Development of elite performers in sport Flashcards
Talent Identification definition
The multi-disciplinary screening of athletes in order to identify those with the potential for world class success
Elite definiton
The best, highest level sports performers at ‘excellence’
Mentor definiton
An individual who helps and guides another persons development
Personal qualities (physical) of a elite performer
- Physical fitness
- Highly skilled
- High pain tolerance
Personal qualities (psychological) of a elite performer
- Self discipline
- Mental toughness
- Self sacrifice
- Goal orientated
- Motivated
Social and cultural factors
-Support of family and friends
-Financial situation
-High socio-economic status
-Equal opportunities
- Education providers
-Media coverage
-Structured levels of competition for progress
Social-economic status definition
An individuals position in the social structure, which depends on their job, level of income and area they live
What are the three main organisations providing support and progress to athletes
- NGBs
- UK sport
What are the 4 stages of the continuum for the development of athletes
UK sport
- Funded by national lottery
- Develop high performing sports in the UK an increase sporting excellence in this county
- Distribute funding for elite performers (olympians)
What are the parts to the world class performance programme
- Wold class podium
- World class podium potential
- Foundation level
World class podium
Sports/athletes with medal capabilities in the next 4 years
Foundation level
Years away from joining the performance programme
World class podium potential
Typically 4-6 years away from a medal (future promise)
Athlete performance award
- Run by UK sport
- Funding directly to athletes via APA
-Contributes to their living and sporting costs once they reach elite level
National Institutes of sport (NIS)
- Wold class coaches programme
- Talent ID programme
- Support Olympians and Paralympians
- E.g. EIS
English Institutes of sport (EIS)
- Best sport centres
- Sport science
- Physiotherapy- medical staff
- Talent team
- Nutritionist
Role of the national institutes of sport (SPORT)
Sport science and medicine
Performance lifestyle programmes
Organisations work with partnerships
Research and innovation
Top quality facilities and high level coaching
National Governing bodies
Positive role models
Accessible facilities
Meet gouvernement policies
Polices put in place for underrepresented groups
Employment of sport specific
Resources invested too inner city areas
What are the different ways that NGBs try to provide equality of opportunity (PAMPER)
Positive role models
Accessible facilities
Meet government policies
Polices put in place for underrepresented groups
Employment of sport specific
Resources invested too inner city areas
Reasons for using Talent Identification
- All potential performers can be screened
- Performers can be directed to sports suited their talents
- Information gained leads to accelerated development
- More efficient use of available funding is possible
- Chances of producing medalists are improved
- Provides coordinated approach between organisations
Effective talent identification programmes (TIPs)
- Talent spotting by coaches
- Good support services
- Organisations involved working together
- Simple admin/record keeping
- Use of appropriate tests (fitness and psychological)
Potential problems with identifying talent
- Difficult to make tests valid
- Training had limited effects
- Socio-economic can be more important
What are the key features of an effective Talent ID programme (TALENT)
Testing facilities are of high standard
Analysis of performers via a clear database
Links between organisations involved talent identification ensure coordination
Equal opportunities for all to apply
National development squads
Talent spotting via high quality coaches
Whole Sport Plans
- Plans for all
- 4 Years
- Promotes best practice
- Start- Stay- Succeed
- Direct Sport England funding and resources to NGBs
Gold Event series
UK sport is responsible for bringing major sporting events to the UK. They work with NGBs in order to plan events, provide funding and support