development and expenses Flashcards
development ensures
rates in future policy period will be adequate to cover ult costs coming from policies written using those rates
development represents
-development represents changes over time to costs or premiums within given exposure period
why can exposures, prem, loss and ALAE develop
- exposures and prem can develop due to prem audits and retrospective rating adjustments
- losses and ALAE can develop due to claim payment being made or case reserves being changed
order of development for different loss aggregation
- CY < RY < AY < PY
- PY takes longer to develop than AY since avg accident date for PY is later than avg accident date for AY
4 statements in estimating ultimates
- exploratory analysis of data
- apply appropriate tech to estimate ultimates
- evaluate conflicting results of different techs
- monitor projections of actual versus expected development
diagnostic triangles
- closed claim counts/reported claim counts: speedup in closing claims over time
- closed without pay claim counts/closed claim counts: higher % of claims being closed without pay
- avg paid on closed: reflect severity rends and speedups in closing of small claims relative to large claims
- avg case reserves: reflect severity rends, speedups in closing of small claims relative to large, and changes in case reserve adequacy
- paid losses/reported loss: reflect speedups in closing of claims and changes in case reserve adequacy
group claims by LOB based on
Similarity in coverage
Volume of claim counts
Reliability of case reserves
Report lag
Settlement lag
Likelihood of claims reopening
Claim severity
ult can be made more accurate by choosing level of granularity that best balances
homogeneity and credibility of data
Main development methods
- chain ladder: uses past development patterns to newer data to forecast ultimates
- expected claims: ignores newer data and uses a priori estimate
- BF: mix of Chain Ladder and Expected claims
- Cape Cod: similar to BF but expected portion is calc differently
- Freq and severity techniques: develop claim counts and severity separately
- case outsanding: looks at paid on prior case reserves
- Berquist Sherman: restate data for changes in case reserve adequacy or settlement rates
Reasons for negative development
- case reserve decreases
- deductible recovers
- subrogation and salvage
selecting tail factor
-when we observe significant development still occurring in last columns of a triangle, need to select tail factor that bring losses to their ultimate level
Common methods for selecting:
- doing special study that contains more years of data
- using industry benchmark tail factor
- fitting curve to LDFS and extrapolating
- use reported-to-paid ratios at latest paid development period
- judgment
how do one time and continuous changes impact LDFs
-one-time changes do not typically impact LDFs -> if needed changes can be usually isolated into separate rows of triangle
-continuous changes: trends are observes as you go down columns and development is observes as you go across rows
3 common methods used to incorporated UW expenses in RM
- All variable expense: treat all UW expenses as variable to prem -> assumes future expense ratios will be consistent with hist ERs
- Prem-based projection: assumed future ERs will be consistent with hist ERs, but separately calculates fixed and variable ERs
- Exposure/Policy-based projection: divide fixed expenses by exposures and variable expenses by premium
- all methods divide variable expenses by prem
- 1&2 divide fixed expenses by prem and 3 uses exposures
- divide expenses incurred through the policy by EP/EE
when does using EP/EE and WP/WE make a difference?
this only makes difference is company size is changing in which written and earned amounts will not be equal
all variable expense method: when is it inaccurate and how is expense trend used
- method can result in inaccurate cost estimates if some expenses are truly fixed
- if some are fixed -> undercharge risks with lower than avg prem and overcharge with higher than avg prem as it bases expenses fully on premium
- distortion can be accounted for by using prem discount or expense constant in rating algorithm
- no expense trend needs to be applied to historical expenses since all expenses are fully based on prem