Developing core communication skills Flashcards
Why are communication skills important?
GDC have identified dental team-patient communication as one of the core competencies required for good dental practice
Four domains of preparing for practice: dental team learning outcomes for registration (GDC)
Management and Leadership
Are there problems in communication between health care practicioners and patients?
Discovering reasons for px’s attendance Gathering info Explanation and planning Px adherence Medico-legal issues Lack of empathy and understanding
Discovering reasons for px’s attendance
54% of pxs’ complaints & 45% of their concerns not elicited
In 50% of visits, px and doctor do not agree on nature of main presented problem
Only minority of health professionals identify more than 60% of pxs’ main concerns
Doctors frequently interrupt patients during opening statement which causes pxs fail to disclose significant concerns
Doctors often interrupt pxs after initial concern, apparently assuming that 1st complaint is chief one, yet order in which patients present their problems not related to clinical importance
Gathering information
Doctors often pursue “doctor-centred”, closed approach to info gathering that discourages patients from telling their story or voicing their concerns
Both a “high control style” and premature focus on medical problems can lead to over-narrow approach to hypothesis generation and inaccurate consultations
Doctors rarely ask pxs to volunteer their ideas and in fact, doctors often evade their pxs’ ideas and inhibit their expression. Yet if discordance between doctors’ and pxs’ ideas and beliefs about the illness remains unrecognised, poor understanding, adherence, satisfaction and outcome are likely to ensue
Explanation and planning
Doctors give sparse info to pxs, with most pxs wanting doctors to provide more info than they do
Doctors overestimate time they devote to explanation and planning in the consultation by up to 900%
Pxs and doctors disagree over relative importance of different types of medical info; pxs place highest value on info about prognosis, diagnosis and causation of condition while doctors overestimate px’s desire for info concerning treatment and drug therapy
Doctors consistently use jargon that pxs do not understand
There are significant problems with pxs’ recall and understanding of the info that doctors impart
Medico-legal issues
Breakdown in communication between pxs and doctors is critical factor leading to litigation]
Communication and attitudes primary reason for patients pursuing a legal case in 70% of cases.
4 communication problems were present in >70% of cases: deserting px, devaluing pxs’ views, delivering info poorly and failing to understand pxs’ perspectives
In USA, malpractice insurance companies award premium discounts of 3 to 10% annually to doctors who attend a communication skills workshop
Effective communication significantly improves
Quality and amount of info obtained from px > accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis Likelihood of px adherence to recommendations and treatment Health outcomes for pxs Px's anxiety levels Satisfaction for both px and dentist Levels of px complaints and litigation Patient referrals
Calgary-Cambridge framework
Px-centred clinical approach Content: what dentists communicate Process: how dentists communicate -combining content and process Initiating session --> gathering info --> physical exam --> explanation and planning --> closing session (during these you provide structure to px and build relationship)
Patient-centred approach
Dentist tries to enter the patient’s world to see the [illness/symptoms/condition] through the patient’s eyes
You are expert on clinical dentistry, but pxs are experts on their own decisions and how they impact on them
Initiating session
Establishing initial rapport
Identifying reason(s) for consultation
Gathering info
Exporation of px’s problems to discover
- biomedical perspective
- px’s perspective
- background info - context
Explanation and planning
Providing correct amount and type of info
Aiding accurate recall and understanding
Achieving shared understanding: incorporating px’s illness framework
Planning: shared decision making
Closing session
Ensuring appropriate point of closure
Forward planning
Initiating consultation problems
Dentists tend to underestimate the potential difficulties and opportunities of these first few minutes
Root cause of difficulties later in consultation
Initiating communication skills
Establishing initial rapport
1. Greet patient and obtain name
2. Introduce yourself and clarify role
3. Demonstrates respect and interest
Identifying reasons for appointment
4. Identifies the patient’s problem/issue with appropriate opening question
5. Listens attentively to opening statement without interrupting or directing conversation
6. Confirms list and screens for further problems
7. Negotiates agenda taking patient’s needs into account
Identifying reason(s) for visit
(“Why are you here, today?”) Begin with an open-ended question Listen attentively, without interruption, to the patient’s opening statement Confirm and screen for more problems Negotiate an agenda for the visit
Attentive listening
… the process by which an individual listens to and,
at the same time, attempts to interpret and summarise
what the speaker is saying
25% of the time
-Wait time
-Facilitative response
–>‘Occasional smile, nod, praise, eye-contact
–>‘uh-huh’, ‘go on’, ‘I see’
-Non-verbal skills
-Picking up patient’s verbal and non-verbal cues