Breadth Study 2 - Gaining the cooperation of the localities Flashcards
How did the power of nobility change from 1485-1603 (The crown and the country) (5,5)
-Nobility were traditional medieval military leaders
-Power was based on ownership of landed estates
-Nobles used estates to raise armies for the king
-Relationship fell during the war of the roses, when nobles rose against monarch
-Tudor monarch wanted to alter the balance of power
-Nobles power was based on their ability to gain access to the monarch and supply of lands, which underpinned patronage
-New nobility were courtiers, needing to be present at court for access to patronage
-It was much harder for nobles to raise an army against the monarch (but not impossible)
-Nobility still had the vital role as a link between the centre and localities
-Gentry became increasingly involved in local government
What was patronage and the problems with it (The crown and the country) (2,3)
-Patronage was the power to control appointments to office, or the right to privileges
-Patronage included supplying lands, grants, offices, titles and money
-Relied on a strong, active, decisive monarch who promoted loyal and reliable men
-When badly handled, patronage could cause jealousy and political instability
-A weak, ill, old/young ruler could be manipulated by ambitious courtiers seeking to advance their careers for personal gain
How was Henry VII with his nobility (The crown and the country) (3,2,1,4)
-Henry VII distrusted nobility, preferring a small group of trusted nobility, gentry, lawyers
-Number of representatives of noble families fell from 55 to 42 during his reign
-It could be argued this was successful, as there was no rebellion post 1497, but this did increase resentment
-Henry trusted his childless uncle Jasper Tudor to control wales, promoted to the Duke of Bedford
-When Jasper died in 1495, Henry didn’t promote anyone to the role, letting the lands return to him
-Henry rewarded trusted administrators such as Reginald bray, the royal councillor and chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, acquiring lands in 18 counties and increasing his income to £1,000 annually
-Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey fought against Henry at Bosworth and was put in the tower
-He was released, given some land in East Anglia, but not given his dad’s title of the Duke of Norfolk
-He was sent to run the north on Henry’s behalf, not trusted to rule his extensive lands in East Anglia until 1499
-He was made councillor in 1501, only made Duke in 1513 by Henry VIII
How was Henry VIII with his nobility (The crown and the country) (1,2,3,2,3)
-Henry VIII saw his nobility as friends, and was generous with his grants
-The chamber became increasingly politicised, and men serving the king could influence him
-Sir William Compton, groom of the stool, raised his income from £10 to £1700 py through acquiring royal land
-Charles Brandon, Henry’s close friend, was made Duke of Suffolk and granted extensive estates in East Anglia
-Henry used his relationship with Suffolk to extend his control i the localities
-In 1536, Suffolk’s lands were changed to Lincolnshire, to reassert local power because of the POG
-Power and influence were dictated by the ability to gain access to Henry, or his ministers, such as Wolsey/Cromwell
-This led to civil servants such as William Paget becoming a Baron, due to his legal expertise and court position
-Court position being more imported than landed estates annoyed traditional nobility, who Henry then attacked
-The Duke of Buckingham was executed in 1521, his lands in Wales being forfeited to the King
-Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland was persuaded to bequeath his lands to the king, who then granted these to his followers
How did the dissolution of the monasteries strengthen royal control (The crown and the country) (4,5)
-The growth of royal estates added to monarchs’ ability to manipulate patronage to control localities
-After the dissolution of the monasteries, there was a shift in the crowns available income
-Nobility’s share of income from land rose from 8-9%, monarchs from 9-27%
-The sale of monastic lands helped strengthen the royal position creating a group of nobility/gentry who had a vested interest in supporting the royal supremacy
-Sir John Russell spent his life in Henry’s service, as a soldier and diplomat
-Henry granted Russell a series of offices in the South West, a region difficult to control
-When Henry Courtenay, a key noble in the south west was executed in 1538, Russell replaced him, made Baron Russell and granted Courtenay’s former estates
-Russel’s rise continued with Edward VI, who made him Earl of Bedford
