Development Flashcards
What is the nature vs nurture debate (nativist vs empiricist)?
About whether our behavior and traits are shaped more by genetics (nature/nativist) or by environment and experience (nurture/empiricist).
Nature: Chomsky and Galton
Nurture: Freud and Skinner
What is the theory of mind?
The ability to understand that other people have their own thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and perspectives (from around age 3)
At what age is the majority of neural development complete?
Age 5 (90%)
But at age 2 the brain reaches about 80% of its final size, suggesting that cognitive development afterward relies more on knowledge and experience
What is myelination?
When a protective coating forms around nerve fibers in the brain, helping them send messages faster
What is synaptic pruning?
Synaptic pruning is the process of reducing unnecessary synaptic connections, helps the brain become more efficient by keeping only the most useful connections (occurs mainly after the age of 2)
Who was Jean Piaget?
A psychologist, who theorized how children’s thinking evolves in stages as they grow (both nature and nurture)
Claim: All children pass through the same stage of intellectual sophistication and in the same order (has been criticized)
Name the four major Piaget´s stages of development.
1) Sensory-motor stage
2) Preoperational stage
3) Concrete-operational stage
4) Formal-operational stage
What is the sensory-motor stage
Piaget’s first stage of development, from birth to 2 years old. Babies learn through their senses and actions, and develop object permanence—the idea that things still exist even when out of sight.
What is the preoperational stage?
Piaget’s second stage of development, from ages 2 to 7, when children start using symbols (like words), but struggle with logic and seeing things from others’ perspectives
What is the concrete-operational stage?
Piaget’s third stage, from ages 7 to 11, when children develop logical thinking about real-world situations
What is the formal-operational stage?
Piaget’s final stage, starting at age 11 and beyond. In this stage, individuals can think abstractly, reason logically about hypothetical situations, and solve problems systematically
What did Siegler say about cognitive development?
Cognitive development is a gradual process where children use a variety of strategies at the same time and shift between them as they learn and grow
What did Alison Gopnik say about cognitive development?
Young children learn like little scientists, exploring and experimenting with the world around them.
What did Tomasello say about cognitive development?
Humans learn mainly through social interaction and shared experiences with others.
What is conservation in Piaget’s theory?
The understanding that quantity or amount stays the same, even when its appearance changes. For example, if you pour the same amount of liquid into a taller, narrower glass, a child who understands conservation knows the amount of liquid hasn’t changed (start around age 6)