Design & Specification - Flash Cards - Level 1
What is the RIBA Plan of work 2020?
Breaks down and outlines all the stages in the planning, design and building process from conception to completion on site of a project.
What are the stages of the RIBA Plan of work 2020?
0 - Strategic Definition, 1 - Preparation and Brief, 2- Concept Design, 3 - Spatial Co-ordination, 4 - Technical Design, 5 - Construction, 6 - Handover, 7 - Use.
What are preliminaries?
Provides a description of the project that allows a contractor to assess costs which, whilst they do not form part of the works, are required by the method and circumstances of the works.
What are preambles?
Explanation of a document to help with interpretation - Project background, tender procedure, parties of the contract.
What are the Building Regulations?
The UK standards for building work that ensure a building is safe, comfortable and energy efficient.
What are the Approved Documents?
Provide guidance on the performance expected of materials and building work in order to comply with the building regulations. They provide practice examples.
List the Approved Documents?
Part A - Structure, Part B - Fire Safety, Part C - Site preparation and resistance to contaminants and moisture, Part D - Toxic substances, Part E - Resistance to sound, Part F - Ventilation, Part G - Sanitation, hot water safety and water efficiently, Part H - Drainage, Part J - combustible appliances and fuel storage, Part K - Protection from falling, collision and impact, Part L - Conservation of fuel and power, Part O - Overheating, Part P - Electrical, Part Q - Security in dwellings, Part T - Toilet accommodation.
What are British Standards?
British standards are the standards produced by the BSI Group which is incorporated under the Royal Charter and which is formally designated as the national standard body in the UK.
Give an example of a British Standard?
BS 6229 - Flat roofing standards.
What is the legislation for planning policy?
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
How do you ensure accurate design information is provided?
By making reference to specifications, Approved Documents, British Standards, NBS, drawings.
What guidance information would you use for design & specification?
RICS practice information on design & specification - best practice information on roles / design / specifications.
What is a schedule of works?
Without quantities, lists the works that are required - references a specification / drawing.
What are provisional quantities?
A quantity that cannot be accurately determined - defined by NRM 2013.
What is a schedule of rates?
Used when the nature of the work is known but cannot be quantified.