-With Russell, the Tudors had a trusted noble who owed it to patronage, Russell rewarding them with loyalty
How was patronage under Edward VI (The crown and the country) (9)
-Under Henry VIII, there had been a rivalry between Seymours reformer faction and the Duke of Norfolks conservative faction
-Seymours faction used their control of access to Henry to manipulate the royal will
-Seymour overrode Henry’s wish for a council, making himself Lord protector and Duke of Somerset
-Seymour had complete control of patronage, creating a member of nobility too powerful
-When Seymour fell (his power relied on his court influence, which fell), he was replaced by John Dudley, Earl of Warwick
-Edward and John Dudley hatched a plan to be sure catholic Mary didn’t take the throne
-Protestant Lady Jane Grey, Edwards cousin, was proclaimed queen, but Mary didn’t accept this, raising support in East Anglia (people still saw her as the actual queen)
-The Duke of Norfolk was executed in 1553, Jane and her husband executed the following year
-The patronage of Henry VII/Henry VIII succeeded in creating loyalty to the tudor monarchy and weakening the traditional military power of nobility, shown through neither Seymour not Dudley being able to raise an army
Who were some individuals Elizabeth rewarded with patronage (The crown and the country) (8)
-William Cecil was a JP in Lincolnshire/Northampton, one of Elizabeth’s favourites
-Robert Dudley was a potential husband for Elizabeth, being her master of the horse, and he became privy councillor in 1562 and recieved generous grants in Denbigh, Wales, trusted to be the queens eyes/ears in the region
-Thomas Percy had catholic sympathies, and couldn’t be trusted due to being a traditional northern nobility
-Henry Carey, Lord Hunsdon was a southern outsider imposed on the north, due to his trustworthiness
-Francis Walsingham was the Queens secretary, but patronage broke down in the 90s, due to Elizabeth getting old and most of her trusted councillors dying
-Henry Hastings was made head of the Council of the north, to enforce a crackdown on Catholic recusants
-Robert Cecil became secretary in 1596, meaning the Cecil’s’ would tighten their grip on patronage
-Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, was reliant on the queen for patronage to support himself, as he was appointed to the council in 1593, made Lord Lieutenant but didn’t have the resources to build up a following. In 1601, Devereux rose a failed rebellion with 140 supporters, being jealous at Cecil’s power, showing the issue with patronage
What were royal progresses, and why did monarch’s go on them (The crown and the country) (1,6)
-Progresses were journeys made by the ruler and their court to regions of England which laid beyond London
-Progresses played an important part in increasing the monarch’s visibility
-Progresses showed of the power, prestige and wealth of the court
-Ruler had the opportunity on the progress to address local instability and misgovernment through direct intervention
-Progresses were a method to make/increase a monarchs’ contact with the localities
-A restless population might be subdued by the physical presence of their leader
-Progresses could remind a monarchs subjects about their legal/political power
What were the nature/purpose of Henry VII’s progresses (The crown and the country) (5)
-In the first year after Bosworth, Henry VII went on an extended progress to the north/midlands, the regions where he faced the greatest challenge to his rule
-He always travelled with as much magnificence as possible
-Henry VII’s progresses also had military purposes
-When faced with challenged in 1487/1499, he marched at the head of the army, encouraging loyalty/obedience
-In his early years, Henry VII was constantly moving around
What were the nature/purpose of Henry VIII’s progresses (The crown and the country) (7)
-Henry VIII used progresses before he became too old/ill, but to a lesser extent
-He and his court went on a progress every summer, largely to escape the smell/disease of London
-He would stay at one of his royal palaces (Hampton Court), and also travelled to Essex
-When Henry travelled, so did the 1,000 members of his court, and thus progresses to the rest of England were rare
-In 1533, Henry visited areas such as Southampton and Gloucester, this potentially stopping the religiously conservative south west from rising
-In 1536, the North of England rose, feeling neglected
-In 1541, Henry went on a northern progress, due to rumours of political unrest
What were the nature/purpose of Elizabeth’s progresses (The crown and the country) (7)
-Elizabeth and her court went on progresses nearly every summer
