Development Of The Cardiovascular System Flashcards
The cardio-vascular system:
a) starts its development in the 3rd week
b) starts its development in the mesenchyme derived from the primary mesoderm
c) starts its development in the mesenchyme which covers the yolk sac, forms the
connecting stalk and the innermost layer of chorionic plate
d) finishes its development completely in the 5th month of prenatal development
The cardio-vascular system:
a) starts its development in the 3rd month of the prenatal development
b) starts its development in the mesenchyme derived from the primary mesoderm
c) starts its development in the mesenchyme which covers the yolk sac, forms the
connecting stalk and the innermost layer of chorionic plate
d) finishes its development after birth
The blood islands:
a) are formed purely by cells of ectodermal origin
b) are formed by mesenchymal cells that aggregate in form of small isolated islands
c) are at first formed by clusters of undifferentiated cells called angioblasts
d) are formed by the endoderm only
The blood islands:
a) form the primordia for the blood corpuscles as well as endothelium
b) are formed by mesenchymal cells that aggregate in form of small isolated islands
c) are formed by angioblasts
d) are formed by cluster of undifferentiated cells at first
The angioblasts of blood islands:
a) differentiate in the centre of the island in rounded cells, containing hemoglobin
in their cytoplasm
b) differentiate in the centre of the island in the first primitive erythroblasts
c) the peripheral cells of the blood islands flatten and form the endothelial layer
d) the peripheral cells of the blood islands produce the plasma and so the blood
islands become little blood vesicles
The angioblasts of blood islands:
a) are of purely ectodermal origin
b) differentiate in the centre of the island in the first primitive erythroblasts
c) the peripheral cells of the blood islands form the nervous system primordia
d) the peripheral cells of the blood islands form the notochord
The luminized blood vesicles:
a) stay isolated till the fifth month of prenatal development
b) gradually join each other to form a loose anastomosing network of capillaries
c) are situated only around the whole yolk sac
d) can pass in the embryonic stalk and the chorionic plate and its villi
The intraembryonic circulation starts its development:
a) at the fifth day of embryo development
b) at the time of mesodermal somite formation
c) during the last month before birth
d) before the first blood islands are formed
The loose mesenchymal tissue:
a) represents a secondary embryonic connective tissue which has been derived
mostly from mesoderm
b) on its formation participate also the ecto- and entoderm in some embryonic
c) participates on the development of the embryonic cardiovascular system
d) participates on the development of the first angioblastic clusters
The first angioblastic clusters in the embryo are formed:
a) in the mesenchyme which fills the narrow space between mesodermal somites
and both ectoderm and entoderm
b) they are solid blood islands at first
c) they luminize to form blood vesicles, lined by endothelium and containing the
first blood corpuscles
d) they stay isolated and do not connect with each other during the development
The first blood vessel tubes in the embryo:
a) are formed by blood vesicles that gradually join each other
b) pass in a longitudinal way throughout the embryo
c) they are doubled (right and left) on both sides of the embryo
d) they correspond according their position to the future aorta, umbilical and vi-
telline veins
The first blood vessel tubes in the embryo:
a) are formed by cells of purely ectodermal origin
b) pass in a longitudinal way throughout the embryo
c) are formed by cells of purely entodermal origin
d) they diminish completely during the first week of prenatal development
The intraembryonic circulation through the earliest blood vessels:
a) is established during the 4th week of prenatal development
b) the oxygenated blood fluid at first without blood corpuscles from the chorionic
villi enters the embryo via connecting stalk through umbilical veins
c) does not function until birth
d) blood passes from the umbilical vein into enlarged heart tube and from there into aortic loop and into aorta and returns deoxygenated via umbilical artery into chorionic villi
The intraembryonic circulation through the earliest blood vessels:
a) is established during the 4th month of prenatal development
b) the oxygenated blood fluid enters the embryo through umbilical artery
c) does not function until birth
