Depth Study 5 - Troublesome Ireland: Tyrone’s rebellion, 1594–1603 Flashcards
What was tyrone’s rebellion (events) (7)
-Tyrone’s rebellion was the largest conflict fought by England during Elizabeth’s reign, over 30,000 soldiers sent to Ireland from 1594 to 1602, in groups of 1000-6350, but never enough at once
-It was fought all over Ireland between Irish chieftains against English rule
-The first 5 years saw a series of English defeats at Clontibret (1595), Yellow Ford (1598), Curlew Pass (1599)
-Sir Henry Bagenal lost at the first 2 battles, and was killed in the second, the Earl of Essex lost at the third and had to be replaced by Lord Mountjoy, who was able to defeat the Irish at Kinsale/Dunboy, due to luck, skill and the help of Carew
-When Tyrone submitted in 1603, he was pardoned and recognised as Chief Lord of Ulster
-The war was extremely expensive for England, and at a time of poor harvest, the tax needed to be raised led to socioeconomic hardship, almost bankrupting England
-It is estimated over 100,000 people died, most from famine/disease
What were some historical moments in the anglo-irish relationship (causes) (5)
-In 1486, the Earl of Kildare supported Simnel’s rebellion in England
-In 1495, the Earl of Desmond supported Warbeck
-In 1534, Cromwell detained the 9th Earl of Kildare in England, and removed hum as Lord Deputy of Ireland
-After 1534, Tudor contro of Ireland was seen as threatening to irish language, culture and customs
-In 1569 and 1579, Fitzgerald led rebellions against the harsh policy of plantation, aided by pope financed soliders in 1579
-Who were Anglo-Irish lords?
-What was the Pale/Irishry?
-What was the Lord Deputy?
-What was tanistry?
-What does anglicise mean?
-What does concilliation mean?
-Who were tenants-in-chief?
-What were plantations?
-What was composition?
-What was commutation?
-Anglo-Irish lords were descendants of English settlers, married into Irish families and holding titles
-The Pale was the English ruled area surrounding Dublin, the Irishry being beyond this
-The Lord Deputy is who England controlled Dublin through, typically a Kildare
-Tanistry is an irish clan system of governing inheritance of titles/land
-Anglicise is Elizabeth replacing Irish traditions/laws with English (example = councils to govern munster)
-Conciliation was Henry VIII’s peaceful compromise with the Anglo-Irish
-Tenants-in-chief were the Irish people who were lead people on English land, paying rent in military service
-Plantations were encouraging settlers to move into the irishry and civilise the irish
-Composition is landowners paying 1 payment to English authorities instead of 2 (1 to english garrisons, one to irish for army), in return for english style law/government
-Commutation was the transfer of 2 payments into one paid to english, caused by composition
How did Anglo-Irish relations deteriorate (causes) (1,2,1,3,2,2)
1530s - Henry VIII broke with rome
1540s - Anglo-Irish nobility were semi-independent, as Irish chieftains recognised Henry VIII as king of Ireland
-English government encouraged Anglo-irish to give up land in return for english titles
1550s - Mary appointed English Earl of Sussex as Lord Deputy, who encouraged plantations
1560s - RNE lead to hardline policies, Elizabeth replacing irish and catholic with english and protestant people
-England tried to establish councils to govern Munster + Connaught
-Direct intervention lead to unsuccessful rebellion in Munster
1570s - 2nd Munster rebellion was brutally suppressed, as executed rebels’ lands were used for settlers
-Prescence of 775 English settlers in Munster caused resentment amongst the Irish
150s - English government began to use composition and english style law to increase control
-Connaught landowners were convinced to change multiple payments to irish/english to 1 for english
How did Tyrone’s rebellion begin (causes) (5,5)
-The O’Neill clan controlled Ulstre, although traditionally rivalled bu O’Donnell clan
-Sir Thomas Smith and Earl of Essex were granted a contract to settle in Ulster
-This plantation failed, but not before the O’Neill’s and O’Donnel’s violently resiste
-In 1574, ,200 O’Neill’s were massacred at a feast the British held
-In 1575, 500 O’Donnell’s were killed in a suprise raid
-Hugh Roe MacMahon was executed for not accepting English style rules, despite accepting commutation
-Under Irish custom, his lands should’ve reverted to Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone
-However, the lands were changed to n English stile country and forfeited to the crown
-MachMahon’s Ulster lands were givent o English Settlers, such as Sir Henry Bagenal
-Anglo-Irish lords then realised commutation was a trap to be under English law
How did Tyrone’s rebellion begin pt2 (causes) (5,5)
-Tyrone was in a feud with O’Neill head, over his right to be the next chieftain
-Tyrone wanted to work with the English, accepting a title, but they didn’t trust him