-Elizabeth went on progresses mostly because of political concerns, but also to save money by staying at her nobility/gentry’s places
-She stayed with Cecil 20 times and Dudley 23 times
-About 200 prominent members of local government (JP’s, MP’s, Lord Lieutenants) also hosted Elizabeth
-The majority of her travels were in the south, east and midlands
-She never travelled to the farthest regions, such as Yorkshire and Cornwall
-These visits enhanced Elizabeth’s authority and enhanced her relationship with the men she trusted to run local government on her behalf
Why were monarchs keen to extend royal control over the localities (Involving the localities in governance) (9)
-Improve law and order
-Suppress rebellion/potential for it
-Deal with problem of poverty
-Development of patronage
-Defence against invasion
-Standardisation of legal system, government and culture
-Control of the nobility/ ‘quasi-kings’
-Improve tax collection
-Control the Marcher regions (border of Wales/Scotland)
What key changes occured in governing Wales (Involving the localities in governance) (5,4)
1535 Law in Wales act/act of union:
-Banned Welsh in courts
-Principality of wales/marcher lordships abolished, replaced with 12 English style counties
-Introduced an english style system of local government, including Sheriffs, JP’s coroners
-Each welsh county/county town was allocated 2 mp’s
-Traditional military power of Marcher lords ended
1542 Law in Wales act:
-Introduced English law, ending the traditional welsh law system and blood feud
-New courts of great session were introduced, to be held twice a year in each county
-Council of the Marches reorganised to the more formal council of Wales, whose authority now rested on king-in-parliament (strengthened their powers)
-By Elizabeth, Lord lieutenants were introduced and little trouble occured
What key changes occured in governing the north (Involving the localities in governance) (6,4)
-Cromwell remodelled the council in 1537, after the POG, to prevent further outbreaks
-Council became the voice of government, responsible for enforcing laws, overseeing food, regulating trade
-Council was given a permament house in York in 1539, developed as a body to manage local order (a northern version of the star chamber)
-Council’s authority extended to Durham, Yorkshire, Northumberland, Westmoreland
-Council had a president from the south with no vested interest in decisions mde, signalling the decline in the power of traditional northern lords
-Local gentry, lawyers and clergy made up the rest of the council, appointed by JP’s
-Elizabeth’s decision to insert protestant southerners in the council lead to resentment
-The government feared the openly catholic north wouldn’t accept the religious settlement
-The 1569 revolt led to the council being reorganised, despite the president + VP’s role in ending the revolt
-Henry Hastings was made president in 1572, and the north became much more stable
What conclusions can be made about the changes in wales/the north (Involving the localities in governance) (2,6)
-By Elizabeth’s reign, the council of wales included Lord lieutenants, and there was little rouble from a previously problematic region
-The reforms of the 1530’s successfully extended the power of tudor monarchs
-The 1537 council of the north changes were not the last changes made
-Elizabeth’s insertion of southerners contributed to the rebellion in 1569
-This shows how the council wasn’t fully in control in the north
-Under Elizabeth, the council became responsible for combatting recusancy
-In 1572, the council was reconstructed under Henry Hastings
-This reconstruction worked, making the north more stable and increasing the monarch’s control
How did tudor monarchs manage wales pre 1530 (Involving the localities in governance) (5,2,2)
-Crown controlled the principality of wales, but wales had its own legal system depending on the Lords’ power
-Control of these regions was vital as nobility could use the areas to build their own power bases (Henry VII did this)
-Many members of the royal family became head of the councils, including Jasper Tudor (1490-95), Prince Arthur (1501-1502), Princess Mary (1525-1528)
-Typically, the royal family dealt with the welsh threat traditionally
-The council of the Marches had existed since the 1470s, and allowed the monarch to exert control
+Duke of Buckingham was executed in 1521, as no rebellion in the region occurred
+Successfully enlisted nobility allowed Monarchs to get more powerful
-Duke of Buckingham tried to visit his welsh estates with 400 armed men, he had a claim to the throne and was executed for treason in 1521
-Quasi-kings controlled the marcher regions and eroded the councils power
How did tudor monarchs manage the north pre 1530 (Involving the localities in governance) (5,2,3)
