and 4
In of posterior tongue
glossopharyngeal nerve and superior laryngeal nerve
body of tongue- in addition to mandibular branch
there is an addition os special branch of the facial nerve, chorda tympani which is pretrematic branch of facial nerve
muscles of the tongue
are derived from occipital myotomes which contribute to muscles of tongue and lips and comes from somites which branch to form dermatomes which form dermis of the skin and sclerotome which form ventral column a
myotomes migrate from somites to
populate the tongue and they bring with them the hypoglossal nerve which innervates all the muscles of the tongue.
Ankyloglossia (tongue-tie)
the tongue is tied down to the ventral surface of the oral cavity and the frenulum extends to the tip of the tongue
Bifid/Cleft tongue (Glossoschisis)
cleft formed on the tongue due to failure of lateral lingual swelling to fuse
enlarged tongue
small tongue
absence to tongue