Development Of The Genital System Flashcards
Which statements about the genital system development are correct?
a) it develops at first indifferently (in the same way) in both sexes
b) it originates from the mesoderm
c) the excretory passages and external genitalia develop as the first parts of the genital system
d) mainly the ectoderm forms the primordial of both sex glands
Which statements about the indifferent stage of genital system development are
a) in roughly the first 7 weeks of development both sexes cannot be phenotypically distinguished
b) it lasts only till the blastocyst stage
c) it is characterized by the presence of primordial gonocytes
d) it ends with birth
Which statements about the genital system development are correct?
a) it starts with coelomic epithelium thickening
b) the non-segmented mesoderm is engaged
c) the first primordium of an indifferent gonade is formed in the extent of the 6th
thoracic to the 2nd sacral somite
d) the ectodermal lining is engaged in the indifferent gonade formation
Sex cords:
a) originate from the ectoderm
b) develop by the homing of coelomic epithelium thickening by gonocytes
c) project from the coelomic epithelium in the form of a comb into the mesenchyme against the tubules of the mesonephros
d) disappear at the end of the 2nd week of embryonic development
Primordial gonocytes:
a) are the first indifferent sex cells
b) migrate from the wall of the hind gut
c) are the homing the coelomic epithelium of gonads
d) can already be detected clearly in the morula stage
The Müllerian duct (paramesonephric duct):
a) is formed from the Wolffian duct
b) originates in the coelomic epithelium
c) opens in the cloaca
d) passes in the vicinity of the Wolffian (mesonephric) duct
The Müllerian duct (paramesonephric duct):
a) develops from a groove that gradually closes to form a duct
b) opens in the pronephros region
c) the left one fuses on its caudal end with the right one
d) opens in the uterovaginal cord
Which statements about the differentiation of the male genital organs are correct?
a) sex cords of the gonade start to grow during the 6th week of embryonic development
b) gonocytes mature in spermatogonia
c) the mesenchyme among the cords develops into interstitial endocrine Leydig cells
d) pronefros differentiate in spermatogonia
Which statements about the differentiation of the male genital organs are correct?
a) epithelial cells of the sex cords become the Sertoli cells
b) testosterone is important for the differentiation of the male genital system
c) sex cords develop into tubuli seminiferi contorti
d) Leydig cells do not produce any testosterone during prenatal development
Ductuli efferentes of epididymis:
a) develop from the mesonephric tubules
b) are lined by cells of pure ectodermal origin
c) develop in the branchial region
d) regress completely before the 4th week of embryonic development
Which statements about the differentiation of the male genital organs are correct?
a) testosterone stimulates the differentiation of the Wolffian duct
b) the development of the Müllerian duct is inhibited after the differentiation of
c) the Wolffian duct forms the ductus epididymidis and ductus deferens
d) the Müllerian duct forms the tubuli seminiferi contorti
Which statements about the differentiation of the male genital organs are correct?
a) seminal vesicles come from a diverticle near the termination of urethra
b) the prostate develops from numerous outgrows from the urethra
c) the Müllerian duct forms tubuli seminiferi contorti
d) remnants of Müllerian duct can be found as appendix testis
Which statements about the differentiation of the female genital organs are correct?
a) the ovary differentiates a little later then the testis
b) the original sex cords disintegrate and the secondary ones develop in the 10th week of the embryonic development
c) oocytes are formed only after birth
d) the Wolffian duct becomes part of the developing uterus
Which statements about the differentiation of the female genital organs are correct?
a) the remnants of the mesonephros and its Wolffian duct can persist in uterine
b) the remnants of the mesonephros and its Wolffian duct can persist in the form of epoophoron
c) the remnants of the mesonephros and its Wolffian duct can persist like paroophoron or Gärtnerian duct
d) Wolffian duct forms the oogonia
The Müllerian duct:
a) forms the oocytes
b) forms the oviduct
c) degenerates in women before the 2nd week of embryonic development
d) fuses completely with the Wolffian duct
The uterus:
a) is lined by cells of ectodermal origin,
b) comes from the utero-vaginal cord,
c) in cases of failures in its development various types of septa may appear,
d) is not connected with vagina during prenatal development
The vagina:
a) develops partially from the utero-vaginal cord
b) the lower part of the vagina develops through luminization of a vaginal bud
c) is partially of entodermal origin
d) is lined by cells of ectodermal origin
The genital tubercle:
a) develops from the Müllerian duct
b) comes from mesenchyme
c) develops in the penis in male
d) becomes the uterus in female
The genital tubercle:
a) develops above the entrance into the urogenital sinus
b) starts with mesenchyme proliferation
c) develops in the prostate in male
d) becomes the clitoris in female
Genital swellings:
a) are present on both sides of the urogenital sinus opening
b) in the male they contribute to the scrotum development
c) in the female they form oviducts
d) in the female they form clitoris