-The 1489 tax revolt led to the muder of Henry Percy, and Henry responded by making Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey the Lieutenant of the north in 1499
-The royal family didn’t typically involve themselves in the north, more reliant on noble support
-Henry VII established the council of the north in 1489, and it lapsed after his death in 1509
-Henry Fitzroy was made president of the council in 1525, but he died in July 1536
-The council was reestablished in 1537 following the POG
+Henry Percy’s muder was strategic, allowing Henry to create the Lieutenant of the north
+Henry Fitzroy’s role gave the monarch the opportunity to extend royal control
-Controlling was challenging, as the north was geographically remote and under threat from Scotland
-Economic hardships made the region harder to control (1489 tax revolt)
-Lord Dacre was fined £1,000 in the star chamber for his tolerance of disobedience
What is an overview of how control of the localities changed over the tudors (Involving the localities in governance) (9)
-Localities were regions of England which lay beyond London
-The further from the centre, the harder it was for monarchs to exert control
-There was no professional civil service to carry out the monarch’s orders
-Local government was undertaken by unpaid nobility/gentry who’d collect tax and enforce laws
-Tudor monarchs aimed to create successful relationships with nobility/gentry
-Tudor Monarchs were usually successful in increasing the control of localities
-A growing number of Yeomen and Wealthier townsmen were drawn into government
-Powers/role of Justices of the Peace underwent considerable change, as the government sought to improve control over tax collection, law, poor provision
-Tudor monarchs also extended their control by encouraging the development of patronage
What did JP’s do (Involving the localities in governance) (8)
-JP’s were appointed annually in each county (the county bench)
-JP’s could arrest potential suspects and supervise price/wage fixing
-JP’s attended quarter sessions (4 a year) to perform their role
-JP’s work was an excellent opportunity to influence local affairs
-Often lawyers/gentry, they had to own land worth £20 per year
-JP’s were increasingly expected to administer the poor laws and control vagrants
-They had local vested interests to protect, so they sometimes bent the rules
-Monarchs used appointments to county benches to insert members of their court into local government to enhance their control
How did JP’s develop over Henry VII and Henry VIII (Involving the localities in governance) (5,5)
-As Henry VII’s position made him vulnerable, he appointed trusted court members to be JP’s
-Sir Thomas Lovell was JP in yorkshire/sussex, an important link between the centre/localities
-A 1495 allowed JP’s to act on information without waiting for ajury
-JP’s were also given powers to replace corrupt jurors and enquire into illegal retainment by nobility
-By 1509, the judicial/administrative role of the JP’s had increased considerably
-At the beginning of Henry VIII’s reign, most county benches had 20-35 members
-JP appointment was for life, but JP’s could be removed if suspected of misusing their power
-Wolsey was particularly keen in improving local justice/JP quality
-In 1526, he summoned JP’s to fill in a 21-section questionnaire on law/order
-Cromwell was careful about his JP’s, as he expected them to enforce the reformation
How did JP’s develop under Edward/Elizabeth (Involving the localities in governance) (3,8)
-Fears of social disorder lead to a 1552 act where all Alehouses had to be licensed by JP’s
-JP’s held a role in enforcing religious change, ordered to take inventory of parish goods in 1549 to see who stole
-In 1552, JP’s were ordered to enforce the second prayer book
-Average county bench size rose from 25 under Wolsey to 40 under Elizabeth to 40-90 by 1603
-Cecil had to keep a close eye on bench membership, gentry becoming JP’s for their personal political gain
-Despite corruption, in 1585 Lord Lieutenants were appointed to county benches
-However, Lord Lieutenants couldn’t be permanently present to oversee duty
-This led to the appointment of deputy Lieutenants, who were JP’s and had to organise men to fight in war
-By the 1580s, JP’s had acquired powers to deal with new felonies (riots, recusancy, property damage)
-JP’s were responsible for administering the poor laws and were often appointed to government subsidy commissions
-By 1603, JP’s role had expanded enormously, and so had the crown’s power
What is the JP model paragraph (Involving the localities in governance) (11)
-Most significant improvement was JP’s and their effective handling of poverty/vagrancy