d) blood passes from the umbilical vein into enlarged heart tube
Already in the embryonic circulation through the earliest blood vessels:
a) from the aortic loop an internal carotid artery goes out to supply the head
b) the oxygenated blood enters the embryo through umbilical artery
c) the embryonic heart begins to beat at about the 4th months of prenatal deve-
d) blood passes from the umbilical vein into the enlarged heart tube
Already in the embryonic circulation through the earliest blood vessels:
a) from the aortic loop an internal carotid artery goes out to supply the head
b) caudally the aorta is prolonged into sacral artery
c) the embryonic heart begins to beat at about the 21st day after fertilization
d) blood passes from the umbilical vein into enlarged heart tube
The earliest intraembryonic circulation:
a) is separated from the network of extraembryonic vessels on the yolk sac
b) contains no blood corpuscles in the beginning
c) blood corpuscles appear approximately at the time when both (intra- and ex-
traembryonic) circulations join
d) the unification of both intra- and extraembryonic circulations into general cir- culation occurs through vitelline artery, which arises from aorta and passes to the yolk sac, while vitelline vein returns and enters together with the umbilical vein into heart
The unification of both intra- and extraembryonic circulations into general circu-
a) occurs through the vitelline artery, which arises from aorta and passes to the
yolk sac
b) occurs on the 7th day after fertilization
c) does not occur before the birth
d) blood corpuscles appear approximately at the time when both circulations join
The prenatal development the heart:
a) is completed at the 3rd week of development
b) is not completed not even at the 3rd month of development
c) the heart begins to beat at about the 21st day after fertilization
d) the heart develops till the end the 6th month of prenatal development and then
it does not change till adulthood
The whole early embryonic vascular system is bilateral, i.e. doubled, but soon join the left and right parts of the vessels in four regions that means that the unification of bilateral circulation appears at:
a) the umbilico-vitelline region to form a single heart tube
b) the dorsal aorta to a single tube (but the aortic loop remains doubled)
c) the vitelline arteries from the single aorta
d) the umbilical vein in the connecting stalk before it enters into embryo
During the development of the heart:
a) both endothelial cardiac tubes lie at first parallel
b) both tubes fuse to form a single cardiac tube
c) the blood reaches the tube by only three veins (umbilical, vitelline and carotid)
d) the blood leaves the heart with the vitelline vein
During the development of the heart:
a) both endothelial cardiac tubes fuse to form a single cardiac tube
b) a constriction on the tube develops, which cuts the sinus venosus (in which the
six veins open) from the auricle (atrium) and forms sino-atrial opening
c) a constriction on the tube develops between the ventricular part and atrial part
to form the atrio-ventricular canal
d) the blood leaves the heart with the vitelline vein
During the development of the heart:
a) both endothelial cardiac tubes divide to form four separated cardiac tubes
b) a constriction on the single tube develops, which cuts the sinus venosus (in which
the six veins open) from the auricle (atrium) and forms sino-atrial opening
c) the ventricular part and atrial part fuse to form one single space
d) the heart begins to beat at about the 21st day after fertilization
During the development of the heart:
a) the developing heart tube is situated in a limited space of pericardium
b) the blood leaves the heart with the vitelline vein
c) the heart begins to beat at about the 21st day after fertilization
d) the heart develops till the end the 6th month of the prenatal development and
then it does not change till adulthood
During this twisting of the heart tube in situated in a limited space of pericardium:
a) the atrial segment shifts more and more dorsally
b) the sino-atrial aperture, which collects the blood from all six veins, opens now
in the region of the right atrium
c) the atrio-ventricular canal closes
d) the single united cavity gradually divides into two separated tubes
The sino-atrial opening in the heart:
a) is closed during the 2nd week of the embryonic development
b) is situated in the right atrium
c) becomes fixed to the thin wall of the right atrium by a small septum spurium
d) is divided into two parts during the second week of the embryonic development