Dermatology Flashcards
Flat discolored lesion
Less than 1 cm = macule
Greater than 1 cm = patch
Palpable raised lesion
Less than 1 cm = papule
Greater than 1 cm = plaque
Lesion with significant depth
Less than 1 cm = nodule
Greater than 1 cm = tumor
Fluid containing lesion
Greater than 1 cm = cyst
Elevated lesion containing serous fluid
Less than 1 cm = vesiscle
Greater than 1 cm = bullae
What causes Rocky Mountain spotted fever?
Rickettsia rickettsii tick bite
Sudden onset fever, headache, rash, myalgia, GI complaints
Common phototoxic drugs
NSAIDs, quinolones, tetracyclines, amiodarone, phenothiazine
Dermatomyositis lesions
Violaceous periorbital HELOPTROPE RASH with edema
Erythema of neck and upper trunk SHAWL SIGN
Violaceous papules over knucles GOTTRON PAPULES
Treatment for tinea versicolor (overgrowth of M furfur)
Selenium sulfide lotion
Oral ketoconazole
Define vitiligo
Autoimmune reaction against melanocytes associated with other autoimmune diseases such as pernicious anemia, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or diabetes type 1
Itchy red macules and papules on the face spreading to the neck, trunk and extremities within 24 hours ± red rash on soft palate
Post auricular lymph nodes
Resp spread
Careful in pregnant ladies
Small white spots on oral mucosa with erythematous macules and papules of face spreading cephalocaudally
Pink macules and papules on trunk spreading to neck and proximal extremities with surrounding white halos
Skin changes in liver disease
Gynecomastia, jaundice, caput medua, loss of body hair, palmar erythema, peripheral edema, purpura, spider angioma
Skin changes in renal failure
Photodistributed or diffuse hyperpigmentation including palms and soles, pallor, yellow tinge
Skin changes in diabetes
Acanthosis nigricans, foot ulcers, itching, light brown slightly indented scaly patches (diabetic dermopathy), yellow skin and nails
Skin changes in Cushing syndrome
Acanthosis nigricans, acne, buffalo hump, hirsutism, telangiectasia, atrophic skin, striae
Skin changes in neurofibromatosis
Cafe au lair spots, freckles, neurofibromas
Skin changes in hyperlipidemia
Finger clubbing should make you think of
Lung disease
GI disorders
Chronic methemoglobinemia
Hollow or spoon shaped nails should make you think of
Iron deficiency
Old age
Transverse white lines/leukonychia should make you think of
Chemotherapeutic agents
Black spots on nails should make you consider
Hematoma or melanoma
Splinter hemorrhages of nails should make you think of
Bacterial endocarditis
Blood dyscrasia