-Tyrone tried to marry Bagenal’s sister Mary, but Henry refused, yet they eloped anyway
-Hugh Roe O’Donnell was arrested by the British, escaped in 1591 and plotted
-Hugh Maguire was increasingly resentful over english intrusion (O’Donnell and Maguire were married to Tyrone’s daughter)
-In May 1593, Maguire attacked the English, but Tyrone refused to arrest him
-In October, Tyrone helped capture Maguire, and was forced to cooperate with Bagenal
-Tyrone then retired to his estates, annoyed at Bagenals lack of thanks, and wanting control of Ulster
-The Earl of Ormond was never made Lord Deputy, despite being an influential Anglo-Irish
-Appointments in Ireland Increasingly dominated by minor officials, who manipulated patronage
Who were the key Irish in Tyrone’s rebellion (events) (7)
-Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone became head of the clan and was the leader of the rebellion
-Hugh Roe MacMahon was chief of the MacMahon clan, executed by the English in 1590
-Hugh Roe O’Donnell was son of O’Donnell clan leader, imprisoned in England until escaping in 1591, and married Tyrone’s daughter
-Hugh Maguire was a key Irish leader from Fermagh, also married to Tyrone’s daughter
-James Fitzthomas was appointed Earl of Desmond by Tyrone
-Florence Maccarthy helped Tyrone at times, but was never fully committed
-Donnell O’Sullivan Bere held Dunboy castle in the name of spain
Who were the key English in Tyrone’s rebellion (events) (11)
-Sir William Russell was Lord Deputy from 1594-97
-Sir Henry Bagenal was marshall of the English army
-Earl of Ormond was a loyal Anglo-Irish lord
-The Earl of Essex was appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland in 1599, but he failed to stop Tyrone
-Lord Mountjoy was appointed Lord Deputy in 1600, and suppressed the rebolt
-Sir Henry Norris was commander of the English army from 1594-97
-Lord Burgh was Lord Deputy and commander of the army in 1597
-Sir Thomas Norris was a military commander
-Sir Donough O’Connor was a loyalist Irish chieftain
-Sir Conyers Clifford was a military commander, killed at Curlew Pass
-Sir George Carew helped suppress the rebellion in Munster/Dunboy castle
How did Tyrone’s grievances/grievances of other Ulster lords cause the rebellion (causes) (3,2)
-Yrone was annoyed that Bagenal failed to acknowledge the support he gave in Capturing Maguire
-Instead of making Tyrone an ally, they turned him to an enemy
-Tyrone felt increasingly under threat, feeling resentful and overlooked for titles in favour of Englishmen with connections
-Hugh Maguire and O’Donnell were under threat, and hence powerful chieftains started plotting
-In the 1580s, chieftains of Ulster started to agree to commutation, but due to the treatment of Macmahon, Anglo-Irish lords realised this was a trap
How did English plantations/English mistakes/religion cause the rebellion (causes) (2,3,3)
-Elizabeth’s attempts to settle beyond the pale damaged Anglo-Irish relations
-1570s commotion led to rival clans uniting against Elizabeth
-Allowed Tyrone, who they made an enemy, to keep his private army
-1590s taking advantage of estates led to tension, Ulster lords feeling trapped
-Minor court officials appointed annoyed key anglo-irish lords
-Protestant Elizabeth vs catholic Tyrone
-Following RNE, hardline English protestants attempted to convert Irish
-Irish sought support from spain
What were the 5 battles in Tyrone’s rebellion + result (events) (5)
-1595 battle of Clontibret = temporary stalemate
-1598 battle of Yello Ford = Irish victory
-1599 battle of Curlew Pass = temporary truce, but benefitted Irish
-1601 battle of Kinsale = English victory
-1602 siege of Dunboy = English victory
What happened at the battle of Clontibret (events) (2,4,1,4)
-English = sir Henry Bagenal, Lord Deputy Russell
-Irish = earl of Tyrone
-Irish attack English fort at Blackwater, Russell (only had 1616 men out of 2000 promised) surrendered
-Irish capture Enniskillen castle, besiege Monaghan castle, Bagenal tried to relieve the castle
-Bagenal is ambushed by Tyrone, uses up his gunpowder and hence reaches the castle low on supplies
-Tyrone ambushes again, but Tyrone is low on gunpowder, so Bagenal can retreat to Blackwater
-Stalemate, as a truce was reached (However, this didn’t last, as the Spanish encouraged the Irish to keep fighting)
-Rebels found capturing small fortresses was to expensive to supply
-Elizabeth, trying to save money, was keen on negotiating
-In 1596, negotiations broke down, and Spain and Ireland started negotiating
-Rebels were encouraged by Catholic spain to fight on
What happened at the battle of Yellow Ford (events) (2,4,1,4)
-English = Thomas Lord Burgh, Thomas Norris, Earl of Ormond
-Irish = Earl of Tyrone
-English offensive aimed to march to Tyrone’s estates, but were outnumbered and stopped at Blackwater river
-Burgh died, Norris was sent south to deal with a potential Spanish armada, and the garrison was left poorly equipt with only 150 men