-JP’s were used since the middle ages, but their role under H7 grew, to deal with overpowerful nobility
-By 1540s, population and price rose, leading to more vagrants and beggars, and JP’s powers rose in response
-In 1552, JP’s were given powers to license Alehouses, considered a source of unrest
-The 1563 statute of Artificers gave JP’s additional powers to ensure everyone worked
-Edward + Elizabeth gave JP’s power to enforce religious changes, particularly important in the North/South West
-JP’s were drawn from local gentry/nobility, meaning their status was used to ensure policies were enforced effectively
-JP’s success can be seen from there being no rebellions post 1569
-Even 1590s and socioeconomic crisis didn’t have widespread unrest
-This suggests the increasing role of JP’s helped increase control of local order, reducing local tension
-Changes were more lasting and significant than others, and thus more effective
How was the tudor monarch financed, and why was taxation dangerous (Involving the localities in governance) (5,4)
-The monarch was supposed to be financially independent
-The crown had 2 main sources of revenue
-Ordinary revenue was from royal lands, rent and the sale of lands
-Extraordinary revenue was typically taxation granted by Parliament for war
-Tensions arose as the monarch rarely had enough, relying on tax
-Taxation was dangerous as it could lead to unrest
-Poorer regions, like the north/west, found it harder to meet high levels of tax, especially when coupled with economic hardship
-Revolts of 1489 and 1497 both sparked over resentment for higher tax
-1536 POG also took place (partially) against demand for tax and northern poverty
What was taxation like before 1513, and why was this problematic (Involving the localities in governance) (5,5)
-Monarchs could only ask parliament for tax in times of emergency
-‘Fifteenths and Tenths’ was based on property/moveables
-It was a medieval system where rates had been fixed since 1334
-Boroughs were expected to pay 1/10th of the value of its moveables, countryside communities paying 1/15th
-Each ‘Fifteenth and Tenth’ was expected to yield £29,500
-By 1485, it was out of date, since rates set 150 years ago didn’t take into account socioeconomic/population changes
-Fixed rates meant that payments hadn’t risen with inflation, so amounts didn’t cover expenditure
-Parliament couldn’t grant multiple, but not enough income still generated
-Unfair as communities paid, rather than wealthy individuals
-Unfair as urban areas with depopulation paid more then rural richer areas due to cloth trade
How did Henry VII pave the way for change taxation wise (Involving the localities in governance) (4)
-Parliament traditionally granted tax in 1487, 11489, 1491, 1497, but they didn’t grant as much money as wanted
-Henry started asking for two tenths and two fifteenths in 1497, and got parliament to agree to a new tax (Direct assessment), assessed on each individuals wealth/ability to pay
-This new method was so successful it was repeated in 1504
-New taxes raised an additional £80,000 for the monarchy, and paved the way for more innovation under Wolsey
How did taxation change under Henry VIII (Involving the localities in governance) (5,2,2,2)
-Wolsey introduced the subsidy in 1513, based on income from possible wealth sources
-These sources included land, wages or possessions, and people paid only on the wealthiest category
-Nobility had a separate assessment, where the higher rank = higher payment
-Local officials, typically JP’s were appointed to assess each persons wealth
-This was needed as Henry VIII wanted an expensive war with france (1509-20 = 1mill spent, 275,000 earnt on tax)
-This system reduced resentment, and ensured the wealthier in society contributed more
-These taxes were repeated in 1514, 1515, 1523 and were used for the tudors
-However, as demands on the economy grew, and gains from war became less, parliament grew reluctant, refusing to give the full amount in 1523
-In 1525, Wolsey introduced the ‘Amicable grant’, a non parliament tax was raised, leading to 10,000 resisting in East Anglia
-Cromwell asked for a subsidy in 1534, simply for peacetime, due to the successes of Henry VIII’s 25 year rule, and this was unprecedented in tudors
-Despite fears of further innovations to tax, this subsidy was granted, as well as further in 1540, 1543, 1553, 1555
How did taxation change under Elizabeth (Involving the localities in governance) (10,1)
-By Elizabeth, parliament was regularly granting subsidies in peacetime, but the large amounts initially granted had almost halved
-Although the 1513 subsidy was influential, its effectiveness was not sustained
