Dermatphatology part 4 Flashcards
pitryiasis rosea etiology and demographic
subacute spongiotic dermatitis
not contagious but possibly related to HHV type 7
affects older children and young adults
most common in winter
Pitryiasis rosea clinical and gross Description
“herald patch” resmebles ringworm
progresses to generalized oval, sightly elevated, scaling papules that resemble the herald patch but are smaller
the lesions are pink with scaling near the border
described as classically having a “christmas tree” pattern
the patient feels well
Pitryriasis rosea location and tx and histology
common on trunk, upper arms, and thigs usually not found on the face
pruritis often present and varies in severity
histologic: spongiosis with erythrocyte extravasation
spontaneously remits in 6-8 weeks without treatment
Treat itching with antihistamines
recurrence is rare
Venous insufficiency
venous incompetence causes increased hydrostatic pressure and capillary damage leading to extravasation of RBCs and serum
disease of middle age and older adults
starts as edema and hyper pigmentation and leads to pruritic erythema and stasis dermatitis
Stasis dermatitis histology
this is a subacute spongiotic dermatitis
chornic intracellular epidermal edema
erythrocyte extravasation causes hemosiderin to collect which givs skin a thickened, rough, brown appearance
venous insufficiency TX
avoid trauma to the area
compression stockings
topical steroids for stasis dermatitis
wound care for ulcers debridement and Unna boot
accelerated prolifertion of skin cells resulting in scaling
chronic condition with exacerbations and remissions
can occur at any age, average is 35 years
pathogenesis: genetic and environemnta; 1/3 have family history
impact on quality of life and self esteem can be enormous
Psoriasis clinical
well demarcated erythematous plaques and papules with silver scalling
auspitiz sign: pinpoint bleed on removal of scale
symmertical elbows, knees, buttocks, scalp, gluteal cleft, trunk, face
trauma to the skin and stress can cause exacrbations (koebner phenomenon)
Psoriasis histo
downard elongation fo rete ridges
thinning of overylying stratum granulsom with parakeratosis above
aggregates of neutrophils with surrounding spongiosis
cappaleries in derm papilla are brought close to the surface
Psoriasis other types
erythrodermic: involves entire skin very serious
guttate: scattered drop like, pink, scaly plaques may follow strep infection
pustular: pusutules on erythematous skin can be on palsm/soles or generalized
Psoriasis on nails
50% have nail involvement
oil spotting: focal brown discoloration of nail plate
oncycholysis: distal separation of plate from bed
subungual hyperkeratosis
Psoriatic arthritis
most is mild with asymmetric small and medium join involvement
arthritis mutilans is very destrive form of psoriatic arthritis with significant periarticular bone resorption
erosions cause a penicl in cup deformity where one articular surface is erodied creating a pointed appearance. Articulating bone is concave resmembling an upside down cup
Psoriasis TX
calcipotriene: vitamin D deriviative
tars: compliance very low
also treat systemic
Seborrheic dermatitis
chronic inflammatory process affecting areas rich in sebaceous glands
peaks in infancy and adulthood
thought to be caused by yeast malassezia furfur which is normal flora on skin
Seborrheic dermatitis caveats
may be more common in parkinson and HIV
mild cases manifest as dandruff
yellow, greasy, scaly patches with surrounding erythema
asymptomatic but may be itchy
in babies condition will remit after 6-8 moths. The course is chronic in adults
seborrheic dermatitis histo
features of both spongiotic dermatitis and psoriasis later
mounds of parakeratosis with neutrophils and serum at the ostia of hair follicules
perivascular infiltrate of lymphocytes and neutrophils
etiology unkonwn
Seborrheic dermatitis TX
sunight helps
dandruff shampoo
mild topical steroids fro more severe cases
may only need to use dandruff shampoo and ketoconazole 2-3 per week
Lichen planus
idopathic inflammatory disorder
5 P: pruritic purple, polygonal, planar, papules, plaques
uncommon but not rare
Lichenen planus clinical
history: severe intching
most common on wrists and ankles
wickham’s striae: fine reticulated white lines
mucous membrane involvement is common
koebner phenomenon (trauma to the skin and stress can cuse exacerbations)
Lichenplanus assocaitions
hepatitis C
lichenplanus histo
dense chornic infiltrate
Lichen planus TX and diagnosis
biopsy if dianosis is in doubt
strong topical steroids are mainstay of treatment
usually self limited, most commonly resolves 1-2 years after onset. Recurrences uncommon
patients with mucous membrane involvement have longer course
Systemic lupus erythematousus
multisystem autoimmune disease involving connective tissues and blood vessels
incidence is 40-200/100000
more common in african americans
female to male ratio 9 to 1
age of onset is 30-40
Systemic lupus erythematosus clinical presentation
history: 36% have skin lesions. Sunlight exacerbates rash. Skin lesions may burn or itch
also present with fatigeu, fever, wt loss, malaise, arthralgias, CNS symptoms
Malar rash “butterfly rash” erythematous confluent, macular eruption with clear borders
multisysteme involvement: oral ulcers, renal disease, pericarditis, pneumonitis, peritonitis, hepatosplenomegaly, myopathy, neuropathy, lymphadenopathy, seizures
Systemic lupus erythematosus TX
oral steroids and immunosuppressants (methotrexate and azathioprine, etc)
Systemic lupus erythematosus causes and false positives
all due to immune complex deposition
false positive on RPR and VDRL
five year survival is 93%
Systemic lupus erythematosus histoogy
lichenoid interface dermatitis
epidermal atrophy
thickening of basal membrane