Dermatology Flashcards
How are skin lesions described?
Morphology: shape, color, elevation, margination, etc.
Arrangement: single, grouped, arciform, annular, etc.
Distribution: localized, disseminated
glass slide or diascope pressed on skin; blanching indicates intact capillaries
purpura does NOT blanch
KOH prep
mount skin scraping on KOH to dissolve keratin and cellular material; fungi not affected
identifies fungal or dermatophyte infection
Wood’s light exam
exam skin under UV light
dilated, small, superficial blood vessels
thickened skin with distinct borders, often from excessive scratching or prolonged irritation
swollen and softened by increase in water content; appearance that skin gets when left in water too long
irregular, rough, and convoluted surfaces
circumscribed, elevated lesion containing serous fluid or blood less than 5 mm and greater than 5 mm
solid, palpable lesion less than 5 mm and greater than 5 mm
flat, non-palpable lesion less than 1 cm and greater than 1 cm
minute hemorrhagic spots that do NOT blanch by diascopy
types of contact dermatitis
irritant (chemicals) diaper rash (prolonged urine/feces contact) allergic (type IV cell mediated hypersensitivity reaction)
acute itching and burning rash with well-demarcated areas of erythema
contact dermatitis
How is contact dermatitis confirmed in lab?
Patch test
contact dermatitis treatment
Avoid offending agent
Wet dressings with Burrow’s solution
Topical steroids
Supportive: clean with mild soaps, antihistamines for itch (Calamine lotion)
Auspitz sign
bleeding after scale removed
ex: psoriasis
Patch test
shows hypersensitivity reaction in skin allergies
ex: contact dermatitis
Darier sign
urticarial flare produced by rubbing skin
Nikolsky sign
rubbing skin causes blister
Atopic dermatitis also referred to as _______.
Atopic dermatitis symptoms
- Dry itchy skin often involving FLEXURAL surfaces (back of knees, wrists, anterior elbow), face, dorsum of hands and feet
- Lichenified skin
- Secondary infections like staph
Atopic dermatitis treatment
Avoid dry air, limit bathing and soap use
Hydration and topical emollients
Topical steroid
Presentation of contact dermatitis
Crusted lesions
The location and distribution are keys to dx
- Linear vesicles on the forearms or lower legs are often poison ivy
How is impetigo ruled out as cause of rash?
Gram stain
eczema is in close association with what other conditions?
ATOPY: eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis
signs/sx’s of seborrheic dermatitis
- Flakey, dry, itchy skin
- Found in oily places such as body folds, face, scalp, genitalia
seborrheic dermatitis in adults commonly known as ______ and in infants its called _______.
cradle cap
seborrheic dermatitis treatment
- OTC dandruff shampoo (selenium sulfide)
- UV radiation
- Ketoconazole shampoo
- Topical steroids for severe cases
cradle cap: olive oil compresses, baby shampoo
A skin disorder characterized by repetitive itching and scratching. This may be secondary to eczema, psoriasis, bug bites, psych disorders, etc.
Lichen simplex chronicus
Describe rash of Lichen simplex chronicus
- Lichenified skin with well defined borders
- Plaques
- Darkened skin
- Scratch marks
Lichen simplex chronicus treatment
- Must reduce scratching
- Lotions and creams to keep skin moist
- Antihistamine
- Cortisone cream
Patients with dyshidrosis often have a history of _____.
sign of dyshidrosis
small clear vesicles in clusters (“tapioca” appearance) and occasionally bullae
usually on hands and feet
painful fissures if vesicles rupture, scaling, Lichenification
dyshidrosis treatment
- Reduce stress in life
- Avoid skin irritation by using gloves and cream to keep skin from drying out
- Topical steroids
- Wet dressing with Burrow’s solution
Some medications that commonly have derm side effects
Penicillin - rash
Percocet - itch
Itchy, shiny lesions which are solid and raised with white lines (Wickham striae).
