Development Flashcards
GNI = gross national income per capita
The total amount of money produced by the country and business and people divided equally among the people
-it can be unfair as rich people bump up the GNI
HDI = human development index
Better indicator of development as it takes into account more than one factor
Made up of :
-GNI per capita
-Years in education
-life expectancy
Literacy rate %
% of the population of a given age group that can read and write
the growth or advancement of a country particularly by standard of living and quality of life.
Birth Rate
number of babies born per 1000 of the population per year
Death Rate
number of deaths per 1000 of the population per year.
Infant Mortality
number of babies who die before their 1st birthday per 1000 of the population per year
People per doctor
how many people there are for every doctor in a country or place
Access to safe water %
% of the population having access to and using clean drinking water sources
Life Expectancy
Is a good development indicator as you have to have access to enough food, medicine, and be healthy which lower income countries may not be able to provide
the number of years a person is expected to live to
in an exam remember to explain why they may have a better standard of living or quality of life
-eg they have a better QOL because they have access to education and adequate healthcare
Standard of living SOL economic
(a person or groups level of wealth)
-employment rate
-poverty rate
Quality of life QOL social
(measure of wellbeing, comfort, and life satisfaction)
-healthcare levels
-environmental quality
Demographic transition model
can be a graph or pyramids
(see picture in book)
5 stages
LICs have a higher birth rate because they have little to no birth control, high infant mortality and low family income so they have to compensate by having lots of children to provide for the family and produce money.
However as a country develops into an NEE or HIC the healthcare improves as well as birth control and family income making the need for children less prominent decreasing the birth rate.
stage 1 :death rate and birth rate are high, total pop is low
rainforest tribes
stage 2 :death rate decreases, birth rate stays high, total pop increases
stage 3 :death rate stays lower, birth rate decreases, total pop still increases
stage 4 :death rate and birth rate are lower and even out, total pop starts to reach its highest
stage 5 :death rate is higher than birth rate and total pop starts to decrease (some HICs)
Natural change % (increase or decrease):
the number of poeple added to or lost from the pop for every 1000 people per year
Natural increase % = (birth rate - death rate) ÷ 10
Causes of uneven development
-climate related disasters
-extreme weather hazards
-poor water quality
-governement corruption
-being heavily indebted
-trading in only primary products
-having no natural resources
-global trade is controlled by HICs so LICs may have a harder time trading
-the slave trade
-being a colony
leads to :
Gaps in wealth, the HICs hold most of the world money and tax the LICs and collect over $ 3 trillion which makes the rich richer and poor poorer
Gaps in health, HICs mainly focus on non-communicable diesease such as Parkinsons and Heart disease, LICs focus on communicable diseases such as Cholera and Malaria as they don’t have enough resources to treat the others
Led to migration:
as those in LICs move to NEEs or HICs in search of better QOL and SOL. eg better healthcare (from Africa to Europe etc)
Strategies to reduce the development gap
Brain drain: where the skilled & educated move so a country loses their skilled workers
Therefore, the country of origin has gaps in their labour force
eg doctors moving from India to the UK
Foreign investment & industrial development:
-TNCs invest money as they set up in poorer countries eg builds roads, electricity, improve harbours/ports.
This is a multiplier effect as
1) a TNC opens a factory = jobs
2) workers spend their wages locally
3) more tax for the government
4) The government invests in education, healthcare, roads etc
5) population becomes healthier and more skilled
6) attracts more TNCs
eg Kenya
-Charitable aid: from NGOs non-government organisations (red cross)
-Emergency aid: needed after sudden disasters
-Development aid: long term help for communities teaching skills and education
-Bilateral aid: between two governments
-Multilateral aid : given through international organisations rather than just one country
-Conditional aid: the donor expects something in return eg exclusive trade
Intermediate technology:
simple easy to learn and maintain technology used in LICs
+ve: involve local communities and greatly improves QOL
-ve: projects use cheap material so aren’t always sustainable.
Debt relief:
concellation of a countries debts by a global organistaion eg the Worl Bank
+ve: governement can use this to develop and help the poor
-ve: countries may get further in debt thinking it will be paid off
corrupt governments may keep the money.
Fair Trade:
producers in LICs are given a better price for goods
+ve: the farmer gets all the profit from their produce
guarantees a fair price for the farmer
the farmer has to farm eco-friendly ways
-ve: can increase prices for consumers
Microfinance loans: very small loans given to people in LICs to help them start a small business
+ve: as the business grows employment goes up
incomes rise
-ve: someone has to supply the original loan