DERM Flashcards
- BOTH TYPES: benzyl peroxide 0.25-5%, 2nd daily then daily.
- if commedomal mainly –> topiacl retiond
- then increase retinoid strength (0.025-0.1%)
- then combo BP and retinoid
- then PO dozy if male; add OCP (Brenda or Yaz) / spiro if female or oral abx.
- THEN refer after 12 week trial.
- if inflam mainly w papules and pustules
- topical clinda/BP
- then po doxy/cocp/spiro
- inflammatory
- mild: topica clinda
- mod inflam +/- commedomal: po doxy/topical retinoid +/ COCP
- non pharam
- avoid
- oil based moisturisers
- hot/humid environment
- makeup/grease
- low irritant soap free cleanser.
- dont squeeze/pick as scarring.
- avoid

Periorifacial dermatitis
- ddx seb K, rosacea, dermatitis,a cne.
- itchy/tender/scaly/papular aroudn eyes, moth nose.
- spares skin at top of lip and nasolabial fold
- RF:
- female, ICS/topical CS worsen, not washing face, cosmetics
- Mx
- stop trigger, slow wean steroids.
- then consider PO doxy OD 8 / 52. vs. metro cream 0.75% 4-6 weeks

- forehead, chin, cheek, nose.
- telangiectasia/ papules / flushing
- RF:
- celtic skin. 30-60 yo
- worse w sun/flushing/steroids
- Mx
- minimise flushing/etOH
- avoid steroids
- soap free cleanser.
- metro 0.75% gel BD 6 weeks vs. doxy
Hydradenitis suppuritvia
- discharging sinus, recurrent, in apocrine gland
- RF: obesity, DM, pilonidal sinus, FHx , IBD
- Mx:
- non pharma
- dont squeeze!
- weight loss
- dont swab or remove/I+D as it scars and doesnt heal
- loose clothing
- healthy diet
- Med:
- doxy
- BP wash, topical clinda.
- non pharma

- discoid lupus (cutaneous SLE)
- large, red , scaley, annular plaque.
- sun exposed areas + sun sensitive
- spares knuckles and nasolabial folds
- facial usually
- malar butterfly rash
- scarring baldness
- RF
- womn, 20-50, Fhx of same
- non pharma
- sun protection, smoking cessation
- pharma
- biopsy/diagnose
- mometasone 0.1%
- watch - might change over to SLE

Numular /discoid eczema
- evolves quickly, clear edge. intense itch. no central clearing like (CLE/tinea). asymmetrical (psoriasis is symm). dry/scaley often. can be exudative
- RF: atopy
- Non pharma
- low irritant, emollient, reduce friction, reduce stress,
- pharma
- sedating antihistmaine nocte
- betamet .1% 2/52.
- of not worked then 0.05% stronger.

Granuloma annulare
- annular rash
- central clearing
- painful
- on hands/fingers dorsal
- RF: autoimmune. lymphoma. HIV. female.
- Mx:
- can seolf reolve over months.
- betamet 0.05% BD for 4-6 weeks

pityriasis rosea
- herald patch, then 2 weeks later:
- rash all over trunk + extends outwards like a christmas tree
- salmon
- macular
- follows langhers lines
- preceeding viral infection (HHV 6)
- non pharma
- self resolved
- pharma
- if itchy: betametason.
- erythrodermic: red scaly eruption over body–> ED
- guttate: GAS related, tear drops, 2-3 weeks psot infection.
- plque psoriasis / scalp

- silver scale, annular, all over body, symmetrical, well demarkated
- can hve nail involvements (pitting, onycholysis, ridges) then more likely to have joint involvement also.
- can also have in scalp (tinea willc ause hair loss, psoriasis wont)
- Mx:
- non pharma
- stress management, weight loss, reduce flares (etOH/overweight)
- avoid NSAIDS
- thick emollients to prevent cracking
- other trigger: HIV, lithium, FHx.
- medication review.
- pharma
- nocte tar solution (LPC 6%) +/- salicylic acid/urea (3%) to remove scale
- then mane steroid cream if required, gently wean down
- momet 0.1% lotion. for scalp + tar shampoo
- elsewhere: momet 0.1% 2-6 weeks. then betamet 0,05% OVI if not helped
- and consider derm. for DMARD
- non pharma

