Development Of The Nervous System Flashcards
The development of the nervous system:
a) starts as an epithelial thickening in the midline of the embryonic disc
b) starts by forming the so-called neural plate
c) starts at the third month of the development
d) finishes at the end of embryo implantation
The central nervous system:
a) starts as an epithelial thickening in the midline of the embryonic disc
b) starts by forming the so-called neural plate
c) continues its ontogeny from the neural plate through the neural groove to the
neural tube
d) the neural tube forms a closed cylinder except the two open ends – anterior and
posterior neuroporus
The process of neurulation:
a) begins at about 17th or 18th day after fertilization
b) starts when the underlying entoderm signals the ectodermal cells above it to
elongate into columnar neural plate cells
c) ends by the 7th day of embryo development
d) can be influenced by alcohol, drugs and poisons
The neural tube defects:
a) appear when the various parts of the neural tube fail to close
b) appear with the frequency 1:500 births
c) can be detected by prenatal screening tests – e.g. sonography or chemical tests
from the peripheral blood of a pregnant women
d) always lead to spontaneous abortion
a) is the failure of the entire neural tube to close
b) the newborns can survive without any medical treatment or operation
c) can not be detected by sonography
d) can be caused by the alcohol or drugs exposure
a) is the failure to close the posterior neuropore during the development
b) it is a lethal condition – the forebrain remains in contact with amniotic fluid
and degenerates and the whole vault of the skull fails to form
c) the newborns can survive days or weeks and after their death their organs can
be used for the transplantation
d) can be caused by the alcohol or drugs exposure but in most cases the reason for
this condition remains enigmatic
Spina bifida:
a) is the failure of the closure of the posterior neuropore
b) always leads to spontaneous abortion
c) it is always associated with heart congenital defects
d) it is always associated with the face malformations
The neural groove closure in humans:
a) is initiated at several places along the whole axis
b) it ”zips up” in both directions to form the neural tube
c) it can be disrupted by poisons, drugs and alcohol
d) if the closure fails, malformations including the anencephaly can occur
During the development of the neural tube:
a) in the anterior portion of the neural tube the development starts with the for-
mation of three primary vesicles
b) metencephalon becomes highly specialized for controlling motor functions and
give rise to the cerebellum
c) myelencephalon develops into later medulla oblongata, the centre for cardio-
vascular, pulmonary and other basic physiological functions
d) the primary vesicles fuse to form one central cavity
Histogenesis of the neural tube:
a) the lining starts at first by a simple columnar ciliated epithelium and all the
cells are capable of dividing
b) the original layer forms the inner most germinal ependymal layer and its dau-
ghter cells passing out form the middle or mantle layer
c) the cells of mantle layer become differentiated into neuroblasts, spongioblasts
and ependymoblasts
d) the histogenesis of the neural tube starts at the second trimester of the preg-
The neuroblasts:
a) come from the mantle layer of the neural tube during its histogenesis
b) start to differentiate at the end of the fourth week
c) neuronal stem cells in adults may play an important role in replacing dead
neurons in degenerative nerve diseases
d) there are no stem cells in brain after the age of 3 years so the brain does not
develop after that
The peripheral nervous system:
a) is derived from endodermal cell population
b) originates form the neural crest and cranial neural placodes
c) develops from ectoderm situated at the border between the neural plate and
presumptive epidermis
d) develops from cells that migrate in periphery
The neural crest:
a) is of ectodermal origin
b) develops along the entire length of neural tube except the most anterior part of
c) contributes to the peripheral nervous system development
d) together with neural placodes constitutes the cerebellum
Neural crest cells:
a) begin to appear along the dorsal edges of the fusing neural groove and they
detach from the neural folds
b) at first they form a sort of continuous crest
c) migrate along specific migration pathways
d) they give rise to many of neural derivatives
Neural crest cells give rise to:
a) the peripheral glia
b) the autonomic neurons
c) only and solely the sympathetic system
d) some cranial sensory neurons
The pluripotent neural crest cells can produce:
a) only neural structures that belong to sympathetic system
b) non-neural derivatives of an ectomesenchymal character such as pigment cells,
endocrine cells, facial cartilage and bone
c) non-neural derivatives of an ectomesenchymal character such as papillae of the
teeth and smooth muscle
d) only the lining of the urinary system
The cranial neural crest cells:
a) can form cartilage and bone
b) contribute to the formation of the tissues of branchial arches
c) contribute to the craniofacial ectomesenchyme that differentiates into connective
d) contribute to the development of teeth and odontoblasts
The cranial neural crest cells:
a) can form bones of limbs
b) contribute to the formation of the tissues of branchial arches
c) contribute to the development of the ectomesenchyme of spleen
d) contribute to the development urinary system lining
The cranial neural crest cells:
a) contribute to the bone formation of the mandibular arch
b) forms the primordium of the mandible, maxilla, malleus and incus
c) contribute to the formation of the thymus, parathyroid and thyroid glands
d) contribute to the development of the limbs and thorax
The cardiac neural crest:
a) contributes to the development of the spleen
b) contributes to the development of the stomach
c) lies between the cranial and trunc neural crest
d) extends from the first to the third somite