Develop Training Plans Flashcards
What are the training principles
Train as you fight
Make Commanders Responsible for Training
Use Standards-Based Training
Use Performance-Oriented Training
Use Mission-Oriented Training
Train to Sustain Proficiency
Train to Challenge
What is -Train as you fight
Marines’ training should prepare them to perform their
tasks and meet operational standards during the complex, stressful, and
lethal situations they will encounter in war. If units and elements are to
function together during combat, they should train together during peacetime exercises.
Make Commanders Responsible for Training is
Commanders at all levels are responsible for the training and performance
of their Marines and units.Senior commanders personally train each direct, subordinate commander. The ability to delegate authority to an individual who is trained to accept responsibility is vital to the Marine Corps’ operational concept.
Use Standards-Based Training is
Standards-based training is the use of common procedures and uniform operational methods to create a common perspective within the Marine Corps.
Standards-based training is
Provides a measurement of performance.
Provides Marines with the ability to adjust rapidly to changing tactical situations.
Eliminates the need for retraining if units are cross-attached.
Fosters flexibility in battle by reducing the need for complex orders.
Teaches Marines to respond to changes in combat in a reflexive and
automatic manner.
Use Performance-Oriented Training is
Individual training occurs on a continual basis and is fully integrated into collective training. Marines are trained to meet published standards, not merely to occupy the time designated for training.
Use Mission-Oriented Training is
The unit’s combat missions are the basis for the development of tasks and for the specific standards to which each task must be executed
The mission analysis provides
careful assessment of possible warfighting missions, identifies specified and implied tasks, and is the foundation for the mission essential task list (METL).
Train to Sustain Proficiency is
To sustain proficiency, commanders must continuously evaluate performance and design training programs that correct weaknesses and reinforce strengths. This means training year round, not focusing training on one or two key events during the year.
Train to Challenge is
Training must be challenging. If training is a challenge, it builds competence and confidence by developing new skills.
Commander’s Responsibilities are
Commanders at all levels are responsible for all of their units’ training
needs.To meet specific training needs, commanders develop overall unit
training programs based on the best combination of available resources,
materials, guidance, and time.
Commander’s Must are
Provide clear commander’s intent/guidance throughout the process.
Identify training objectives clearly.
Plan training events and activities.
Arrange for support.
Ensure that the resources needed to conduct training are available.
Ensure that training is conducted.
Supervise and evaluate individual and unit proficiency.
Supervise and evaluate training sessions, instructional quality, and UTM procedures.
What is Systems Approach to Training & Education (SATE)
UTM is the use of SATE and Marine Corps training principles in a manner
that maximizes training results and focuses unit training priorities on the
wartime mission.
SATE assists commanders in
identifying critical warfighting
tasks, both for the individual and the unit, and it guides the Marine
Corps’ frugal application of limited resources.
SATE provides commanders with
training management techniques to analyze, design, develop, implement,
and evaluate performance-oriented training. It guides commanders in the
use of scarce resources by identifying where resources are needed most in
order to maintain readiness.
The SATE process, in regards to UTM, consists
of what five phases
analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.
Analysis Phase is
The analysis phase determines the unit’s performance objectives. The
unit’s performance objectives are written as tasks that the unit must be
prepared to accomplish.
The METL is
the tool the commander uses to prioritize and focus unit training. The METL, once approved by higher headquarters, becomes the descriptive training document for the unit and provides a clear, warfighting-focused description of the highest level collective actions needed to execute wartime mission proficiency. The METL is the starting point for the design phase of SATE.
Design Phase is
The purpose of the design phase is to design or layout a training plan for
a unit. The design of each unit’s training plan is based primarily on the unit’s level of proficiency in its METL tasks. Unit training plans may consist of long-range, midrange, and short-range plans
Long-range planning is
focuses on major exercises and the training needed to meet the commander’s METL for the next 18-24 months.
Midrange (annual) planning is
details how major subordinate unit METLs support the unit commander’s METLs. It further refines the details of major exercises.
Short-range (quarterly) planning is
projects the training of collective tasks and drills of lower echelon units and all training events to be conducted in the next few months. The tasks, drills, and training events are taken from long-range and midrange plans.
During the design phase, the unit develops training plans that will
result in the successful accomplishment of all mission-essential tasks.
The first step in the design phase is to
relate mission-essential tasks from the METL to one or more published MPSs from the unit’s applicable MCCRES volume in the MCO 3501.XX series.
The second step in the design phase is to
prioritize the training of mission-essential tasks.
The third step in the design phase is to
relate further subordinate, collective, and individual tasks to the MPSs that have been associated to each mission-essential task. Individual tasks are published as ITSs. ITSs are tasks that specify the individual proficiency requirements that support unit mission performance
Development Phase is
During the development phase, commanders ensure that all logistical and
background preparations are completed prior to the actual start of the training evolution.
Implementation Phase is
Training plans are executed during the implementation phase
The implementation phase has what three basic steps.
