Descending motor pathways Flashcards
Where is the motor cortex?
- Anterior to the central cortical sulcus
* Occupies ~1/3 of the frontal lobe
What are the 3 subareas of the motor cortex?
- Primary motor cortex
- Premotor area
- Supplementary motor area
What proportion of the motor cortex control hands of the muscles and muscles of the speech?
More than half
What does the excitation of a single motor neurone do?
- Excites a specific movement (not one specific muscle)
* A pattern of separate muscles are excited
Describe the action of the premotor area
- More complex patterns of movement
- most anterior part develops an image for total muscle movement
- Posterior excitation of the specific muscle acitvity that is required
- Sends signals to the primary motor cortex so the specific muscles are excited
Describe the supplemental motor area
- Contractions are ofter bilateral e.g. grasping movement of both hands
- Usually functions together with the premotor area
how have the specialised areas of motor control been identified?
• Electrical stimulation or observation of loss of motor function with destructive lesions
What is Broca’s area
Motor speech area
What is the role of the corticospinal tract?
• Carries signals direct from the cortex to the spinal cord
Where does the corticospinal tract originate from ?
- 30% from the primary motor cortex
- 30% premotor
- 40% somatosensory
Describe the pathway of the corticospinal tract
- Cortex
- Medulla
- Majority cross in the lower medulla
- Lateral corticospinal tracts
- Mainly terminate of interneurones
What happens to the fibres in the corticospinal tract that do not cross in the lower medulla?
They pass ipsilaterally in the ventral corticospinal tracts
Which pathway is conscious movement associated with
Lateral pathways
Which pathway is unconscious movement associated with?
Ventromedial pathways
Describe the lateral pathway
- Principally controlled bu the cerebral cortex via 2 corticospinal tracts
- General control of voluntary moments
- Mainly associated with control of distal muscles
Describe the Ventromedial pathways
- Principally controlled in the brainstem
- Control of posture and rhythmic movements associated with locomotion
- control axial and proximal muscles
What does the brain stem contain?
• Motor and sensory nuclei
What special control functions does the brain stem control?
- Respiration
- Partial control of GI function
- Control of many stereotyped body movements, equilibrium, eye movements