- RF: Atopy/fhx, new trigger
- OE
- Extensor surfaces as infant, then older goes to flexor.
- Itchy, Scaley/dry., Lichenified, rapidly evolving erhteymatous rash
- Rx:
- Moisturise – ointment, vs. lotion. Vs. cream
- Oat baths / Bath oil
- bathe less frequently w only luke warm water.
- Soap free clenser.
- Moisturise as soon as shower + regularly through day
- Low irritatnt/avoid triggers/low irritatnt substances
- Face: hydrocort 1%
- Arms:/other: mometasone 0.1%
- Anything stronger: methylpred for face; betamethasone disproproatonate 0.05%
- Consider wet wraps – steroid/moisturie/wet wrap w cotton gloves
- Nocte antihistmianes for itch.
- Ongoing : derm for phototherapy/picremolius/mtx/etc.
Hair loss
- tinea = black dot/snapped, green on wood lamp, pull out easily.
- lupus = scarring hair loss, erythema + scaling
- trichtillomania = diff length hairs, frontopareital.
- male pattern= thinning, vellous area. genetic.
- Rx w hair piece/trial topical minoxidil foam / finasteride
- telegon effluvium = stress/iatrogenic. regrowth at edges.
- anagen effluvium = CTx/drug related.
- alopecia areata = localised bald patch, completely abscent, exclamation mark hairs. nail pitting = bad prognosis
- scarring alopecia = often w out follicular orifice , very smooth w dermatoscope
- seb derm = patchy scale + itch w erthema. localised temporal hair loss.

ridging of nails
- chronic paronychia
- beaus lines (transverse)
- vertical + fine = aging.
- lichen planus = concave ridging , split distally
pitting of nails
alopecia arreata
- fungal dermatophytic
- whole nail = DM, iron def, CLF, CKD, protein malabsorption
- truama
- CT
- lead
- arsenic
keep nails short
avoid inserting anythign underneath
keep dry
sap free
?candida: fluconazole 150mg OD for 3/12.
if green: pseudo: BD vinegar soaks.
new skin lesion
3 rules
1) asymmetrical size or colour
2) abnormal network (lace is thicker than the holes)
3) regression - white/blue
- Appearance
- Border
- Colour
- Diameter
- Elevation
- Sx: slow growth, central ulceration , sometimes itchy
- OE:nasty looking scab… always check localised LN/hepatosplenomegaly
- Rx: excisional biopsy. good margin 4mm.

Superficial BCC
usually younger female pt.
purpley/red/few CM, sometimes plaquey with microerosiosn (red dose).
Rx: cryo, aldara (5 cdays a week, 6 weks), vs. curette/cauterise. vs. excise.

Nodular BCC
- always check eye lids and around face. gradual growth, sometimes itchy
- usually older than IEC presentations
- pearly, nodular, fine telangiectasisa
- can also have central ulcration.
- Rx: excise.

- AK
- immunodef, or sundamaged skin when older.
- occupational RF also
- scalp/feet/hands/forehead.
- flat/ scaley plque, sometimes warty or ertyehmatous base.
- cryo: if thin: single for 5 seconds. then observation
- if thick: currette/phototherapy.
- field Rx: aldara 3-4 weeks; vs. BD effudix 2-4 weeks
predisposes to squamous cell carcinoma

slowly growing plaque
often of LL
ddx superficial BCC. sometimes see coiled blood vessels ond ermatoscopy.
- effudix - BD 4-6 weeks
- aldara - 3-5 times/week up to 6 weeks
- cryo - can ulcer quite badly
- excise
- phototherapy
Actinitic chelitis

RF: smoker, HPV, etOH, immunosup, sun
chronic dry patch on lip
patchy, thickenning, dryness diffusely or localised.
Mx: cryo, EC, laser.
can predispose to Sqcc/iec.

- Lichen simplex chronicus
- chronic itching, often associated w a separate initiatl condition
- thickenning, intensely itchy, dry w excoration marks
- Ix: clinical, biopsy if any concerns (IEC).
- Rx:
- mometason 0.1% ointment BD until clear, can occlude it also a few hours
- betamet 0.05% OPV +/- occlusion.
- if severe itch: TCA, injectable steroid.
- non pharma:
- solicylic acid/LPC if lichenified
- emollient

- asteatotic eczema
- dry/old
- Rx: moisturise!
- dont over bathe
- no soap
- thick emollient a few times/day.
- if inflammed: mild steroid like methylpred.

