Dermatophilus, Nocardia, Actinomyces Flashcards
Dermatophilus congolensis
Infection of the epidermis
- lesions characterized by exudative dermatitis with scab formation
D. congolensis host range
Most frequently affected: cattle, sheep, goats, horses
Rarely affected: pigs, dogs, cats
What is the term for cattle, goat, and sheep infection?
Cutaneous streptothrichosis
What is the term for sheep infection?
Lumpy wool
Alligator infection with Dermatophilus
Represents a new species
- scrapes are common on free edge of ventral scales, creating a good environment for dermatophilus infection (aka free edge scale rot)
D. congolensis morphology
Gram-positive, non acid fast, facultative anaerobic actinomycete
- 2 characteristic forms: filamentous hyphae and motile zoospores
Filamentous hyphae
Characterized by branching filaments (1-5 um) that fragment by both transverse and longitudinal septation into packets of coccoid cells
- coccoid cells mature into flagellated ovoid zoospores
- zoospores swim out of wet skin to create new lesions
What factors influence development and transmission of dermatophilus?
- prolonged wetting by rain
- high humidity
- high temperature
- various ectoparasites that reduce or permeate the natural barriers of the integument
Dermatophilus can exist in a _______ form
Quiescent; lives in epidermis until infection is exacerbated by climatic conditions
Epidemics of dermatophilus usually occur during the ______
Rainy season
How does high humidity contribute to dermatophilus infection?
Increases number of biting insects that act as mechanical vectors (ex: flies, ticks)
______, _______, or ______ an infected animal into a herd can spread infection
Shearing, dipping, or introducing
What attracts zoospores to the skin?
Respiratory efflux of low concentrations of carbon dioxide from the skin
- zoopores then germinate to produce hyphae, which penetrate into the living epidermis and spread in all directions
Chronic dermatophilus infection
Invaded epithelium cornifies and separates in the form of a scab
- in wet scabs, moisture enhances the proliferation and release of zoospores from hyphae
Dermatophilosis is most prevalent in _______
Young animals chronically exposed to moisture, and immunosuppressed hosts
What environmental factor speeds healing?
Onset of dry weather
What are the primary economic consequences?
- damaged hides in cattle
- wool loss in sheep
- lameness and loss of performance in horses (when affected around the pastern)
3 stages of observed lesions in cattle
- hairs matted together as paint-brush lesions
- crust or scab formation as the initial lesions coalesce
- accumulations of cutaneous keratinized material forming wart-like lesions that are 0.5-2 cm in diameter
Typical lesions consist of
Raised, matted tufts of hair
Chronic, lumpy wool infection characterizaiton
Pyramid-shaped masses of scab material bound to wool fibers
- crusts are primarily on dorsal surfaces
Lesions on horses with long winter coats
Similar to cattle, develop with matted hair and paint-brush lesions leading to crust or scab formation with yellow-green pus present under larger scabs
Histopathologic examination
Characteristic branching hyphae with multidimensional septations, coccoid cells, zoospores in the epidermis
- organisms are abundant in active lesions, but can be sparse in chronic lesions
Depends on appearance of lesions and demonstration of D. congolensis in stained smears
What is the most practical diagnostic test?
Cytologic examination of fresh crusts and/or impression smears of the underside of freshly avulsed lesions