Development of the Genital System _ PV Flashcards
Timeline of Genital System
- Week 1
- Week 7
- Week 12
- Week 20
Week 1: indifferent embryo
Week 7: sexual differentiation begins
Week 12: Female and male genitalia can be recognized
week 20: phenotypic differentiation complete
What happens in Genital system at week 5?
Indifferent Gonad
primordial germ cells specified within epiblast
- end up in yolk sac wall after gastrulation and body folding
migrate up dorsal mesentery to enter genital
What happens to genital system at week 6?
indifferent gonad
somatic support cells
Male: sertoli cells
Female: follicle cells
Where do the genital ducts form?
intermediate mesoderm of the urogenital ridge
Mesonephric duct
- aka
- what it makes
wolffian duct
- part of early kidney development
- epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicle, ejaculatory duct
Paramesonephric duct
- aka
- what it make
Mullerian Duct
- uterine tube, uterus, upper vagina
What is the gene that determines sex?
- what happens when you do not have it>
SRY gene on Y chromosome
w/o SRY- development is female
Describe SRY
- aka
- how long is it active
- where is it expressed
transcription factor
Testis determining factor
active from 41-52 days
expressed in somatic support cells (pre-sertoli)
Pathway of SRY
- paramesenphric duct
Sertoli cells-> SRY-> SOX9-> AMH and ABF-> regression of Mullerian duct bte week 8-10-> remnants are appendix testis and prostatic utricle
Pathway of SRY
- mesonephric duct
Leydig cells-> SRY-> testosterone-> Wolffian duct-> ductus deferens, epipdidymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles
What are the two things Sertoli cells secrete?
- AMH ( regression of paramesonephric ducts)
2. Androgen binding factor ( spermatogonia-> spermatozoa)
Leydigs Cells
1. Fetal
- Fetal
a. testosterone
- week 8-12 driven by HCG of placenta
- mesonephric duct-> ductus deferens, epididymis, seminal vesicle
b. 5 a reductase
- testosterone-> DHT
- Genital tubercle-> penis
- genital swelling-> scrotum
- urethral epithelium-> prostate - Adult Leydig cells
- androgens-> initiation of spermatogenesis, masculinzation of brain, male sexual behavior
Parts of External Genetalia
- Urogenital plate
- Glans Plate
- Genital Tubercle
Urogenital Plate
rupture of cloacal membrane opens phallic portion of urogenital sinus to exterior; forming endodermally-lined plate
Glans plate
remnants of cloacal membrane at the ventral end of urogenital plate and adjacent genital tubercle
Genital tubercle
ectodermal-covered mesodermal swelling at ventral and cranial end of phallic portion of urogenital plate
Role of DHT
lengthen genital tubercle and fusion of labioscrotal swellings to form scrotum
Testis descent
- when
- 2 component
week 10
supspensory= gonada; vessels, nerves, lymphatics
gubernaculum- shortens and becomes anchoring ligament of testis of scrotum