- rosea
- post viral
- herald patch
- betamet for itch
- versicolour
- atsi
- fungal
- green under woods lamp
- rx w ketaconazole shampoo +/- fluconazole PO (not much evdience in kids)
- alba
- hypopigmented, facial often in excema prone child
- moistuurise, mild steroid
- avoid sun
facial rash
- includes nasolabial folds
- helical rash
- rosacea
- flushing, nasal
seb derm
- includes nsolabial folds
- rx: topcal (miconazole / hydrocort); scalp (ketoconazole shampoo, momet lotion).. if thick lpc/urea nocte
periorifacial derm
- includes nasolabial fold
- spares vermillion border
- worse w steroid.
cutaneous lupus (discoid)
- spares nasolabial folds
- malar /butterfly

- lichen planus
- genetic
- vzv
- can cause baldness, itchy ++ nail ridging also.
- white lines on it – > striae on purple/violet background
- Rx:
- biopsy to exclude IEC usually.
- betamet 0.1%, topical retinoid.
- can self resolve by 6-9 months but often will be too itchy.

viral, fever often w cough
2-3 days later koplik (white spots)
1-2 days after that, rash morbiliform. macular. confluent in regions. not itchy.
rash goes from ears / face to elsehwere
Ix: swabs/bloods. public health notification
complciations ++
cnojunctivitis, pneumonitis. myocarditis, thrombocytopenia, bleeding. GN, seizures/ecephalisit.
pregnancy risK; preterm labour.
- viral illness, mild. or asymptomatic
- rash
- more pink in colour
- face then body.
- assocaited lymphadenopathy: occipital/periauricaulr
- complications
- bad for pregnacy
- blind/deaf/fetal loss/stillbirth
- encephalitis
- bad for pregnacy

need 4/5 + fever > 5 days
- conjunctivitis (limbic sparing)
- polymorphous erythematuos rash within first few days - TRUNKAL
- strawberry tongue/dry cracked bleedign lips
- hyperaemia + painful oedema hands/feed + desquamatous in 2nd week
- lymphadenopathy
baseline bloods / hospital + but also assess CRP, ESR, BC looking for aneamia/thrombocytosis. can get anuerysms… so ECG
- IVIg for Rx. aspirin. specialists

roseola infantum
- HV6.
- mildly unwell
- often high temp w URTI Sx, then fever and as it resolved –> morbiliform rash on trunk. pniky. soemtimes haloey. non itchy.
- febrile convulsion SFX.
- self resolved. viral
chicken pox
you know this.
mums: bad if mum not immune
if not immune: exposure means hospital, IVIg.

- i.e. erythema infectiosum, aka slapped cheek.
- prodrome, non specific
- day 1-3 slapped cheeck
- after day 7 then get maculopapular rash on proximal arms/trunk; central clearing, lace like pattrn (reticular)
- worse w temp/friction/heat
- rash will then come and go for months
- pregnant exposure: PCR + bloods
- risk: severe anaemia, hydrops fetalis, miscarriage.
- worse damage at < 20 weeks more risk.
- exposure: 1: 100 fetal loss. death from hydrops 1/1000.
- infection: 1/20 fetal loss. death from hydrops 1/100
- infectiosum
- slapped cheek
- nodosum
- IBD/pregnancy/mycoplasma/sarcoid/nsaisd, chlaydia. COCP/GAS/female: tender, palpable, LL lumbs
- multiforme (pic)
- HSV. get target lesions. symmetrical
- rapidly develops, 100s of lesios in 24 hours.
- kobner phenomenon + itchy
- self resolves. Rx trigger.
- toxicum neonatum
- day 4-14 comm . face then truk. comes and goes. common in 50% of kids. no Rx required.

RF: GAS preceeding
Sx: unwell, URTI, abdo pain, arthritis, haemturia, palpable purapura.
OE: palpable purapura.
Mx: pain manaegment. monitor weekly. weekly 1/12 UA + BP first month; then fortnightly to 3 months, then 6 monthly/12 monthly.
complications: CKD, intersucceptoin, orchitis.

- muscle weakness
- cutenaous eruptions
- helical mask type erythema
- papules on dorsal on IPJ
- sun exposed erythema.
urgent Derm review.

kaposi sarcoma
- associated conditions to watch out for: HIV, Herpes virus, immunodef. DM.
- sometimes just genetic (mediteranian / mid european descent).
- can also be on MM, not just on foot. painless.
- Dx: biopsy
- Rx: not curable. cosemitc Rx only. can go RTx etc. if they dont improve/reoccur.

axillae rash
- acanthosis nigricans (DM/obesity, ddx gastric adenocarinoma)
- erythrasma - often also in groinb/etween toes. well defined edge. DM associated, or excessive sweating/immune issues. self limiting, only Rx if not self resolving/superimposed coinfection: clinda, BP, Salicylic acid.
- nfmatosis: crow sign (freckling of underarms). also see lots of neurofibromas, > 6 cafe au lait spots, and lische nodusel of the iris.
- intetrigo (candidal)
- tinea.