Development--Fine motor skills Flashcards
fine motor skills: newborn (2)
grasp reflex, release of object
fine motor skills 1 month (2)
visual tracking 90 degrees to from midline
hands are fisted the maj. of the time, infant should be able to open when stimulated
Holds rattle for longer
Reaches for and can manipulate rattle
looks at hands
2-4 months
Tracks beyond midline
2-4 months
can extend arms
can bring hands near or to midline
2-4 months
Can pull a string to bring a toy toward them
Reaches for, secures paper
5-6 months
Grasps cube, thumb and first finger (hold in each hand)
5-6 months
Shakes rattle for longer periods
5-6 months
Extends one arm at a time
5-6 months
bangs cup
7-8 months
can isolate one finger
7-8 months
generic exploration
reaches for small objects such as cheerios, may rake with whole hand at first
7-8 months
what skills continue to progress and refine at 7-8 months?
shaking rattle, grasping cube w/o touching palm, transfers cube from one hand to the other
9-10 months
pulls string to get toy WHILE seated
9-10 months
removes pegs
9-10 months
can hold object in each hand and reach for a 3rd
9-10 months
Removing socks
11 months
which skill cont. to refine at 11 months
grasping: pad of thumb and index finger, arm off table
can pick up more than one block and hold it for several seconds
begins to place small items (cheerios, cubes in a cup)
11 months
turn pages in a book
12-13 months
imitated actions such as stirring with a spoon, using phone, drinking fro cup
12-13 months
builds tower with blocks (2-3 at first, up to 8 by _____months)
14-24 months
25 months
grasp marker, begins to scribble _____ months
can imitate vertical strokes
14-24 months
Cylindrical grasp
1-1.5 years
digital grasp
2-3 years
modified tripod grasp
3.5-4 years
tripod grasp
4.5-7 years
removes lid
25-36 months
can make at least one small cut with scissors
25-36 months
imitates horizontal strokes
25-36 months
strings beads
25-36 months
folds paper
25-36 months
builds “train,” taller tower, wall with cubes
25-36 months
cuts paper in two pieces
3-4 yrs
laces string
3-4 yrs
copy a cross
3-4 yrs
traces a line
3-4 yrs
button (____) and unbutton (closer to ____)
3.5, 4 years
touches each finger to thumb
4.5-5.5 years
color between lines
4.5-5.5 years
cut a circle
4.5-5.5 years
fold a paper in half
4.5-5.5 years
cut a square
4.5-5.5 years
hand dominance by ____
5-6 years
able to build more complicated structures
4.5-5.5 years
when does bilateral coordination emerge
5-6 years
types of bilateral coordination
crossing midline
type of bilat coordination: under 18 months, use both sides of body should be equal, no preference
type of bilat coordination: using each side of body in a rythmic way
type of bilat coordination: both sides working together but doing two different tasks
type of bilat coordination: reaching across body
speech and language:
coos, makes gugleing sounds
turns head toward sounds
2 months
speech and language:
begins to babble, copies sounds, cries in different ways
4 months
speech and language:
responds to sounds with sounds
makes ah eh and oh
responds to own name
6 months
speech and language:
understands no
makes a lot of different sounds
uses fingers to point at things
9 months
speech and language:
responds to simple requests
waves bye, shakes head no
says mama, dada and uh oh
1 year
speech and language:
says several single words
points to show someone what s/he wants
18 months
speech and language:
points to things or pictures when they are named
knows familiar people
2-4 word sentences
2 years
speech and language:
begins to follow instructions with two to three steps
knows first name, age, sex
talks well enough for strangers to understand
3 years
speech and language:
can usually use “he” and “she”
sings simple songs from memory
tells stories
4 years
speech and language:
speaks very clearly
uses full sentences
can use future tense
says name and address
5 years