Development Gap Flashcards
What is colonialism?
The historical process of European countries invading and conquering countries in order to control them for many years so as to provide resources for the empire
What are conservation swaps?
A deal reached between a country and a wealthier country to which it owes money where part of the debt is cancelled in return for conservation projects. Also known as debt for nature swaps
What is development?
Level of economic growth in a country, to develop is to use natural and human resources to achieve a higher standard of living
What are development indicators?
This is a statistical way of comparing levels of development between countries
What are exports?
Products sold to other countries for money
What is fair trade?
Providing better prices, working conditions and terms for farmers and workers in poorer countries; as a result, the farmers gain a better deal where prices paid are always higher than production costs to allow improved living standards and better community investment
What is free trade?
Equal trade between countries with all barriers removed
What is GDP?
Gross domestic product, the total value of all goods and services produced in a country, by a country in a year (per capita = per person)
What is GNI/P?
Gross national income/product; total value of goods, services and trade within a country in a year (per capita = per person)
What is HDI?
Human development index; a development indicator used to illustrate quality of life and standard of living using more than one measure of development (life expectancy, educational attainment, GNP/capita PPP). It shows how people are benefitting from a country’s wealth
What are HIPCs?
Highly indebted poor countries; a group of 38 countries with the greatest poverty and debt
What is aid?
The transfer of money, goods and expertise from a donor country to a different recipient country; it may be given rely, as a loan or with conditions attached
What are imports?
Products that a country buys from another country to use
What are NGOs?
Non-governmental organisation; a charity that is independent from the government and thus fundraisers to help others by giving aid
What are NICs?
Newly industrialised country; an LEDC that industrialised since the 1960s and thus developed manufacturing industries very quickly, resulting in rapid export and GNP growth
What is quality of life?
How well a person in a country is able to enjoy living; it refers to economic, social, physical, political and spiritual wellbeing
What is standard of living?
The economic wealth of a country; often measured as currency
What is trade?
The exchange of goods and services for money between countries
What is trade balance?
The difference between the value of a country’s imports and exports
What is trade deficit?
When a country gets into debt due to the value of their imports being greater than the value of their exports; usually due to exporting primary products (raw materials) and importing secondary products (manufactured goods)
What is trade surplus?
When a country is in profit due to the value of their exports being greater than the value of their imports; usually due to importing primary products (raw materials) and exporting secondary products (manufactured goods)
What are trading groups?
Agreements between countries which allow free trade between all members
What is a tariff?
A charge placed on imported goods
What are the characteristics of top-down aid?
- Large scale
- Money usually given to governments
- Generally doesn’t include any consultation with the people who need it
What are the characteristics of bottom-up aid?
- Small scale
- Money usually given to individuals or small groups
- Takes into account the views and opinions of recipients
Give some examples of physical factors that can exacerbate inequality
- Terrain / relief
- Climate (can cause poor soils and more issues with pests and diseases)
- Ecosystem
- Landlocked (no access to coasts, ports or rivers -> no transport of goods)
What is the poverty cycle?
- Family in poverty
- Child grows up in poverty
- Is significantly disadvantaged in education and skills
- Struggles to get a job
- Cannot escape the poverty cycle
- > cycle repeats unless broken
What are the key features of HDI?
- Ranges from 0 - 1 with 1 being the most developed
- Calculated each year and compared with GDP tables
- If it is higher on HDI than GDP then it is successfully investing, but if it’s lower then there is room for improvement
- Indicators: literacy, life expectancy, GNP per person
- More effective than GDP because it considers social factors
- Still doesn’t show any regional differences
What are examples of development indicators?
GDP, birth rate/death rate, access to water, literacy rates etc
What are the ways to divide up the world (economic stuff)
- First, second and third world
- North and South divide (Brandt line)
- Five fold division
What are ways that global inequalities can be reduced?
- Fair trade
- Loans
- Debt relief
- Conservation swaps
- Aid
- NGOs
What policies are there to reduce inequality within the EU?
CAP (common agricultural policy)
Urban II fund
What is quality of life VS standard of living?
Quality of life: subjective (MEDC: jobs, luxuries, holidays etc) (LEDC: clean water, shelter, income etc)
Standard of living: objective -> measurable (eg HDI development indicators)