Determination of Sex Flashcards
- Advantages of sexual reproduction? (2)
- X inactivation? Implications? (4)
- Increased genetic variability by increased evolution; protects species
- Female inactivate 1x; all dipoid have active x; females are mosaic for x’s; inactivation via methylation; Xist inactivates Cis (self) to form Barr Body; non random process
Sex differentiation:
- Leads to teste development? Encodes what TF?
- Mechanism?
- Anatomic progression? XY? (6) XX (3)
- Leads to internal reproductive organs?
- Sex and CNS?
- SRY; HMG box capable of opening chromosome
- SRY acts on Sox9 to inhibit dupDAX (leads to ovaries if not inhibited)
- XY –> SRY Gene –> Testes –> MIF and Testosterone produces –> Testosterone actively makes mesenephric ducts; MIF actively degrades Paramesenephric ducts
- XX –> Ovary –> Passive development and degradation of ducts
- XY = MIF presence
- Dimorphic b/n sexes