Derm Images (ONLY IMAGES) Flashcards
- Traumatized skin-usually butcher handling raw fish, shellfish, poultry, pork and beef
- Usually on fingers, webs, can spread proximally w/in 1 week of injury,
- distinctive elevated, violaceous indurated maculopapule lesion
- Burning and itching, not as bad as cellulitis
Erysipeloid Erysipelothrix gram positive rod
What is this?
Hemangioma of infancy
What type of vascular malformation is this?
port wine stain/ nevus flammeus
White to yellow, single or multiple, small epidermoid cysts that occur throughout life, mostly on the face
What type of psoriasis is this? What are some treatment options? And what diet would you suggest?
Inverse psoriasis
Vitamin A, omega-3s, digestive aids
Anti-inflammatory and gluten-free
This skin condition affects individuals in the 7th decade of life and has very slow radial growht primarily on the nose and cheeks
lentigo maligna melanoma
What skin condition is pictured here? It is characterized by a papule/nodule that can be pigmented/necrotic and telangectasia?
ulceratvie basal cell carcinoma
What is this dermatological presentation called?
erythema infectiosum
(from parvo b19, 5th disease, “slapped cheek disease”)
What stage of eczema/dermatitis is characterized by redness, scaling, fissuring, parched appearance, scaled appearance, slight to moderate itch, pain, stinging and burning?
- Males>Females
- Usually associated with hyperhidrosis and occlusive footwear
what causes it? Dx? Tx?
Pitted keratolysis
Caused by Micrococcus sedentarius
dx: Negtive KOH, woods lamp
Tx- Wear cotton socks (change frequently), consider agents to reduce moisture, topically antibiotic may be necessary
single dry, thick scaly lesion with a chronic itch-scratch cycle
Lichen Simplex Chronicus
ABCDE “red flags” of melanoma
Borders (irregular)
Color (variation)
Diameter (>6 mm)
What is this “spaghetti and meatball” presentation?
Tinea versicolor
What are the five Ps of this condition?
lichen planus
5 Ps:
Pruritic (itchy)
Planar (flat-topped)
Polygonal (the shape)
2-10 mm in diameter
Infection of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue
An itchy, dyhidrotic-like vesicular eruption on the fingers, forearms, thighs, legs, trunk
Id reaction
What is acute, chronic, recurrent dermatitis of the hands and soles that affects F>M?
Pompholyx/dyshidrotic eczema
“Pompholyx” = bubble
What is this sharply demarcated rough surface, round or irregular, firm, light gray, yellow, brown or grayish black that is mildly contagious?
common wart or verruca vulgaris
What are these pearly spots in the mouth associated with rubeola?
Koplick’s spots
These are areas of alopecia with scale but no inflammation.
Trichophyton tonsuring, Black dot ringworm
Stress stimulates this condition, what is it? Also, what common treatment is a possibility?
herpes simplex
Drugs: acyclovir (antiviral)
Aloe Vera, rhubarb, sage, honey, lysine
What is this?
What is this DDX for tinea cruris that does cross the genital border?
Mgmt/treatment for this condition that has an onset after sun exposure?
Condition: polymorphous light eruption
Prevention: sun block (though not always helpful)
CAM: beta-carotene, niacinamide, vit b6
Prednisone, trimcinolone
photochemotherapy (PUVA)
- Pinpoint papules, Numerous papules giving a sandpaper-like texture to the skin
- Pastia’s sign, Desquamation of the tips and toes
- Strawberry tongue day 4-7 in untreated cases
what is the tx?
scarlet fever
tx- antibiotics
What is characterized by flaky skin and has risk factors that include moisture, warmth, contact with infected person, animal, soil, fomite and tight clothing?
What will a gram stain detect?
Dermatophytes infections (tinea pedis, cruris, corporis, facialis, barbae, capitis)
gram stain will detect Candida
What kind of secondary lesion is this?
What age group and sex is most affected by this condition?
