Descriptions of Project Documents and Processes Created Flashcards
Activity Attributes
Detailed information about each individual activity
Process created in: Define activities
Activity list
List of all the activities on the project.
Process created in: Define activities
Assumption log
List of all project assumptions and constraints.
Process created in: Develop project charter
Basis of estimates
Describes how schedule, cost, and resource estimates were developed. Also includes their confidence level and ranges.
Process created in: Estimate activity
duration, estimate
costs, estimate
activity resources
Change log
Lists and describes the status of the change requests
that is being processed or have been processed
through the perform integrated change control process
Process created in: Perform integrated
change control
Cost estimates
Cost of each individual activity
Process created in: Estimate costs
Cost forecasts
A prediction of how much the project will cost when it completes based on the current work.
Process created in: Control costs
Duration estimates
Amount of time needed to complete each activity on
the project.
Process created in: Estimate activity
Issue log
List of all issues on the project. Could include history type, description, priority, status, and resolution
Process created in: Direct and manage
project work
Lessons learned
List of all lessons learned throughout the project
Process created in: Manage project
Milestone list
Description of milestones on a project.
Process created in: Define activities
Physical resource
Assignments of the physical resources to the activities or work packages
Process created in: Acquire resources
Project calendars
A calendar view of what takes place on a day-to-day basis on the project.
Process created in: Develop schedule
Communicate in on the project by following the
communications management plan
Process created in: Manage communications
Project schedule
A detailed breakdown of the work that needs to be
done in order to complete the project. Will include a
bar chart, milestone chart, and the project schedule network diagram.
Process created in: Develop schedule
Project schedule
network diagram
A sequencing diagram that shows the relationships
amongst the activities and the sequence they will be
performed. But also show the critical path.
Process created in: Sequence activities
Project scope
A detailed description of the project or phase deliverables
Process created in: Define scope
Project team
Assignment of the project team members to the work
packages or activities
Process created in: Acquire resources
Quality control
Results of the activities done in the “control quality”
processes to determine if the quality standards or
policies were met.
Process created in: Control quality
Quality metrics
An attribute that will be used to measure the project or to deliverable to verify that it has met the quality requirements and/or standards
Process created in: Plan quality
Quality report
A report which generally includes information about
quality issues on the project and
on how to improve the processes on the project
Process created in: Manage quality
Description of all requirements from project
Process created in: Collect requirements
traceability matrix
A table that traces the origin of the requirements.
Process created in: Collect requirements
Resource breakdown
Categorization and type of the project resources.
Process created in: Estimate activity
Resource calendars
Shows the availability of resources on the project both physical and HR.
Process created in: Acquire resources
Description of the number and type of resources
needed to complete each work package or activity.
Process created in: Estimate activity
Risk register
A list of all positive and negative risks on a project, along with responses.
Process created in: Identify risks
Risk report
A description of the overall project risks. I
Process created in: Identify risks
Schedule data
The information that is used to create the schedule such as who made it, assumptions, and constraints.
Process created in: Develop schedule
Schedule forecasts
A prediction of when the project may be completed
based on the current progress of the work.
Process created in: Control schedule
Stakeholder register
A list of all stakeholders, which can include
categorization, impact, and communication
Process created in: Identify stakeholders
Team charter
Guidelines team should follow on a project. Includes
values, decision-making process, acceptable
behavior, code of conduct, and etiquette.
Process created in: Plan resource
Test and evaluation
Used to help evaluate the project deliverables when
Process created in:
Manage quality