Lichen Planus
The 4 P’s of Lichen Planus
Lichen Planus treatment
- Strong topical steroid
- Cyclosporine mouthwash if oral lesions
- Systemic therapy may be necessary
- Phototherapy
Hallmarks of pityriasis rosea
Herald patch - solitary pink plaque with raised borders, commonly on abdomen 1-2 weeks before rash breaks out
Salmon-colored papular rash eruption on trunk in Christmas tree pattern
pityriasis rosea treatment
- Self limiting, typically 3-8 weeks
- May use lotion or antihistamines
Chronic autoimmune skin disorder characterized by red flaky, scaling skin that is dry and itchy
Describe rash of psoriasis
- salmon colored, well defined raised papules and plaques, dry/itchy with SILVER SCALES
- most often scalp and EXTENSOR surfaces of elbows and knees
- scratching causes more lesions (Koebner phenomenon), Auspitz sign
Associated symptoms of psoriasis besides rash
Onycholysis (separation of nail plate)
Arthritis in hands and feet
Psoriasis treatment
Keep skin moist Topical steroid or topical Vit D Systemic steroid may be necessary if widespread Tazarotene gel (topical retinoid) Severe: PUVA, Methotrexate
3 variations of psoriasis
vulgaris - 80%
erythroderma - lesions all over body
guttate - disseminated pattern, often after strep throat
pustular - widespread pustules; life-threatening
What can occur if psoriasis tx suddenly stopped?
psoriatic erythroderma; can be fatal due to systemic inflammation and difficulty regulating body temp
Most common infection that predisposes patient to Erythema Multiforme
Herpes infection
Which medications most commonly cause SJS and TEN?
Sulfonamides, penicillin, phenytoin…..
Hallmark rash of erythema multiforme
target lesion- pink red ring with pale center
erythema multiforme treatment
Acyclovir if related to herpes flare up, otherwise self-limiting (2-6 wks)
Systemic steroids if severe
PE findings of SJS and TEN
High fever
Necrotic epidermis, loss of skin in sheets
Nikolsky sign
SJS and TEN treatment
- d/c causative agent and send to burn unit
- fluid and electrolyte management very important
Initially a urticarial rash (hives) that turns into tense, large bullae typically in axillae, groin, and thighs
bullous pemphigoid
Starts as painful lesions in mouth and then clear fluid-filled vesicles or bulla break out on skin. Lesions are flaccid and easily ruptured with (+) Nikolsky sign
Pemphigus vulgaris
Pathophysiology of pemphigus vulgaris
autoimmune IgG mediated loss of cell-to-cell adhesion
Gold standard of diagnosing rashes
skin biopsy
Generic treatment for most rash outbreaks
topical steroids for minor outbreak systemic oral steroids for more severe abx for secondary infection fluid and electrolyte management antihistamine for itch
Name for typical adolescent acne
acne vulgaris
How is mild acne treated?
hygiene, diet, etc.
topical retinoids
topical salicylic acid
How is acne treated if inflammatory lesions present?
topical benzoyl peroxide, erythromycin, clindamycin, or sodium sulfacetamide
How is severe or cystic acne treated?
- Add abx like tetracycline, erythromycin, or clindamycin
- refer to dermatologist for Accutane (isotretinoin)
I came in to see my physician assistant because of…
Face appears flushed
Small papulopustules
Facial telangiectasia
Rhinophyma (enlarged nose) may be seen
Acne Rosacea
Acne Rosacea treatment
- Remove aggravators (sun, emotional stress, spicy food, heavy exercise, alcohol)
- Metronidazole most effective
- topical abx or oral abx if very severe
What to warn patient about Accutane?
side effects: dry eyes and mouth, mood swings, joint pain, visual changes, leukopenia
TERATOGENIC - patient put on birth control
If ________ left untreated 20% will go on to squamous cell carcinoma.
actinic keratosis
Describe actinic keratosis lesion
2-10 mm macules or papules
pink or hyper pigmented
feel like sandpaper