-More problems emerged, caused by Elizabeths caution and desire for political stability
-The assessment of the subsidy was allowed to stagnate, and rates were fixed (no longer inflation linked)
-The result was the governments income from subsidies fell in real terms
-The system also became increasingly corrupt, taxpayers no longer taking an oath with their assessment
-Most taxpayers claimed they had less then they did, and some wealthy people, like Cecil, were allowed to evade some tax
-Local record keeping added to the problems, as tax-records weren’t updated for new payers
-Elizabeth didn’t respond to these problems, rather asking for multiple subsidies and fifteenths and tenths
-This corruption/stagnation contributed to the 1590s tensions, especially as Elizabeth exploited royal prerogatives to raise finances
-However, Elizabeth didn’t face a tax rebellion, suggesting Tudor England was better managed (JP’s)
What were the causes and consequences of growing tudor poverty (Involving the localities in governance) (5,4)
-Increasing population (1500 = 2m, 1600 = 4m)
-More demand for food and increasing grain scarcity drove prices
-Rising prices and falling wages
-Bad weather led to poor harvest and death on many occasions (1519-21, 1549-51, 1554-56)
-Dissolution of monasteries exacerbated poverty by reducing alms/employment
-Unemployment and poverty rose
-Authorities faced challenged, as hardship led to unrest
-Vagrancy and begging occurred, and since it was assumed jobs were available, but people were lazy, this led to punishments to control the problem
-Tudor monarchs worked closely with local authorities, passing more legislation to find solutions
What impact did poverty legislation have up to 1547 (Involving the localities in governance) (1,2,2,3)
-In 1495, Henry VII’s law put the beggars/idle poor in stocks for 3 days and whipped them, as parliament was scared of beggars on their land, but this didn’t fix the problems
-The 1531 poor law ordered vagrants to be whipped and gave the impotent poor licenses
-This did recognise disability/illness as a reason not to work, and increased JP’s powers
-The 1536 Cromwells radical act ordered local officials to find work for beggars
-This was so radical it wasn’t renewed, but paved the way for future legislation
-The 1547 Vagrancy act defined vagrants as able-bodied people w/o a master/employment for 3 days, the first offence leading to the vagrant having a ‘V’ branded on their chest and becoming a slave for 2 years
-This was the most significant law of the period, reflecting socioeconomic tension
-This was so harsh the local authorities couldn’t enforce it, repealing it in 1550 and replacing it with the 1552 poor law
What impact did socioeconomic legislation have from 1548-1555 (Involving the localities in governance) (1,2,2,2,2)
-From 1548, mass population growth and poor harvest led to more economic legislation
-In 1548-49, laws were passed against price/wage fixing
-This reduced some poverty
-The 1552 Poor law required the impotent poor to be registered for the first time, and parish priests/bishops put pressure on the wealthy to make voluntary contributions
-This provided protection for local people
-1547/1555 acts regulated cloth making in East Anglia/Worcester
-These attempted to regulate wages/prices and employment, to reduce poverty
-A 1552 act forbade the export of corn when prices were above a certain level
-This reduced some poverty
Why was the statute of artificers made (Involving the localities in governance) (10)
-Poor weather
-Bad harvests (1554-56)
-Influenza epidemic (1555-59)
-Population decline
-Lack of food led to higher prices
-Poor peasants and urban poor the worst affected, plunged into poverty/vagrancy
-Wages rose and skilled survivors demanded higher wages
-Employers saw reduced profits and had to increase prices
-Increased pressure on central/local government
-Fears over social disorder
What was the statute of artificers (Involving the localities in governance) (3,6)
-The 1563 statute was the first attempt by the central government to produce legislation addressing all different problems affecting tudor society
-A holistic approach (everything) rather than single issues (wages, prices, etc)
-Placed more authority/responsibility on JP’s who were expected to enforce it
-All wages were to be assessed and set annually by JP’s
-Apprenticeships were set at 7 years, compulsory for any skilled work
-All unmarried people <30yrs were compelled to work/accept any jobs offered
-At harvest times, JP’s could force anyone to work and help bring in crops
-Everyone between ages 12-60 were required to work on the land, unless they were gentry, an heir to lands worth £10 a year, skilled craft or mining
-Hours of work fixed (sunrise to sunset), penalty for absence = 1 dunce per hour