Condition: erythema multiforme syndrome
Greater than fifty percent are under 20 yo and M>F
What is this DDX for tinea cruris that is dIffuse, brown, scaly and turns coral red with Wood’s lamp?
- what is the tx for cellulitis?
- if no fever, small area, and otherwise healthy adult elevation, heat, oral antibiotics; follow up in 24-48 hours, treat for 10 days
What is this skin condition that scales off if you scrape at it “fingernail scratch sign.” Is it communicable?
Tinea versicolor
No, its not communicable.
Early eruptive stage associated with measles is called what?
Morbilliform rash
Characterized by sudden onset of multiple scaling red papules that self-resolves in 3-4 months and does NOT benefit from antibiotics. What is this?
guttate psoriasis
What is this relatively common acute and often recurrent inflammatory condition that contains circles within circles?
Erythema multiforme syndrome
Soft skin colored to slightly pigmented, pedunculated papule
Skin tag
What is this condition? And what kind of treatment would you do for moderate-severe cases?
Condition: erythema multiforme syndrome
soft cystic mass filled with clear gelatinous mucin produced by fibroblasts
* often communicates with tendon or joint capsule
ganglion cyst
What is this nail bed lesion called and what does it suggest?
Oil spot lesion; psoriasis show up in 1/3 of patients
What kind of secondary lesion is this?
If you press on this laterally it will increase or cause pain, what is it?
Plantar wart
because they are growing inward toward the body
Characterized by the presentation of vesicles, papules, erythematous macules, urticaria plaques. Pink to red in color. Onset after sun exposure.
Polymorphous light eruption
Salmon-pink papules and plaques, sharply marginated with silvery-white scales. Removal of scales-reveals punctate bleeding called ________
Auspitz’s sign (suggestive of psoriasis)
What are A and B?
A. Venous lake will blanch with pressure
B. Melanoma will not blanch
dermatitis at site of contact (watchband, earrings) that appears 24-48 hours after contact
allergic contact dermatitis
slow growing yellow-brown macule, papule, plaque or nodule of lipid deposts in the skin and tendons
What skin condition is characterized by irregular, asymmetric raised nodules that are often multicolored?
(Acral lentiginous melanoma pictured here)
Photo is early and later stage. Macule, papules, painful, itchy vesicles, crusts within 8-12 hours (multiple crops). Crusts 1-3 wks, can leave scar
Highly contagious
chicken poxi
non invasive, benign tumor originating in the epidermis and affecting individuals after age 30
seborrheic keratosis
What is this?
lichen planus
What is characterized by yellowish oily patches near nose and scalp?
Seborrheic dermatitis
More images: Left is cradle cap and Right is periorbital S.D.
What type of HPV is this? (Most common)
6, 11
What skin condition is pictured here? It is characterized by threadlike borders and central crust, often with superficial plaques?
superficial basal cell carcinoma
diffuse, yellowish oily patches near nose or scalp that are less itchy
seborrheic dermatitis (AKA dandruff)
What is this fungal infection of the body that is characterized by scaling, redness, itchiness with a lesion that gradually expands in a red ring with raised margin?
(why isn’t it nummular eczema)
Tinea corporis
DDX: nummular eczema is a group of coin-shaped lesions while tinea corporis/ring worm is one expanding ring that will start to heal at the original starting point.
well demarcated dermal nodule filled with keratin and lipid debris (can smell) that may have thin walled central punctum
Sebaceous (Epidermoid) cyst
AKA sebaceous, infundibular or epidermal inclusion cyst
Delayed abnormal reaction to UV light.
Polymorphous light eruption
What is this epidemic disease that happens more in the summer months? Incubation 3-6 days, prodrome 12-24 hours with low fever, malaise, abdominal pain or respiratory symptoms
Hand-foot-and-mouth disease
granulomatous enlargement of lid with edema and initial irritation that then become painless as it grows
meibomian cyst
AKA chalazion, tarsal cyst
acute, recurring, pruritic, weeping vesicles on hands and feet
pompholyx/ dyshidrosis eczema
What are some tx for tinea versicolor?
