determiners and pronouns Flashcards
exact (!) word class of determiners
- central determiners => definite, indefinite, zero article (the, a, this etc.)
- predeterminers (half, all, both, twice etc.)
- postdeterminers (seven, many, few etc.)
use of the definite article
- usually definite/specific reference
- generic reference with musical instruments/dance (she plays THE harp)
- generic reference with plural nouns: national/ethnic groups, adjective head with human reference (the Chinese, the unemployed)
use of the indefinite article
nonreferring uses => descriptive rather than referring role
use of the zero article
expressing the generic
plural common count nouns: Cows are…
abstract noncount nouns: She studies dance
concrete noncount nouns with sg meaning: Iron is useful
abstract noncount nouns: Tme will show
collective nouns: man, youth, society - unique role or task: Maureen is captain of the team
- institutional usage: Council will consider this in due course.
- quasi-locatives: be in/go to town, bed, church
- transport and communication: by bicycle, bus, train etc.
- time expressions: at dawn, daybreak etc.
- meals
articles with proper names
definite article:
- titular names of persons and deities: the King of Sweden
- geographical names of plural form: the Bahamas
- names of rivers, canals, expanses of water, area: the Thames
- geographical names with the pattern the n of n: the Isle of Man
- theatres, galleries, major buildings: the Globe, the Taj Mahal
- ships: the Titanic
- journals, newspapers: the New York Times
no article (≠ ø-article):
- forenames and surnames: Frank (<-> the unlucky Frank)
- place names: Munich (<-> the Munich of 1933)
classes of pronouns/determiners
- central: personal/ reflexive/ possessive
- relative: who, whom, whose, which, that, Ø (zero-)
- interrogative: who?, whom?, whose?, which?, what?
- demonstrative: this, these, that, those
indefinite (=non-specific)
=> positive vs negative
=> positive: universal, assertive, non-assertive
- negative: negates completely or almost completely that a person or thing exists or that is true or valid for a person or thing
no, none, neither of the two, little, few
- assertive: indicates that a person or thing exists or that is true or valid for a person or thing
some + compounds
- non-assertive: leaves it open whether a person or thing exists or whether is true or valid for a person or thing
any + compounds
reference of reflexive pronouns
- coreferential He and his wife poured themselves a drink
- partially coreferential: I could make us an omelette
what form is himself here?
“Rembrand himself has worked on that paining.”
emphatic form
≠ reflexive pronoun!
wordclass of compounds of any and some
- indefinite pronoun: Tell me something about you. I cannot think of anyone who would be interested in this.
- indefinite compound adverb: some-/anywhere, somehow, somewhat, sometimes