Dermatology_Medicine Flashcards
Melanoma - criteria for 2WW?
- Asymmetry
- Border (irreg)
- Colour
- Diameter (>7mm)
- Exposed area/evolving/elevated

Melanoma Ix? Mx? What does nodal involvement indicate?
Ix: excision biopsy with Breslow thickness
Nodal involvement = stage 3+
- Suspicion of nodal involvement/mets –> excision biopsy + SLNB ± mets screening
- No nodal involv/mets –> excision biopsy:
- Breslow ≤2mm = stage 1
- Breslow ≥2mm –> SLNB:
- -ve = stage 2
- +ve = mets screen:
- -ve = stage 3
- +ve = stage 4
- Stage 1/2 –> follow-up & advice
- Stage 3 –> LND + adjuvant chemo
- Stage 4 –> resect (if possible), chemo, metastasectomy, palliative input

Multiple flat, light brown plaques with waxy surface along scalp + back - Dx?
Seborrhoeic keratosis

Multiple scaly, thick plaques on sun-exposed regions - Dx?
Acitinic/Solar keratosis (pre-malignant)

Hard, raised growth with an ulcerated centre that began as boil - Dx?

Red swollen leg DDx?
Venous thrombosis (DVT)
Chronic venous insufficiency

Purpuric erruption DDx?
Meningococcal septicaemia
Acitinic purpura

Changing pigmented lesion ddx?
Melanocytic naevi
Seborrhoeic wart
Malignant melanoma

Itchy eruption DDx?
Eczema - atopy/exacerbating factors
Scabies - contacts with Hx
Urticaria - precipitant
Lichen planus - FHx/drug-induced
general Mx: antihistamines, CS

Acne vulgaris - drug Tx?
- Single topical therapy: topical retinoid or benzoyl peroxide
- Topical combination therapy (choose 2 or more): topical retinoid, benzoyl peroxide, topical antibiotic
- Add oral antibiotics: tetracycline, macrolide, trimethoprim
- (Sometimes COCP as alternative in women)
- Oral isotretinoin