Anti inflammatory diet.
bar soap or something that is hydrating
selenium sulfide OTC will eradicate the yeast
- Infection of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue
- Most often legs or face.
- Typically follows a crack, abrasion, bite or other wound to skin.
- Warm, tender, swollen, red area Possible fever, enlarged nodes, red streak
What causes it?
Cellulitis/ Erysipelas
Group A streptococcus and S. aureus - adults
Haemophilus influenzae B - kids
smooth firm dome-shaped nodule, filled with keratin and often calcified cholesterol
trichilemmal cyst
AKA pilar cyst, wen, isthmus-catagen cyst
What kind of primary lesion is this?
* flat
- An acute, deep-seated, red, hot tender nodule or abscess
- Axilla, groin, buttocks & neck common locations.
- Avoid local massage. Bench likely infectious.
What causes it? Tx?
Boils Furuncles
from Staph infection of follicle or oil gland
tx: warm, moist compress, referral for incision/drainage. Lifestyle modification, nasal mupirocin, vit c
Associated with chronic venous insufficiency from venous return failure and increased capillary pressure.
Mgmt/tx = improve venous return
What is this?
rhynophoma as seen in rosacea
Note: Chronic rosacea of the nose has caused irreversible hypertrophy. More common in men.
What hyperproliferative skin condition is this that occurs in genetically predisposed individuals usually by age 40?
- Superficial bacterial infection of the hair follicles
- Caused by friction, blockage of follicle, shaving.
- Papule or pustule confined to hair follicle, often surrounded by erythematous halo
- No scarring
What causes it?
Most common S. aureus
What is this condition that is characterized by erythema, single or grouped uniform vesicles, often umbilicated that evolve to pustules then erode and ulcerate and then crust over?
What are ways to test for this?
Herpes Simplex
Test: visual, viral or under microscope you’ll see giant cells
Infection extends into dermis Heals with scar
what causes it?
Ecthyma (Ulcerative Impetigo)
Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
What kind of primary lesion is this if the collections of free fluid are more than 0.5 cm in diameter?
painful papule/macule that ulcerates in the oropharyngeal region however can also occur anywhere in GI
aphthous ulcer
AKA canker sore
Sudden, fixed, symmetrical or generalized skin eruption occurring after starting a new drug or OTC
Drug dermatitis (Drug-related eczema)
What skin condition is this?
dermal nevus
What kind of secondary lesion is this?
Koebner’s phenomenon is associated with lichen planus. If someone shows up with Wickman’s striae on their wrist, where else will you look?
Also common to see on forearm, ankles, anterior legs, lumbar regions, genitals.
What is the 1-10 cm lesion that pre-dates the remainder of the lesions by hours to 14 days?
Condition: pityriasis rosa
First lesion called: Herald Patch
What is this with “spotty” satellite irritations?
What skin condition is this?
compound nevus
What is this and what is the concern?
a pigmented band that is normal in 90% of black individuals but if suddenly appears, could suggest acral lentiginous melanoma
- Sexually transmitted
- Treponema pallidum (spirochete)
- Primary-painless chancre (contagious)
- Secondary (contagious) disseminated maculopapular lesions, condylomata lata
- Latent cutaneous, vascular, neurologic
tx: antibiotics
central arteriole with radiating telagectasia
spider angioma
AKA: spide nevus, spider telangectasia, vascular spider
What stage of eczema/dermatitis is characterized by well demarcated plaques of erythema and edema with vesicles, blisters and intense itch?
What is the name of the yeast that causes tinea versicolor?
malassezia furfur - hyphal form
note: tinea versicolor can be hyper- or hypo-pigmented
This skin condition has telangectasia, is soft, small and shows central umbilication. What is it and what is the DDX?
sebaceous hyperplasia
DDX = basal cell carcinoma which would be firmer on palpation
What is this condition characterized by acute inflammatory/immunologic subcutaneous fat leading to red swollen nodules on the extensor aspect of the extremities?
Erythema nodosum
Dark blue to violet soft papule with dilated venule
venous lake
What is this?