Describe and evaluate the use of laboratory experiments to test the reliability of EWT Flashcards
How are laboratory experiments used to study EWT?
Lab experiments used to study EWT are conducted in controlled environments where a researcher manipulates the independent variable and measures its effects on the dependent variable.
Give an example of how a laboratory experiment used to study EWT would be carried out.
Eg, the researcher may ask their participants to watch a film clip about crime and then manipulate whether the participant is asked leading questions about the clip or not, and see what effect this has on the dependent variable.
What will the researcher try to control?
The researcher will try to control all other variables to allow them to make statements about cause and effect.
What do the researchers test and why?
The researchers will test a hypothesis that is generated from a theory so that they can then confirm or amend the theory according to the results.
Give an example of a laboratory experiment used to test EWT.
Loftus and Palmer (1974).
Evaluate in terms of reliability.
High reliability is established by using standardised procedures to evaluate the consistency of the findings. Laboratory experiments are highly reliable as they as it is possible to standardise the procedure in a controlled environment. Eg, Loftus and Palmer.
Evaluate in terms of validity
Experimental validity is the levels of control and whether the researcher can establish cause and effect. Lab experiments are high in this as there is a high level of control over extraneous variables. Ecological validity refers to mundane realism and lab experiments are low in this because they are conducted in artificial environments that do not recreate the situation experienced by the witness. Eg, Loftus and Palmer.
Evaluate in terms of ethical issues
Ethical issues can be easy to address in lab experiments as protection of the participants is possible as videos or clips can be shown rather than real life events. Participants can also be informed or their right to withdraw and can give consent. However there can be issues as in order to improve reliability and avoid demand characteristics the experimenter can choose to deceive the participants, resulting is distress or embarrassment, violating the ethical guidelines.
Evaluate in terms of the data gathered.
Quantitative date is gathered from a lab experiments and is numerical and objective to possibly very reliable. Quantitative data allows statistical tests to be conducted on results so the relationship between cause and effect is very likely. Eg, Loftus and palmer collected quantitative data in the form of speed estimates.