What are the strengths/weaknesses of the statute of artificers (Involving the localities in governance) (4,6)
+Lasted for the rest of the tudor period
+Represented a growing partnership between the centre/localities, and enhanced JP’s
+Enhanced the importance of skilled craftsmen and apprenticeships
+Emphasised the need of everyone to have a master and the importance of food production
-Backwards looking in its aims, taking into account 100yr old issues
-Didn’t solve all socioeconomic problems, and further acts were needed
-The determination of JP’s to hold down wages meant wages remained despite problems
-Wages in Kent remained the same from 1563-88, and only the hardships in the 1590s force wages to rise
-Unsuccessful at preventing vagrancy, due to the untrue assumption that work was always available
-Doesn’t account for migration, especially during harvest period
What further poverty legislation was passed in the 60s/70s, and what impacts did it have (Involving the localities in governance) (5,4)
-1563 Act for the relief of the poor moved to making parish poor relief contributions almost compulsory
-Special collectors of alms appointed to collect contributions to the local fund
-Refusal to contribute could lead to prison, but contributors could choose how big/small the contributions were
-There was an increased expectation that local parishes would provide for their poor
-This thinking had been influenced by the development of voluntary local initiatives (Norwich and York in 1549 and 1550)
-1572 Poor law kept unlicensed beggars punishments severe, such as boring a hole though their right ear
-It became harder to get a begging license, having to be signed by 2 JP’s
-Encouraged parishes with extra funds to build ‘houses for correction’ for beggars/vagrants
-Attitudes towards able-bodied poor began to change, as the government recognised for the first time there wasn’t always enough work available
What was the 1598 act for the relief of the poor + significance (Involving the localities in governance) (7,4)
-The act extended previous legislation and enhanced the local administration of poor relief
-It introduced the Overseer, to assess, collect and distribute poor relief in each parish
-The unpaid Overseer was to be supervised by JP’s, who were given additional powers to raise contributions to poor relief and punish those who didn’t
-This act was combined with other laws, strengthening the government response to poverty
-The 1598 Vagabonds act ordered the most dangerous vagrants to be banished
-The act for the relief of soldiers/mariners provided pensions for former wounded soldiers
-Other acts provided for the building of hospitals for the ill and houses of correction for the poor
-This act was not an innovation, but the result of panic felt as a response to the 1590s socioeconomic crisis
-This was the first act to make poor relief contributions fully compulsory, and brought all local provisions in line nationally
-This was built on 50 years of experimentation with methods of dealing with poverty/vagrancy
-Lasted until 1834, and there was now a national system of relief for the poor
What were Lord Lieutenants like under Henry VII, VIII, Edward (Involving the localities in governance) (4,4,1)
-Lord Lieutenants emerged during Henry VII, as a result of war
-It was a military post responsible for mustering/training troops, created due to the increasing threat of invasion by foreign powers
-This post allowed the crown to exert greater control of local government
-Lord Lieutenants added another layer of government, but answered directly to the monarch
-Henry VIII first appointed Lord Lieutenants in 1512-13, due to war with France/Scotland
-The richest and most powerful landowners, typically nobility, were commissioned to organise local defences, especially on Scotland’s border/the southern coast
-The first lieutenancies were temporary, designed to deal with specific matters
-The POG required the appointment of Lord Lieutenants in 1536
-Edward VI had to appoint Lord Lieutenants in 1549 to deal with Ketts/Western rising
How did Lord Lieutenants develop under Mary/Elizabeth (Involving the localities in governance) (2,8)
-Mary attempted to make the post permanent, dividing the kingdom into 10 lieutenancies
-However, her plans didn’t survive her death and the commission lapsed when England and France made peace in 1559
-Under Elizabeth, the position became permanent, Lord Lieutenants appointed in each county in response to the 1585 war with spain (1585-1604)
-Lord Lieutenants initially had to organise, train, arm and discipline their armies
-The system was effective, as it harnessed the traditional military nobility power