-Tyrone truced to buy himself time, as now Ormond, Bagenal and 4200 men were in charge
-Tyrone attacked at Yellow Ford, killed Bagenal and 830 troops and encouraged rebellion
-Tyrone won, killing Bagenal and 830 troops, and the Irish in Munster overthrew plantations
-Burghs death mean the English lacked a Lord Deputy and overall leader
-English government was distracted by a potential Spanish invasion
-The poorly defended garrison and heavy english artillery got stuck in the mud
-Fake truce allowed 5000 Irish to prepare
What was the battle of Curlew Pass (events) (2,4,1,4)
-English = Robert Devereux (Lord Lieutenant + Earl of Essex)l Sir Conyers Clifford, Sir Donaugh O’Connor
-Irish = Hugh Roe O’Donnell
-O’Donnell attacks O’Connor at Collooney castle, Essex orders Clifford to rescue him
-Clifford sets off with 1490 footmen and 205 calvary, but was ambushed crossing the Curlew Mountains
-Clifford and 1/3 of his army was killed, O’Connor had to surrender
-Elizabeth ordered essex to march to Ulster, but essex gave up and decided to negotiate with Tyrone
-Temporary truce reached, but O’Connor surrendered and Irish were allowed to control the land they’d captured
-English were trapped by unfamiliar geography, surrounded by mountains/woods
-English army was suffering from sickness and Irish troops deseerted
-Irish had good ambush tactics
-Essex refused to fight Tyrone, negotiating without permission
What was the battle of Kinsale (events) (2,4,1,4)
-English = Charles Blount (Lord Mountjoy), Sir George Carew (president of Munster)
-Irish = Hugh O’Neill, Hugh Roe O’Donnell
-Tyrone marched south with 2,000 men and set up camp at the port of Kinsale
-Mountjoy marches to Ulster, another force surrounds Tyrone, Tyrone resists Mountjoy but now is trapped
-Mountjoy besieges Kinsale with 7,000 men, Tyrone and O’Donnell trap him with 6,500 men and Spanish support
-English diseased as their amy falls to 6,600 men, Tyrone and Spain plan an attack, but Mountjoy launches a surprise attack, and the Irish panic
-English victory, Tyrone and O’Donnell flee, Spanish troops surrender in 1602
-Hugh Maguire was killed in a skirmish in Ulster, weakening Irish control
-Carew + 3,000 men suppressing Munster rebellions allowed Mountjoy to focus on Tyrone
-Mountjoy had clever tactics, good leadership and 13,200 troops
-Spanish didn’t join in, waiting for the Irish to meet at the prearranged spot
What was the siege of Dunboy (events) (2,4,1,4)
-English = Lord Mountjoy + Sir George Carew
-Irish = Earl of Tyrone, Donnell O’Sullivan Bere, Richard MacGeohegan
-Carew offered MacGeohegan the chance to surrender, but he refused, arguing soldiers landing would be trapped
-Carew found another undefended beach, attacked, the castle was destroyed and 58 Irish people were executed
-Mountjoy pursued Tyrone in Ulster with 3,000 men, Tyrone using his knowledge of the woods to hide
-Rest of Irish surrendered, and in 1603 Elizabeth allowed Mountjoy to negotiate with Tyrone
-English won as Irish surrendered, but Tyrone got what he wanted back in 1594
-Irish incorrectly thought Dunoy Castle’s defences were unbreachable
-Tyrone was pardoned and recognised as the chief Lord of Ulster, as Carew was determined to end the threat
-Elizabeth had died 6 days before, so Mountjoy quickly wanted a settlement
-Mountjoy’s generous terms put an end to Tyrone’s resistance
Why did the Irish rebellion eventually collapse (consequences) (5,3,2)
Mountjoy + Carew:
-Collaboration between the 2 led to them outmanoeuvring the irish
-Munster rebellion was suppressed thanks to Carew, allowing Mountjoy to focus on Ulster
-Mountjoy made the decision to besiege Kinsale with 7,000 men
-Able to surround Tyrone in Ulster with a 4,000 man force
-Mountjoy’s decision to launch a suprise attack led to decisive victory
-Due to storms, only 3,400 spanish out of 6,000 requested arrived
-Spanish arrived late (May 1601 instead of January), and thus cut off from Tyrone
-Spanish were more of a threat than reality, Spanish were too busy fighting the udtch
-Withdrawing from Kinsale, not wanting to fight, allowed Carew to be able to suppress the rebellion there
-Tactical errors made allowed the English to gain an upper hand
How dangerous was Tyrone’s rebellion (consequences) (6)
-Power/effectiveness of leadership bery dangerous at the start, but fell off towards the end
-Aims of rebels slightly dangerous, as Tyrone wanted a title + control, but little clarity over true aims
-Extent of English support N/A
-Chances of rebels plans succeeding very dangerous at the beginning, as Irish had control, but Mountjoy was a key turning point
-Extent of foreign support slightly dangerous, as Phillip II sent troops, but little and late
-Reaction of E1 + Government initially dangerous, spurring Tyrone to rebel and Essex negotiating without permission, but Mountjoy and Care dealt with Tyrone well