Staging of Resources and Personnel
Conducting the Scheduled Exercise
Staging of Resources and Personnel is
This step involves the transition from the development phase (which planned, coordinated, and arranged all support for the training evolution) into the implementation phase (where the training evolution actually begins). During this step, all resources and personnel needed to conduct the training are assembled at the training site.
Conducting the Scheduled Exercise is
During the execution of the exercise, trainers ensure that Marines know/understand the intended goals and procedures and that they receive the training needed to achieve the desired performance
Evaluation Phase is
Evaluation is a continuous process that occurs at all echelons and during every phase of SATE. SATE is the dynamic process that allows continuous improvement to the training program by the application of evaluation techniques at any point along the process, not solely upon completion of a phase.
Developing a Checklist is
The evaluator develops a checklist based on MPSs/ITSs and uses it to
evaluate unit performance. A checklist can help to optimize training time
by highlighting the strengths and deficiencies of the unit, therefore, focusing future training on what and who needs to be trained, rather than
retraining the entire unit/event needlessly
Conducting an After Action Review is
This step occurs after the training evolution has been completed, but it is
based on observations taken throughout the planning and execution
Training standards are used to guide the unit’s training program. At the
unit level, both collective (MPS) and Marine Corps Common Skills (MCCS)
are used to:
Determine Individual and/or Team Proficiencies and Deficiencies
Determine Training Methods
Specify Training Funding/Resources
Evaluate Proficiencies as a Result of Training
The Planning Process is
The Planning Process METL Training ↓ Assessment ↓ Commander’s Guidance ↓ Training Plans
Develop Training Plans are
Planning links the organizational METL with the subsequent execution and evaluation of training. Planning is a relatively centralized process in that the commander, the staff, subordinate commanders, and experienced SNCOs produce the training plan; it is not dictated by external agencies.
Establishing Training Priorities are
The establishment of training priorities helps the planner determine what should be fit into the training plan first. Priorities must be established and
clearly understood
Training is prioritized in the following order:
mission-oriented training, formal training, and ancillary training
Training Techniques are
Training exercises must use time and training resources efficiently. There
are several training techniques that commanders can use to meet the
objectives of the unit training program. These techniques can be applied
individually or they can be combined.
Multiechelon Training is
Marines are grouped by echelon or position; then the groups are trained
separately, but simultaneously, to meet specific training needs at their
echelons.This technique is used to manage training that precedes complex collective training or to sustain current levels of proficiency.
Individual Training During Collective Training is
Collective tasks and missions also consist of individual, leader, and team
tasks. This allows instructors to address individual, leader, and team tasks
while they are teaching collective tasks. This means training on more than
one task can be conducted concurrently.
Concurrent Training is
During concurrent training, groups of Marines train simultaneously on
different tasks. These tasks may or may not be related.
Prime Time for Training is
Prime time for training is when specific blocks of time are set aside exclusively for training. Everything from capability exercises to guard duty compete for precious training time. Because of the necessity to support
other requirements, not all units can be assigned prime time for training at
the same time.
Hip-Pocket Training is
Almost every day there is
some unused time during which training can be accomplished. Leaders
should take maximum advantage of this opportunity with previously
planned alternate or hip-pocket training events. Hip-pocket training
should be ready in case unforeseen events cause delays or cancellation
of the planned training event.
Training Schedules are
Specify when training starts and where it takes place.
Allocate the correct amount of time for scheduled training and also
additional training as required to correct anticipated deficiencies.
Specify individual, leader, and collective tasks to be trained.
Provide concurrent training topics that will efficiently use available
training time.
Specify who conducts the training and who evaluates the results.
Provide administrative information concerning uniform, weapons,
equipment, references, and safety precautions.
Long-range training plan/training exercise and employment plan (TEEP) is
Not required below regiment level
Is a long-range training plan
o Lists all the major exercises and deployments in which units will take part
o Chronologically lists the event and the unit that will be involved
Mid-range training plan is
Includes a chronological listing of
Major training events
Short range training plan is
Serves as the master training schedule
Should contain all the training needed to
o Prepare for events on the mid-range plan
o Support the unit’s training program
Monthly/weekly training schedule is
Include all the exact details about the training
Are what you as lieutenants must be familiar with
Represents the fully coordinated training events that will take place
Answers these questions:
o What
o Who
o Where
o How
o When
o How long
Your training schedule will have what three major sources for input
Unit training plan.
Marine Corps order (MCO)
Unit training SOP
Whenever possible, we must train in an environment that simulates
the stress, fatigue, and confusion of combat. Commanders must provide a mechanism for feedback, from the lowest level possible, in order to improve training.
Successful combat units train as
they intend to fight, and fight as they are trained. To be successful, the training must be well thought-out, prepared, and executed. The systems approach to training, when properly used, will ensure success. This will, in turn, maintain the Marine Corps as the finest military force in the world today.