-Lord Lieutenants were still raising troops for a national army, not for Nobles private armies
-It was very common for council members to be Lord Lieutenants, enhancing centre/localities control
-Lord Lieutenants were able to gather information about local conditions, allowing for smooth running of the country
-It was still possible for local communities to refuse to cooperate (Suffolk in the 1590s)
-However, the system wasn’t innovative, still relying on nobility
What were some key facts about the increase in MP’s/boroughs/borough size (Involving the localities in governance) (3,3,3)
-1535 law in wales act created new MP’s
-Under Edward, 34 new MP’s were made
-Under Mary, 25 new MP’s created
-Under Edward, 20 new boroughs were created
-Under Mary, 21 new boroughs created
-Under Elizabeth, 62 new boroughs created
-Largest borough was London, 200,000 inhabitants
-Middling boroughs = York, Norwich, Bristol = 15,000 each
-Smaller boroughs = Exeter, Coventry, Newcastle = 10,000 each
Why did Monarchs encourage new brooughs, and what were the benefits of gentry acting as MP’s (Involving the localities in governance) (4,5)
-Tudor monarchs encouraged the creation of boroughs, keeping nobility/gentry happy whilst manipulating them
-However, increasing MO’s meant there needed to be increased methods to control debates
-During Henry VIII, it’d cost boroughs £140 to fund their MP’s (mp’s not paid, so needed to be rich)
-With more frequent meeting, this cost rose
-The law suggested MP’s should live in their represented region, but this was often ignored, as ignoring it benefitted all
-Boroughs could ensure their areas representation, without having to pay
-Nobles could place clients in positions of influence, without having to pay
-Ambitious gentry were keen to find opportunities to extend their power (being at court = patronage access, and the crown was willing to encourage this)
-The tudor monarchs could use this to encourage MP’s to do what they wanted
How did borough representation grow under Henry VIII, and how did it affect his power (Involving the localities in governance) (2,3,4,2)
-The Duke of Norfolk, Henry VIII’s most powerful noble, was able to ensure his clients election in Castle Rising
-This helped Henry control parliament, through the selection of loyal MP’s
-New MP’s were created following Henry’ changes in wales
-This helped increase opportunity for control, keeping nobility/gentry happy
-However, the increase was costly and difficult to control
-Most MP’s were not townsmen (townsmen were people who represented the boroughs they lived in)
-This benefitted boroughs, as they wouldn’t have to bear the cost of sending MP’s
-Gentry were increasingly wanting to become MP’s due to the opportunities in London
-Monarchs encouraged this, ensuring their loyalty to the crown
-Many new boroughs created were increasingly controlled by the monarch (Duchies of Cornwall)
-By placing their own candidates, they could control parliament, manage debates and extend control
How did borough representation grow and affect the monarch under Edward VI/Mary (Involving the localities in governance) (2,4)
-Edward created 34 new MP’s representing boroughs, due to increased pressure
-However, MP’s were becoming more difficult to control, as there was an increase in merchants/lawyers, who didn’t owe their seat to patronage, and thus could act independently
-Nobility controlling elections benefitted them, placing their clients in power
-This benefitted gentry, who could access the increasing opportunities in London, as the tudor court became an available source of patronage
-The arrangement benefitted the boroughs, who would have their issues looked after without having to pay (Sir Edmund Rowse represented Dunwich in 1559, and paid his own expenses)
-This arrangement benefitted Mary, who created 25 new MP’s, as she could control/manipulate MP’s in debates
How did borough representation grow and affect Elizabeth (Involving the localities in governance) (7)
-In 1584, Dudley was able to ensure the election of his candidates in Poole
-This ensured loyalty to the crown
-One of Elizabeths most trusted courtiers, Sir Christopher Hatton, was elected as Higham Ferrers MP in 1571, to ensure parliamentary support
-However, as parliament got more powerful, the crown would influence borough elections in less subtle ways, as the commons were becoming increasingly confident
-The pricy council started pressuring boroughs (Gatton) to elect MP’s acceptable to the queen, and they managed the commons
-Elizabeth created 62 new MP’s, some in rotten boroughs (Andover)
-This is because of the growing competition for places in parliament amongst gentry, so more boroughs were created so the monarch could place her candidates